Sweet, Old-Fashioned Four O'Clocks

Four O'Clocks are one of those old-fashioned plants that we tend to forget about until we see them in person, and realize how absolutely charming they are. The more you see them the more you want to grow them!

Also known as the Marvel of Peru, Four O'Clocks (Mirabilis jalapa cvs.) are so named because their flowers open each day at about 4:00 PM, unless it's cloudy, in which case they could bloom earlier. The bushy plants grow up to three feet tall and wide, and their fragrant blooms begin to appear in midsummer and continue on until first frost. Their colorful, trumpet-shaped flowers are pollinated by sphinx moths and visited by any number of butterflies and hummingbirds.

While they are technically perennials, most gardeners grow them as annuals. In warmer states, they occasionally self-sow politely.

Eight Fabulous Four O'Clocks

We've added four new Four O'Clocks to our offerings this year, bringing the choices to a whopping eight! Because they are easy and fast to grow, it is best to sow Four O'Clocks seeds directly in the garden after the last spring frost date. Find your spring frost-free date HERE.

Please note that our customer service call center is closed today for Good Friday. Place your order online or give us a call after 9:00 a.m. on Monday morning. We'd love to hear from you!

Pure White Four O'Clocks

These pure white, evening-blooming flowers are perfect for moon gardens.


Tricolor Marbles Four O'Clocks

This is a variable mix of flowers in white, pink and yellow stripes.


Limelight Four O'Clocks

This electric variety's foliage is bright lime green, topped with neon pink flowers.


Marbles White-Yellow Four O'Clocks

The white flowers have lemon yellow stripes. Like lemonade on ice!


Salmon Sunset Four O'Clocks

The stunning Four O'Clocks has masses of muted salmon-orange flowers with a central starburst of vivid pink! They're unique and wonderful.


Angel Trumpets Four O'Clocks

Mirabilis longiflora. This unique variety's flowers have a 4” to 8” long, thin tube that flares into five white petals with a magenta eye and curly, orange-tipped stamens.


The Old-Fashioned Four O'Clocks Mix

This charming, old-fashioned mixture's trumpet-shaped flowers will grace your garden with a delicious fragrance in an assortment of white, pink, red and yellow.


The Marbles Four O'Clocks Mix

This happy Four O'Clocks mix is a jumble of colors splashed and streaked with contrasting hues. They will grace your garden with a delicious fragrance, too.


The Fragrant Heirloom Flower Garden

There is nothing more alluring than the sweet scent of summer flowers in a breakfast table arrangement or outside one's bedroom window on a moonlit night. This tempting Collection includes one packet each of these fragrant, heirloom varieties (about 3,125 seeds) at about 10% off regular prices:

Four O'Clocks Mix (about 75 seeds)

Fragrant Heirloom Sweet Pea Mix (about 50 seeds)

Fragrant Pastel Sweet Pea Mix (about 50 seeds)

Marine Heliotrope (about 200 seeds)

New Carpet of Snow Alyssum (about 750 seeds)

Only the Lonely Nicotiana (about 2000 seeds)

Get all six packets for just $23.95!


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Our office hours are 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday.
Questions? You can email us or call us at (860) 567-6086. Lance Frazon, our seed specialist, is happy to help you in any way possible. He loves to talk seeds.

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Learn from our Horticultural Tips HERE.

John Scheepers Kitchen Garden Seeds

23 Tulip Drive * PO Box 638 * Bantam, CT 06750

Phone: (860) 567-6086 * Fax: (860) 567-5323

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