May 23, 2021
from Suzanne Nawrocki, D.Min

Preaching for Pentecost Sunday, Dr. Suzanne Nawrocki offers a reflection on the free gift of the Spirit for all:

"Maybe John wants to clarify that the Holy Spirit, the love between the Father and the Son is for everyone. That it is for you and for me. But, then it would follow that the command, I send you is also for everyone. I send you to be missionary disciples, yes, but I am also going to equip you. I give you the bond of love that I have for my Father and my Father has for me. A love that Jesus wants us to share with the world."

Dr. Suzanne Nawrocki holds a Doctorate in Ministry from Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis where she has previously been an adjunct professor. She is an executive member of the Catholic Association of Homiletics, known as C.A.T.H.; the wider ecumenical group, the Academy of Homiletics; and the international guild Societas homileticus. Dr. Nawrocki assisted in the Practices Peer Forum to update accreditation standards for the Association of Theological Schools, helped the USCCB train clergy on preaching Laudato Si, consulted and lectured for the University of Notre Dame Martin Preaching initiative, and assists the Diocese of Austin Deacon formation in preaching. 
May 30, 2021
from JoAnn Melina Lopez

Preaching for Trinity Sunday, JoAnn Melina Lopez offers a reflection on our call to share God's love with the world: 

"This isn’t a trite, saccharine kind of love. It’s not the kind of love that helps us fall asleep at night, warm and cozy in our beds. It’s a fierce, fiery, energizing, transforming love, that calls us to awaken every morning and go about our days as enfleshers of freedom, and disruptors of every system that obscures God’s love."

JoAnn Melina Lopez currently serves as Campus Minister for Liturgy at Seattle University. She completed her undergraduate degree at Saint Joseph’s University, before going on to serve as a Jesuit Volunteer in Houston, working with asylum seekers and refugees. She received her Masters of Divinity (M.Div.) from the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry, and joined Seattle U’s Campus Ministry team six years ago. JoAnn grew up in India and Singapore, where she learned the importance of hospitality, inclusion, sharing meals, and how to live in an multifaith and multicultural world.
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