Winter 2024 Newsletter

A note from the bishop's desk

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” - James 1:17


I love Christmas gifts! Don’t you? As you read this, pause for a moment to think about the coming weeks.


  • What one gift are you most hoping to receive this Christmas?
  • Do you have any gifts under the tree yet?
  • Is there a gift that you are particularly excited to see someone open?


This excitement about Christmas giving reflects our Father’s heart. Our Abba, the good giver of the most perfect gifts. Don’t you think that He, too, smiles to see his children enjoying his generous gifts?


This past month, Bob and I were granted time away to attend a ministry renewal program in Michigan. About half-way through our time away, we looked at each other and agreed, “This has been one of the greatest gifts we have ever been given!” We are so grateful to be serving in a denomination who cares not only about our “ministry” but also about our hearts and wholeness. We are thankful to walk together in community so that we can help one another take needed times of rest and renewal – from Sabbath days to vacation time to sabbatical periods. Thank you for being a family who reflects our Father’s heart of generosity, compassion, and creativity!


We also acknowledge that the very best gift we celebrate this Christmas is the celebration of Emmanuel, God with us. The one who gave up his throne to come and walk among us, who modeled the perfect life of love, who sacrificed his life in the most painful way, and who was victoriously raised to life again so that we may truly have life – life abundant and eternal. We celebrate knowing that God is still very much with us through His Spirit dwelling in us. Present in our joys and our trials. Present to comfort and to sustain. Present to remind us of truth and to guide and empower us in his righteous ways. What inexpressibly great gifts!


As we look for one more special gift to give this Christmas, let us do so with the same love and joyful generosity with which our Father continues to bless us.

With gratitude,

Bishop Heather

Conference Team Gratitude

"I’m grateful for the incredible prayer support and encouragement I receive from our McBIC church family. In October we walked through the difficult death of a 47-year old father of 4 who was well-known and loved in our church and community. Ministering to Andy’s family and leading his memorial service was the most taxing 7-10 days I can recall in my 30+ years of ministry. People’s love, acts of care and prayer for me during this difficult time of ministering to Andy’s family, our church family and the community was so life-giving." 

Layne Lebo

"In August 2024, I had the opportunity to travel to Thailand and interact with BIC pastors from Thailand, Nepal, India, South Korea, and Japan. We worshiped, ate, and studied together. It was a blessing to hear how God was working around the world and to participate in this small expression of God’s kingdom. I was humbled at the cost that many of our brothers and sisters regularly pay to be followers of Jesus and leaders of his church. May their faithful example continue to inspire a more vibrant following of Jesus from me"

Rob Douglass

"In 2010 I invested a week in silent retreat for an extended time of listening to God with specific questions on my heart. One question was how did He want me to serve His kingdom from age 70-90. The response I received...”Give yourself to encouraging and supporting the next generation of pastors.” Since then I’ve been quite involved in kingdom ministry but have neglected that specific call. So I began to pray in this regard and soon was able to connect with a young man preparing for ministry and we are now meeting regularly for conversations and prayer. “To obey is better than sacrifice.” (I Samuel 15:22)"

Jim Spurrier

"I am so blessed by the children and youth in our weekly music class. Each month they excitedly facilitate the music in worship for our Sunday service. We have 9 current students and they do singing, keyboard, drums, and bass. One of our students picked up violin at school and has learned several of our favorite songs including: How Great Thou Art, Waymaker, Goodness of God and Living Hope. It brings tears to my eyes (and many of the people in the congregation) as we exalt and glorify the Lord with our children and their hearts for worship and growing musical abilities."

Mike Holland

'"This year, God has given me the gift of 'enough.' As he has walked with me through difficult family situations that always seem to crop up or hit crisis level during the busiest times at work, he has allowed me to be present for that which was necessary and enabled me to step away from that which was not. He has allowed my best to be enough for those around me and allowed me to feel his grace and peace throughout. I am grateful that he is enough to sustain me!"

Kathy Bennett

We want to hear from you, too!

In whatever area you are serving, whether as a pastor, a ministry team leader, Sunday School teacher, board member, prayer warrior, or in some other capacity - we know you have been blessed with God-gifts this year, too. In 100 words or less, please reply to this newsletter email and share with us your most significant ministry God-gift of 2024. And we have a gift for the first 3 stories received!

Upcoming Events

We have quite a few exciting events and new opportunities coming this spring. If you are a lead pastor, please remember that all of the following are part of your work agreement: Annual Meeting, Ministry Development Days, and Pastor Clusters. These are important connections for us to continue developing a better sense of community and collaboration as we continue to develop ministry gifts.

Join us for the 2025 Week of Prayer and Fasting! From January 5-12, daily devotionals will examine missional people throughout the Bible and identify key characteristics that we too can embrace. Digital and printable devotionals are now available in English and Spanish. We hope you will join us!



