July & August 2023

Sustainable Landscaping Strategies

Check out the following strategies for a more sustainable yard! These landscaping tips are great ways to get outdoors, spend time in the community, and take advantage of City rebate programs all while creating a yard that reduces environmental impact. Having a sustainable yard and garden can be a great learning opportunity and help promote environmental stewardship in your family and community. There are many opportunities for us to become more sustainable and hopefully, these tips inspire us all to try something new on our journey of sustainability!

  • Wise Watering Choices: Consider using a hose or drip irrigation system instead of a sprinkler system to have more control where water is going and less loss due to evaporation. Upgrade to drip irrigation or high efficiency sprinkler nozzles and smart irrigation controllers using the City of Ventura Water rebate programs.

These strategies lay the groundwork for a greener, more sustainable yard. Join us as we cultivate change, one environmentally-conscious decision at a time!

Featured Video:

The Cornucopia Community Gardens

Video thumbnail shows 2 people behind restaurant bar counter, smiling mid-wave.
Learn more about the City's community gardens

Environmental Program Updates

Green Business

New Green Business Consultant Kori Nielsen!

Kori passionately supports businesses, educational institutions, and nonprofits along the Central Coast in order to accomplish the common goal of sustainability education and achievement. She has worked for the Central Coast Green Building Council, Sustainable Future, and Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, where she earned her degree in Environmental Management. She is now actively leading the Santa Barbara County and Ventura City Green Business Programs. Kori is a recipient of a 2022 AASHE Sustainability award, and a diverse assortment of accreditations; most notably: TRUE Advisor, LEED GA, and EcoDistricts AP.


Please contact Kori for all your Green Business needs: [email protected],

(805) 729-3472

Environmental Sustainability Division

New Environmental Services Specialist Logan Babcock!

Logan Babcock joined the Environmental Sustainability Team this July, and is excited to contribute to Ventura's sustainability efforts. Long term Central Coast resident, completing undergrad at Cal Poly and a recent Masters at UCSB, Logan is familiar with the unique challenges and opportunities that these communities face in reaching sustainability goals. Within the Environmental Sustainability division, Logan works on energy related programs, like bringing more EV chargers and solar projects to Ventura, and other City programs, like Green Schools, Compost, and building sustainability. Logan has a history of running successful water and energy conservation programs, sustainability education campaigns, and completed her Masters thesis on building electrification. Logan loves building community around sustainability; on weekends you can find her organizing local clothing swaps, exploring farmers markets with friends, and working on zero-waste crafts!

Residential Food Waste Recycling Program

Composting Fights Climate Change

The Residential Food Waste Recycling Program is available to all single-family residences in Ventura. Multi-family properties must first set up service with EJ Harrison via the property manager before participating. This program allows Ventura residents to comply with SB 1383 and reduce methane emissions caused by food in landfills.

To request food pails or for any additional questions, please contact the City's Division of Environmental Sustainability:

[email protected]

Tips to Reduce Food Waste

Worried about food waste at home, but aren't sure where to start? Here are some simple tips to get started!

Plan Meals: Take a few minutes to plan your meals for the week, considering what you already have in your pantry and fridge. By doing so, you'll avoid buying unnecessary items and reduce the risk of them going to waste.

Shop Smart: Make a shopping list before heading to the grocery store and stick to it. Avoid impulse buying and only purchase what you know you'll consume. This helps minimize food waste and saves money too!

Proper Storage: Learn the best ways to store different types of food. This ensures they stay fresh for longer periods.

Composting: If you have food scraps, consider starting a compost pile, or simply place scraps in a closed bag and place in the yard waste bin for collection. This organic waste can be turned into nutrient-rich soil!

Upcoming Events

Ventura Land Trust's Wild & Scenic Film Festival


Surfrider Beach Cleanup


Household Hazardous Waste Event


Here's What We've Been Reading...

Here's why people are ditching their grass lawns for clover

How California's Gas-Powered Lawn Equipment Ban Affects Landscaping Businesses?

Exclusive Offers for City of Ventura Residents

What information are you most interested in hearing about from Sustainable Ventura?
Residential food waste recycling program
Recycling tips
City events
Environmental news
Coupons & offers
Other sustainability tips
View employment opportunities with the City of Ventura here.
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