February 2018
Join Us for Switzer Network Events!
We've got a great line-up of social events coming up in February and March, and hope to see many of you!  

Wednesday, February 21st, 6 pm
Happy hour at Pastoral, 345 Congress Street, Fort Point, Boston.  Contact Erin if you'd like to join the group!  At last count, we had 17 Fellows RSVP for this, so it should be a good time.  Extra bonus:  Lissa will be in town!

Thursday, February 22nd, 6 pm
After-work drinks and conversation for the New Yorkers at the Harvard Club New York City, 44th Street (between 5th and 6th), Manhattan.  This get-together is being hosted by Fellow Ayana Johnson (thanks, Ayana!).  Please contact Erin if you're interested.  Again, this coincides with Lissa's travel, so she will be there, too!

Sunday, March 11th, 6:30 pm
Dinner with 2017 Fellows and visiting alumni taking the Policy Communications training, and with Switzer Foundation staff, and local alumni at Oyamel Cocina Mexicana , 401 7th Street NW, Washington, DC.  DC-based alumni or anyone who will be in town, RSVP here by February 28th.  Lissa and Erin will be at this one!  Come and see us!

Friday, March 23rd, 6 pm
Happy hour in the Bay Area, at Drexl , 382 19th Street, Oakland.  Fellows will meet for drinks, and people can self-organize for dinner if desired.  Again, this coincides with Lissa's travel, so she's looking forward to seeing our Bay Area contingent!  Contact Erin if you're interested.

We know there is a Fellows gathering in the works in Boulder, CO, too, and we encourage those of you in other areas to come up with a meeting date and time and get out and see your fellow Fellows!  Erin is happy to help organize if you need some moral support and motivation.
Switzer Network Webinar:  Understanding Full Costs

Date:  Wednesday, March 14, 2018, 12:30 pm ET

As a non-profit or foundation partner, do you find you are tired of the "overhead" conversation?  Do you find that after covering day-to-day operating expenses, you have other costs or investments you must consider - such as hiring essential personnel, fixing that leaky roof, or even replacing that finicky fax machine?  Well, you're not alone!  Switzer Fellow Roger Perez, Senior Associate at the Nonprofit Finance Fund, will host this free, one-hour webinar to discuss the concept and practice of Full Cost.  More information is available on our website.

Click here to register.

Switzer Fellows reading group on race, equity and environment launched

We launched our new reading group and listserve focused on Race and Equity in the Environment.  This group was formed to help Fellows learn about how to integrate considerations of equity and justice into their own work and how to expand the vision for leadership in the environmental field.  Our first topic in the series focused on Switzer Fellow Rachel Morello-Frosch and her research on how social inequality is a driver of environmental harms for all.  

Our next call in the series will be on Friday, March 2nd, and will feature Erika Zavaleta leading a discussion on leadership pathways and inclusion in the environmental field.  For more information about the call, or to register, please see our website.

Fellows interested in joining the reading group or the associated listserve, please contact Lissa.

Calling all interviewers

Fellows interested in interviewing finalists for the 2018 Fellowships, please contact Erin!  Our process in recent years has been to take names of those interested in helping us interview, and then selecting interviewers from a variety of disciplines and backgrounds to make up the interview teams.  We would also be interested in your ideas for non-Fellow colleagues whom you think would be great additions to our interview teams.

New England interviews will be held in Boston on Saturday, May 5th.
California interviews will be held in San Francisco on Saturday, May 12th.

New Leadership Exchange posting from Connecticut Fund for the Environment

Connecticut Fund for the Environment has posted their interest in finding a Switzer Fellow with whom to partner on a potential Leadership Grant concept.  The position title is Climate and Energy Program Research Fellow, and the position would be helping the organization translate climate research into policy.  This is a New Haven-based position.  Please see the Leadership Exchange for a full description of this opportunity.
Dev Vashishtha:  Leading in both medicine and environment

"Climate change will increase the global burden of infectious diseases such as malaria, Zika, and Lyme disease," says 2017 Fellow Dev Vashishtha.  "We are also seeing changes in pollen patterns and increases in asthma diagnoses.  We know that the poor and people of color will be the hardest hit.  My interest in climate change is closely tied to my interest in public health and disease prevention."

Read more
Photo: LandRoverOurPlanet/Flickr
Kartikeya Singh:  India's switch from environmental victim to renewable energy champ

In 2008, it was folly to imagine India creating new technological solutions to address the climate crisis.  For decades India had called itself a victim of climate change and thus, incapable of acting to reduce emissions; what's more, 400 million Indians had no access to electricity at all.  Ten years later, all of that has changed and now India is a leader in renewable energy deployment while the United States is retreating from its commitments on climate.  The story of how India transformed its energy technology outlook - and its relationship with the United States - to address climate change shows what may be possible in the future, writes Kartikeya Singh.

Read more
Sarah Myrhe:  When will science gets its #MeToo movement?

As the #MeToo wave continues to hit various fields - politics, entertainment, technology - we're missing one in particular:  science.  Sarah Myrhe wrote a powerful piece for Newsweek about her experiences.

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Upcoming Events
Switzer Fellows Gathering:  Boston
Wednesday, February 21, 2018 - 6:00 pm ET
Pastoral, 345 Congress Street, Fort Point, Boston, MA

Switzer Fellows Gathering:  New York
Thursday, February 22, 2018 - 6:00 pm ET
The Harvard Club of New York City, 44th Street (between 5th and 6th), Manhattan
Switzer Fellows Network Call:  Fracking
Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Reading Group on Race-Equity-Environment:  Leadership pathways and inclusion in the environmental field, with Erika Zavaleta
Friday, March 2, 2018 - 1:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Network Call:  Water Resources
Wednesday, March 7, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Spring Retreat and Policy Communications Training
Saturday, March 10 - Monday, March 12, 2018
The Marriott at Metro Center, Washington, DC

Switzer Fellows Alumni Dinner:  Washington, DC
Sunday, March 11, 2018 - 6:30 pm ET
Oyamel Cocina Mexicana, 401 7th Street NW, Washington, DC

Webinar:  Understanding Full Costs
Wednesday, March 14, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Switzer Fellows Gathering:  Oakland
Friday, March 23, 2018 - 6:00 pm PT
Drexl, 382 19th Street, Oakland, CA

Switzer Fellows Network Call:  Environmental and Public Health
Wednesday, March 28, 2018 - 12:30 pm ET

Fellows in the News
Dustin Mulvaney was quoted in the International Business Times in an article about how Obama's stimulus hurt the U.S. solar industry.

Natalya Gallo was named one of the Forbes List top leaders in their Science category for Leaders and Innovators Under 30.

Jason Delborne
was quoted in an article in The New York Times on the risks of 'gene drive' field experiments.

David Gonzalez has been elected as Co-President of the Organization for Cultural Diversity in Science (OCDS).  David is the first environmental scientist to have this position in the group's ten-year history.

A vibrant community of environmental leaders