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Payroll Owners
How To Sell A Payroll
Service Business In 2023

  • Word Count: 97
  • Read Time: 36 Seconds

Attention All Business Owners:
Are you considering selling your payroll service or accounting firm's book-of-payroll business in 2023?

If you are, check out the tips below, as they can be of particular value to you - especially if you want to sell your payroll business in the next 90 - 120 days.

Read These Tips Before You Sell Your Payroll Business:

If you are considering selling your payroll business in 2023, click the link(s) below to read each tip.

SellMorePayroll.com has an extensive list of buyers in the following states (highlighted in RED):
  • Alabama
  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • California (Northern)
  • California (Southern)
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Idaho
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Iowa
  • Kansas
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Mississippi
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Nebraska
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New Mexico
  • New York
  • North Carolina
  • North Dakota
  • Ohio
  • Oklahoma
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • South Dakota
  • Tennessee
  • Texas (Dallas & Houston Area)
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • West Virginia
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming
What Multiple Are
Buyers Paying In 2023?

Do you want to know what multiples were paid in 2022? If you do, contact SellMorePayroll.com today to learn more.
Please Visit This Week's Sponsors
Stock Performance (2-Week Trend)
, we invested in the following stocks (2020 - 2022); our gains/losses have been: 
ROI Before The Friday, 1/13/23 Opening Bell
ROI Before The Friday, 1/6/23 Opening Bell
Our 90-Day Stock Buy/Sell History
  • Sold shares on 11/22/22 @ 7.87.
  • Sold shares on 11/8/22 @ $6.89 and $6.94.

  • Additional shares were purchased on 11/8/22 @ $25.44.
  • Additional shares were purchased on 8/22/22 @ $30.43.

  • Additional shares were purchased on 09/19/22 @ $19.18.
Payroll Sales & Marketing Tips
7 Subject Line Tips
To Get Your Next e-Mail
Campaign Opened
By Glenn Fallavollita, President - SellMorePayroll.com

  • Word Count: 199
  • Time To Read: 48 Seconds

Want more payroll prospects opening your next e-mail campaign? If you do, you will find the subject line tips of value.

7 Subject Line Tips:

  1. Use A Subject Lines That Generates Curiosity: Curiosity is basic human nature. When your subject line strikes one’s curiosity chord, it will trigger them to open your e-mail.
  2. Use A Personalized Subject Line: Personalizing your e-mail subject line helps foster familiarity with a reader, therefore, increases their sense of trust in you/your business.
  3. Announce A Free Offer In The Subject Line: Freebies; who doesn’t love them as they act as incentives to help someone take the next step in the buying process.
  4. Use A Humorous Subject Line: Humorous subject lines will stick out in a reader's inbox and trigger them to smile; therefore, open your e-mail.
  5. Use A Shocking Subject Line: A good way to grab a reader’s attention is to state something unexpected.
  6. Ask A Question: Asking a question in the subject line makes someone think, i.e., Do you hate your payroll service? or Do you need a new payroll service in 202X?
  7. Fear Of Missing Out: You can use fear in your subject lines by adding 1. an element of shortage (limited availability) or 2. Urgency (offer end date).
11 Tips To Improve Your Payroll Service's e-Mail Marketing Results
By Glenn Fallavollita, President - SellMorePayroll.com

  • Word Count: 139
  • Read Time: 34 Seconds

If you want to generate more sales leads and referrals from your e-mail marketing efforts, I have listed below a few tips to consider.

  • #1: Avoid Writing Content That Is Too Self-Serving
  • #2: Avoid Writing A Wall Of Text
  • #3: Segment Your e-Mail Marketing Lists, i.e., Clients, Prospects, And Referral Partners.
  • #4: Keep Your e-Mail List Updated And Clean 
  • #5: Write Engaging Subject Lines
  • #6: Use The Correct Name In The "From" Field
  • #7: Measure The Size Of Your Database
  • #8: Start Following-Up
  • #9: Make Data-Driven Decisions
  • #10: Proofread Your e-Mail Campaigns
  • #11: Consider Hiring A Professional Copywriter

Additional Ideas:

I recommend spending a few minutes analyzing:

  1. The size of your e-mail marketing database(s).
  2. The type of e-mail marketing campaigns you/your business has sent in the past 90 days.
  3. If you properly segmented your e-mail marketing databases on file.
Free Sales
Books For You!
, do you want to read a snippet of Glenn's sales books Supercharge Your Payroll Sales NOW! and/or Stop Whining And Start Selling? If you do, click on the link below!

Read What This Payroll Professional Said...
"Payco Just Switched From An Industry Newsletter Service To SellMorePayroll.com. And Within 72 Hours Of Their First Campaign, Our Newsletter Open Rate Went To A Staggering 61.4%; Which Was 73% Higher Than Our Previous Newsletter Service." 
Tom Bosman of Payco, Inc. & President of TPG
Financial And Stock Price News
If you want to read any of the articles below, click on the
BLUE headline and you will be directed to the full article.
  • Word Count: 164
  • Read Time: 40 Seconds
Unemployment News
Inflation, Jobless Claims
Both Fall in Latest Report
  • Word Count: 214
  • Read Time: 52 Seconds
Although the economy may be slowing, the labor market remains strong.

Efforts by the Federal Reserve to reduce inflation appear to have caught hold, as the Labor Department reported the cost of goods and services dropped 0.1 percent in December, the first drop in prices since the summer.
  • The higher cost of living is shrinking the buying power of take-home pay.

  • Real average hourly earnings fell 1.7 percent, seasonally adjusted, from December 2021 to December 2022, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today separately.

  • The Labor Department also reported that 205,000 workers filed for new unemployment benefits during the week ending Jan. 7, a decrease of 1,000 from the previous week's revised level. Weekly jobless claims are at their lowest level in four months.

  • The number of workers continuing to claim unemployment benefits—1.63 million—is below pre-pandemic levels. Layoffs overall are down and have primarily been contained in sectors impacted by higher interest rates or diminished demand, including technology, housing, and finance. 
Articles Of The Week (Clickable Links)
If you want to read any of the articles below, click on the
BLUE headline and you will be directed to the full article.
  • Word Count: 252
  • Read Time: 60 Seconds

Educational Articles To Discuss With Your Clients (Clickable Links)
Payroll-Related Fraud News (Clickable Links)

Internal Payroll & Worker’s Comp Fraud Articles (Clickable Links)

International Payroll & Payroll Fraud Articles Trending (Clickable Links)
News For Your Clients
If you want to read any of the articles below, click on the
BLUE headline and you will be directed to the full article.
  • Word Count: 72
  • Read Time: 18 Seconds
About SellMorePayroll.com
SellMorePayroll.com, a division of Drip Marketing, Inc., is a national sales and marketing consulting firm specializing in the payroll and HCM industry.

Since 2003, SellMorePayroll.com's Drip Marketing System 10.0 has helped its payroll/HCM clients turn their database of suspects into prospects, prospects into paying clients, and their database of clients and referral partners into great referral sources; it is the perfect push-pull strategy for any size business, including yours.

To learn how SellMorePayroll.com's Drip Marketing System 10.0 can help improve your sales and marketing efforts, visit their website at www.SellMorePayroll.com or call their office @ (856) 401-9577.