A compelling conversation with Suzanne Giesemann and Mark Ireland

Mark shares his top-ten transformational book list with host Sandie Sedgbeer

If you'd like to explore more interviews, articles, videos, links, and information, please visit Mark's site

Mark's article appears in the February 2024 issue of The Psychic News (UK)

Mark's latest book release

Interweaving profound personal experience and compelling scientific evidence, Mark Ireland presents a deep dive into psychic-medium phenomena, spirit visitations, afterlife communication, reincarnation, synchronicity, and near-death experiences, pointing to the survival of consciousness after physical death. The Persistence of the Soul is now available.

The Persistence of the Soul is an updated, expanded, re-formatted, and re-edited version of Messages from the Afterlife. Even if you've read the former book, you'll find compelling new stories and information to pique your interest.

Mark Ireland
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