The 2023 Virginia Synod Assembly will be held on June 9-11 in the Cregger Fieldhouse at Roanoke College. Lay Voting Members and Rostered Ministers from the Virginia Synod will gather for worship, and fellowship, and to conduct the business of the Synod, including the election of a new Bishop and new leaders for the Synod Council and committees, consider resolutions, adopting an Investment in Ministry Plan for 2023 and 2024; commissioning of a new class of Lay Preaching Academy; and celebrate the ministry of the Synod. The information below covers registration and general arrangements for the event.

ELCA Representative

Our ELCA representative this year will be Deacon Sue E. Rothmeyer, Secretary of the ELCA.

Click here to get to know Deacon Sue Rothemeyer.

General Arrangements

Everything you need to know about the Synod Assembly is available in the General Arrangements. The General Arrangements will be mailed to all Rostered Ministers and Congregations in the Virginia Synod. It includes the basic schedule, election information, assembly forms, and registration information. The General Arrangements are also available in the Assembly App and Assembly Webpage. The webpage and app will be updated regularly.

General Arrangements

Assembly App

You can download the free mobile app (ideally for tablets and smartphones). The app replaces all the need for printed paper resources and is the information source for the assembly participants. This app will be updated throughout the event as additional resources and information are available.

Download the Assembly App

Registration is Open

Registration Timeline

  • Early Bird Discount: March 6-April 20
  • Registration Closes: May 30

Standard Registration Fees

  • Lay Voting Members: $350
  • Rostered Ministers Under Call: $350
  • Retired, On Leave from Call, or Disability Leave Rostered Ministers: $175
  • Visitors: $330

All attendees for the Assembly will need to register before May 30. There is NO onsite registration.

Please use Google Chrome as your browser when registering.

Register Today

Each congregation must submit a Lay Voter Credential Form, signed by the Rostered Minister or Council President. This form is due on May 10 and closes on May 30.

Lay Voting Credential Form

If not received by May 30, the person(s) may not serve as a voting member (per the Virginia Synod Constitution)

Hotel Reservations

Synod Assembly registration does not include lodging. Below is a list of area hotels which includes information on some group blocks that are in place for the assembly. Group blocks start to expire on May 9 so make your reservations today!

List of Area Hotels



For additional information on the 2023 Synod Assembly,


For additional information on the 2023 Youth Assembly,


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