Topic of the Month: Deals!
The Deals Tab is your deal management powerhouse!
It’s where your seller, buyer, listing, documents, and deal players come together for you to easily access.
Update activities, statuses, and contact all parties from the same page!

All deals must be entered into Sydney in order for your Goals to update.

Check out the below materials for more information on the deals page!

Entering a Deal
(sell side / co-broked)
This video covers how to enter a deal in Sydney, specifically if it is sell side/co-broked
Entering a Deal (buy side)
This video goes through how to enter a buy side deal into Sydney
Deal Management & Sold Deals
The final video is an overview of how to manage your deals in Sydney and what to do when a deal has sold
Sydney Training Materials
Find all training videos & previous Sydney webinars in the Sydney 3.0 Training Studio
Find the entire Sydney manual in the Sydney Library. Go to Corporate > Sydney Training Materials