This year, we will be trying something new during the week of prayer and fasting in our conference! On Tuesday, January 7, we will be hosting an in-person gathering for prayer. If there are specific ways that we can be praying for your congregation, please send those by the end of December to the Susquehanna Office ( or you can respond to this email and share requests with us now. The corporate time of prayer will be held at the Grantham Church from 11:00 - 12:00. We will also offer a Zoom prayer time that same afternoon from 2:00 - 3:00 p.m. for those of you who are not close enough to be with us in person. Please join us for the virtual prayer time by clicking HERE.

How do we navigate personal and ministry loss, challenges, and disappointments most effectively? Can we increase resilience? Our next Ministry Development Day will be held on Thursday, February 20th from 9:00 - 2:00 at the Bongiorno Conference Center in Carlisle. To continue exploring some of the conversations prompted by the book Replenish, we will spend this MDD talking about spiritual practices that grow greater resilience in us as leaders. More information and registration links will be sent early in the new year.

The 2025 Susquehanna Conference Annual Meeting will be held at the end of March since many of you have Easter events starting the second week in April.

This year, we will be hosting the Friday evening prayer and worship service at Marsh Creek BIC in Howard, PA. The business meeting will be the following day at Cedar Heights BIC Church in Mill Hall, PA about 30 minutes from Marsh Creek.

Registration, breakfast, and display tables will open at 8:15 a.m. with the meeting beginning at 9:00 a.m. We will plan to end our time together around 3:00 p.m.

If you will be staying overnight and need assistance with accommodations, please feel free to reach out to the Susquehanna Conference Office. We ask that you register all pastors, staff, and delegates by Friday, March 7, so that we can have agendas to all delegates a week ahead of the annual meeting.

Registration links will follow in our next newsletter.

Other Upcoming Events


Northern Pastors' Cluster

Thursday, January 16th at 8:30 am

Location: Country Pride, Milesburg

York Pastors' Cluster

Wednesday, January 15 @ 9:00 am

Location: Hanover Believers in Christ

La Teologia de la Iglesia

Jan. 7,8,14,15,21, and 22

from 7:00 - 9:30 pm ET

Location: Zoom

You can register here.


Theological Study Forum: "Ministering in an Ever-Changing World - Where We've Been, Where We Are, and Where We Need to Be"

February 13, 10 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Location: Zoom

To register, contact Bob Verno,

Ministry Development Day: "Resiliency"

Thurs., Feb. 20, 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Bongiorno Retreat Center, Carlisle, PA

Registration opening in January

História y Valores de los HEC

Feb. 20, 6:30-9:30 p.m. and

Feb 21-22, 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Location: La Roca HEC, Roanoke, VA

You can register here.

Carlisle Pastors' Cluster

Wednesday, February 26th at 8:30 am

Location: Panera, Carlisle


Susquehanna Conf. BOD Meeting

Wednesday, March 12th at 9:00 a.m.

Location: TBD

York Pastors' Cluster

Wednesday, March 12th @ 9:00 am

Location: Messiah Village

Susquehanna Conf. Annual Meeting

Evening of Prayer and Worship

Friday, Mar. 28th at 7:00 p.m.

Location: Marsh Creek BIC

Business Meeting, Mar 29th at 9:00 a.m. Location: Cedar Heights BIC


Northern Pastors' Cluster

Thursday, April 17th at 8:30 am

Location: Country Pride, Milesburg

El liderazgo y la estructura de la Iglesia de los HEC

Apr. 3-4, 7:00-9:30 p.m., Apr. 5, 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.

Location: Cristo Vive, Hialeah, FL

You can register here.


Carlisle Pastors' Cluster

Wednesday, May 28th at 8:00 am

Location: Panera, Carlisle


Susquehanna Conf. BOD Meeting

Wednesday, June 11 at 9:00 a.m.

Location: TBD

Theology of Salvation Core Course

June 2-4 from 8:30 am- 4:00 pm

Location: Manor Church, Lancaster, PA

You can register here.

Leadership and Structure within the Brethren in Christ Church

June 16-18 from 8:30 am- 4:00 pm

Location: Roxbury Camp, Orrstown, PA

You can register here.


Theology of the Church

July 21-25 from 7:00 - 9:30 pm

Location: Zoom

You can register here.


Brethren in Christ History and Values

August 11-13 from 8:30 am- 4:00 pm

Location: Mechanicsburg BIC Church

You can register here.


Impact Seminar "Reading with Jesus"

Wednesday, Oct. 29, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Location: The Meeting House, Carlisle

Susquehanna Conference of the Brethren in Christ US

431 Grantham Road

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

Phone 717-461-2230


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