Sustainability E-News
Adaptive Reuse = Low Carbon
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From The Editor
By the time you read this, Thanksgiving will be over. I love this time of year, with its intentional pause to reflect on all that we should be thankful for. I am thankful for many things, including the opportunity to share sustainability and resilience news with you each month. I'm also very grateful for the SPONSORS that make this newsletter possible. Would you consider joining their ranks in 2025? If you'd like to know more about becoming a sponsor, please contact the TMS office or visit the TMS website.
Christine "Tina" Subasic, PE, LEED AP
NOTE: Inclusion in this newsletter is not an endorsement of the products and materials featured, nor have these products been evaluated by TMS or the editor. Furthermore, the views expressed in the articles featured are those of the article authors.
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