December 2017
California fires affecting Fellows
Photo courtesy of Pepperwood Foundation
The wildfires in northern California in October personally affected a number of our Fellows.  Among them, Fellow Lisa Micheli is the President and CEO of the Pepperwood Foundation, the organization which runs and manages the 3,200-acre Pepperwood Preserve in Santa Rosa.  The Preserve was hit hard by the Tubbs Fire in October, and much of it (including some of the buildings on the site) burned.  Thankfully, the onsite Dwight Center for Conservation Science, a 9,400-square foot green building that houses classrooms, offices, and laboratories, is intact.  To read more about the impact of the fires on Pepperwood and how it will inform Pepperwood's conservation research in the future, read Lisa Micheli's letter.

As we watch the fires in southern California continue to spread this week, with predictions of more dry, windy weather, we keep southern California Fellows and their friends and families in our hearts and minds.  Stay safe, everyone!
Photo courtesy of The Goodman Center
Training Opportunity:  Storytelling and the Power of Narrative, with Andy Goodman

As we recently shared via the Fellows' listserve, Andy Goodman and the Goodman Center are offering a series of four one-hour webinars in January on storytelling!   Switzer Fellows will be offered a 20% discount on the $500 tuition for the series, so if you're interested in taking this training, let Erin know by Monday, December 11th!  
Fellows attending AGU Annual Meeting?

If anyone is attending the American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting in New Orleans next week, please contact 2016 Fellow  Kate Voss!  Kate has agreed to organize a happy hour or other get-together for Fellow attendees.   
Fellows reading group on race and equity in environmental work

There is still time to join a newly forming Fellows reading group on race and equity in the environment.  We are finalizing plans and facilitators and hope to launch formally in January.  If you are interested in joining the group, would like to hear more about it, or have suggestions for content, please contact Lissa.  

For those interested but not able to join, here is a link to our working list of resources, readings, and audio/video content.
Several spots available in DC Policy Communications Training

We have room for three or four alumni in our March Policy Communications training with COMPASS.  This is our annual spring retreat training which will bring all of the 2017 Fellows together in DC to learn how to bring a message to policymakers!  If you have not taken this training before and would benefit from an intensive, hands-on training on how to craft your message for a policy context, please contact Erin.  This is a time commitment, since there is pre-work throughout January and February, including two webinars you must attend before coming to DC in March.  Important dates:

January 5th:  COMPASS sends materials, pre-work begins
January 26th:  Webinar - Understanding Policy Engagement and Communication
February 23rd:  Webinar - Research, Science, Advocacy & the Policy Landscape
March 10-12th:  Washington, DC - workshop and policy meetings

Interested alumni, please contact Erin no later than Friday, December 15th!  We will try to accommodate as many alumni as possible, but there may be selection criteria.
Save the Date for dinner in DC!

DC-area Fellows, we will be down there for our annual visit in March and as always, look forward to seeing many of you while we're there!  We will host a dinner for 2017 Fellows and DC-based alumni on Sunday evening, March 11th.  Location and exact timing TBA.  For now, please save the date and we'll ask for RSVPs as we get closer!  Contact Erin with questions.
New Leadership Exchange posting

Confluence Philanthropy is interested in finding a Switzer Fellow with expertise/interest in climate finance, impact investing and/or related fields with whom to work on a project.  They have posted information on the Leadership Exchange on our website.  (Please note:  Posting on the Exchange does not guarantee a proposal will be invited.)

Photo: Joe Wolf/Flickr
Switzer Fellows networking call on finding a tenure track faculty position - resources available

Last week's Fellows' networking call on Job Searching and Preparing for Tenure Track Positions offered Fellows in that track a great opportunity to offer tips and share resources with each other. Fellows discussed how to best position yourself for applying for those jobs, and how to prepare yourself once you land the job. Many thanks to Miriam Solis for leading the call, and for preparing the resources to share with Fellows who are pursuing tenure track positions. As part of her background research leading up to the call, Miriam collected information via survey from Fellows who are working in the tenure track. The responses to that survey are available for Fellows on the private side of our website - just log in, go to Network Resources, find the folder for Professional Resources, and you will see a document in that folder called Assistant Professor Survey Results.  Miriam has also generously offered to be a resource for Fellows who would benefit from some one-on-one conversation on this topic. 
Networking calls - ideas welcome

Do you have a timely topic on which you'd like to connect with other Fellows via networking call?  If so, we're open to your ideas!  Please contact Lauren to discuss.
Upcoming Events
Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Environmental Justice
Wednesday, January 24, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET
For more information

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Strategies for Community-based Research
Wednesday, January 31, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Sustainable Agriculture and Food Policy
Wednesday, February 7, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Fracking
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Water Resources
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Spring Retreat and Policy Communications Training
Saturday, March 10 - Monday, March 12, 2018
Marriott at Metro Center, Washington, DC

DC and mid-Atlantic Switzer Fellows Dinner
Sunday, March 11, 2018
Washington, DC
Save the date!  Details to be announced.

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Integrating Equity into Environmental Work
Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Networking Call:  Environmental and Public Health
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET
A vibrant community of environmental leaders