Spring 2015
Little girl in Kyankwanzi, Uganda

"But whoever has the world's goods, and sees his brother in need and closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in him?  Little children let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth" - 1 John 3:17-18

Thank you so much for your support and prayers that God has used to allow us to work together and impact numerous communities throughout the world with actions and not just words.  The stories of God's faithfulness are overwhelming.  Please keep on reading to get just a small taste of all that happened over the past several months as well as what will happen in the near future.
Emmanuel Ndolimana Welcome the newest member of the team!
It is our extreme honor and privilege to have Pastor Emmanuel Ndolimana join the Sustainable Med family as the Africa Director.  Emmanuel will be serving to assist our many partners throughout Africa to implement the ideas and vision they have crafted after the Sustainable Med conferences.  He will be a consistent support to the indigenous leaders as well as help coordinate the resources needed to complete this work.  

Emmanuel brings with him nearly two decades of leadership experience in the church and business communities as well as fluency in 7 languages and medical training.  He has an incredible ability to connect and network, yet his most impressive attributes are his dedication to Jesus Christ, Africa, his family and his wife.

Emmanuel has an incredible story of how God worked in his life, which was recently featured in the magazine from Wheaton College, where he graduated this May with his Masters in Systematic Theology.   Pastor Emmanuel's story
Sustainable Med Conferences
Ukraine conference
Ukraine (April 2015)

Over 50 students from 14 countries (including Ukraine, India, Iraq, Lebanon, and Israel in addition to the African nations) attended the two day conference at New Hope Church in Kharkiv 

Nepal conference
Nepal in Cincinnati 
(April 2015)
Three Christian leaders and one doctor were selected to attend the Ohio conference.
A 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Nepal during the middle of the conference, and material was quickly adapted to meet critical needs such as addressing Cholera. (See below for aid for Nepal)
Rwanda children
Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda
(July & August 2015)
We are excited about our first conference in Rwanda as well as the advanced conferences for past participants in both Kenya and Uganda
Special Thanks
Several people and organizations were instrumental in the preparation and execution of the two completed conferences:
  • Ukraine - Lincoln Chirochierwa, Bassey Ekott, Tari Chipfupa, Paul Sudhakar, Selin Mariadhas, Pastor Vitaliy Sorokun, Kathy Eten and New Hope Church
  • Nepal in Cincinnati - Pastor Gary Angstadt, John Kloster, Kathy Eten, Dr. Kurt Schibler, Dr. Jonathan Snyder and Hope Evangelical Free Church
Grant Recipient Updates
God has been working through our partners throughout the world in amazing ways.  Here is a brief snapshot of the work they have completed so far.
Rwanda water project
New water pipeline
The villages of Nombe, Gahama, and Terimbere with over 3,000 people now have access to clean drinking water.  The men, women and children of the villages all came together to dig the trenches and lay the pipes for THEIR water.  Instruction on prevention and treatment of NTDs will begin in June.
Jiggers on a young boy's feet
The primary project in Tawa is awaiting the return of Dr. Mwatha who had been sent to Liberia to help rebuild their Ebola ravaged medical system.  However, that has not stopped local pastors and health officers equipped with the knowledge from the conference and resources in their community from carrying out the work on serious issues like Jiggers (seen above).  Great work Pastor Chiteri, Pastor Ambokah and Daniel Kiige!
Maracha, Uganda
Training in Maracha
Uganda (3 sites)
Kyankwanzi: Dr. David and Prim have seen great treatment success, and are very excited that education on disease prevention is now part of each mass service at the local Catholic churches.
Maracha: Local leaders are replicating the Sustainable Med training with printouts and chalk boards.  High excitement with the training has carried over into disease treatment.
Mpigi: Thanks to experience and God's empowerment, Dr. Wasswa has overseen the training of 50 community leaders, dewormed over 300 people, and distributed numerous Bibles.
Gospel Impact
Every community has witnessed God working in powerful ways through their partnership with Sustainable Med.  Some, like Pastor Chiteri, have seen their church grow in both their outreach and excitement of current church members.  Others have been able to witness directly to their Muslim community members.  Yet, there is one consistent theme that has echoed across the past few months.  This ministry has allowed them to transform the Gospel in their "community from words to action.  People are able to see the love and power of Christ." - Milly Erema (Maracha, Uganda)
Church Partner Spotlight
Hope church logo
Hope Evangelical Free Church
Hope Church has given generously towards outreach since its formation, and Hope has graciously included Sustainable Med in both their financial support as well as their prayers and fellowship.  This has been an exceptional partnership under the direction of Pastor Stephen Kirk and Pastor Gary Angstadt.  Hope Church also served as the host site for our conference with the Nepalese leaders.
Urbancrest Baptist Church
Urbancrest has served as host for the Global Impact Celebration for numerous years, and Sustainable Med was invited to attend two years ago.  Since then, the connection has grown and deepened.  Members of Urbancrest make up over half of our 50 member prayer team, and you can see the results of their faithful prayer in the newsletter.  Thank you Pastor Tom Pendergrass and Pastor Andrew Trezona for your leadership in this effort.
Additional new members of the Sustainable Med team
Jonathan Snyder
Dr. Jonathan Snyder - Board Member
The Sustainable Med Board has never been stronger due to the addition of Dr. Snyder.  As a Colorectal surgeon, his expertise in the digestive system is essential to our work with parasites that attack these parts of the body.  Yet, his most valuable asset is his and his family's heart for the lost and forgotten.
John Kloster
John Kloster - Technical Director
What a joy it is to have John Kloster join our team.  John is dedicating the time of a staff member, but he is completely volunteering his services.  John's engineering background and experiences brings much needed expertise in developing water, power, and other systems essential for sustainable solutions.
Nepalese girl
Nepalese girl with Elim Church and Matthew 25 Ministries donations
Rebuilding in NepalNepal
Death, destruction and rubble litter the landscape in Nepal.  It will take many years to rebuild what the earthquakes destroyed.  But, there is hope.   Christian churches and organizations are spreading the love of Christ in word and deed to those who have lost so much.  While Sustainable Med is not a disaster agency, God allowed us to give $1,300 to Elim Church and Pastor Sonam to help with some immediate needs.  Matthew 25 Ministries also graciously partnered to provide some much needed clothing.

Key and trusted partners with long-term connections in Nepal
"Let us not love with word or with tongue, but in deed and truth"
We have been blessed with hundreds of supporters and donors who have joined with you to make this work possible.  Thanks to a generous start up grant, 100% of any money we receive goes towards programs and conferences.  But, we could not get this far without you, and we cannot continue this ministry without your help.

Raised as of June 1, 2015 - $95,523 (2015 Budget - $243,000)
What else can I do to get involved?
Whether you have limited abilities to give financially or if you have given and are looking for others ways to connect deeper with this ministry, God can use you in powerful ways!
  • Pray - prayer always changes things.  Join our prayer team.
  • Volunteer - social media, administrative, curriculum development, and more for as little as a couple of hours.
  • Network - Emmanuel needs an entire ecosystem of resources as he begins his role.  Key areas include: water/sanitation, power, construction, agriculture, grant writing, and medicine
  • Mentor - dozens of medical students in Ukraine as well as currently practicing medical professionals in Africa and Nepal are looking for mentors to guide them in their development.  Size of the group and time is based around your preferences.  Sign up
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