Synod of the Sun News

Synod Assembly Selects Rev. Dr. Steve Shive as Bridge Interim Synod Leader/Stated Clerk

At the Spring 2023 Assembly of Synod of the Sun, the Rev. Dr. Steve Shive was unanimously affirmed to become the Bridge Interim Synod Leader/Stated Clerk of Synod of the Sun. Steve comes to us having finished his call as Interim Presbytery Executive for Grace Presbytery and will begin his ministry with us on March 15th.


“His current relationships with the other Presbytery leaders, his previous work with the Synod of the Sun, and his background in interim ministry make Steve an incredible choice for Bridge-Interim,” said Rev. Jeff Cranton, Moderator of the Synod’s Personnel Committee. “We are blessed to have his expertise as we move into the future God has planned.”


Born and raised in Chattanooga, TN, Steve received his Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Auburn University, Masters of Divinity from Columbia Theological Seminary and D.Min from Union Presbyterian Seminary. Steve has been in Presbytery leadership as a Transitional and General Presbytery for over 12 years, including his time at Grace Presbytery and as Transitional and then General Presbyter of the Presbytery of Wyoming. Over his career, Steve has also served churches in Missouri, North Carolina, Wisconsin, and North Dakota. He has certification as an Associate Certified Coach from the International Coaching Federation.


Steve has been married to his wife, Doris, for 37 years and they reside outside Fort Collins, CO. They have two adopted Peruvian children who are both thirty-two years old. Claire is an artist who has just finished a second bachelor’s degree in Graphic Design and lives in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Jordan is a Candidate under Care of Denver Presbytery, is finishing seminary and is doing a year residency in CPE at UC-Health in Denver. 


“Steve’s work in Grace Presbytery and his connection to the other Presbytery Execs, as well as his familiarity with the journey the Synod has been on to strengthen both mission and relationships are just a few of the factors we took into consideration when looking for someone to lead us through this transition” said Kristy Rodgers, Moderator of the Synod’s Coordinating Team and 2022 Moderator. “We are grateful for the work Valerie did to get us moving in a good direction; now we are hoping Steve can help us to consider the future. What changes need to be made without throwing the baby out with the bathwater? We believe Steve can help us do the discernment work regarding where God is leading us and how best can we get there.”


As we give thanks to God for the ministry of Steve Shive in our community, we also ask for prayers for wisdom and discernment for the Search Team and for a clear vision of the Spirit’s guidance.

A Statement from Rev. Dr. Steve Shive

Synod of the Sun! You are in a transition. This space between what was and what will be is called liminal space. During this liminal year ahead, we will continue the engaging work of connecting, equipping and empowering. I have been tasked to help support and even enhance existing ministries while exploring:

  • the identity and direction of the Synod for the next 2-3 years,  
  • the needs in staffing and overall structure,  
  • how committees can assume increasing responsibility for their respective ministries,  
  • collaborative work with the Coordinating Team and Committees,  
  • with the Search Committee who God is calling to be the next SL/SC,  
  • and how the Oklahoma Presbyteries might be more effectively aligned.  

I am excited about this year ahead. I will encourage us all, including myself, to be present and open - to God, ourselves, and our Presbyteries. When we hear those voices, then we will discern the call of the Spirit to what will be. 

A Brief Bio from Steve Shive

Search Team for SL/SC Named

In addition to electing Rev. Steve Shive as our Bridge Interim Synod Leader/Stated Clerk, the Synod also elected the Search Team for our next called and installed Synod Leader/Stated Clerk. Members of the Search Team include:

Eastern Oklahoma – Jeff Cranton

Indian Nations – Mitch Miller

Cimarron – Christianne Chase

Pines – Susan Smith

Arkansas – Elizabeth Brinegar

South Louisiana – David Watson

New Covenant – Lynn Hargrove

Tres Rios – Jerry Boles

Palo Duro – Scott Campbell

Grace – Chip Black

Mission – Claudia Smith

Members of the newly formed team will begin their search process Monday, February 27, with the goals of being in contact with General Assembly staff and setting a tentative time table.

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