Synod E-news
News & Events from the Western North Dakota Synod

August 31, 2022

The Synod Office will close at at noon each Friday, now through September 2.

Synod-wide Survey 

Bishop Craig invites you to give a few minutes of your time to take a survey that will provide direction to the Western North Dakota Synod. We live in changing times and want the synod to have a vibrant future. We’re in the process of listening to God and each other as we discern what bold steps we can take.

As part of this, we test your resonance with our new ‘Why’ statement for the Western North Dakota Synod: “To encourage and equip the ministries of the Western North Dakota Synod – ELCA, so that the Good News of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, and all God’s children feel welcomed and included in the ministries to which God calls us.”

Thanks for taking a few minutes to take the survey!

Find the Survey Here!

WND Synod Podcast - Unexpected Surprises

Unexpected Surprises is a podcast of the Western North Dakota Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Through this podcast, we explore all that God is doing through people of faith on the prairies of North Dakota.

Anne & Willie Langdji join Bishop Craig in the newest episode. Anne and Willie have served a variety of countries in West Africa for many years. They continue to be one of the central points of contact for the ministry we share with our global companion synod in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Central African Republic.

The Langdjis share with us the multi-facets of their ministry across West Africa and specifically as it relates to the ELCA's bilateral relationship with the many Lutheran churches God is working through across the region.  You can listen and subscribe to the podcast here!

Introducing an LYO 6th-8th Grade Gathering in Minot this October!

High School Youth: October 20-21 and 6th-8th Grade Youth: October 21-22

Save the Date for LYO this October!! We are excited to be introducing a 6th-8th Grade Gathering after our High School Youth meet at the Grand Hotel in Minot this October! Encourage the youth of your congregation to Save the Date during their Fall Break to join us for one night full of incredible fun. LYO is bringing in Speaker, Musician and Philanthropist Tony Memmel to lead our youth in inspirational worship with tons of fun and a great time with youth from all over Western North Dakota!

Find the Participant Registration Form and check out our website with info:

2022 Rostered Ministers Retreat

Rostered leaders will gather in Medora on September 11-13 for the Rostered Ministers Gathering. North Dakota author Clay Jenkinson will be our featured speaker this year. We look forward to this opportunity to be together for mutual support from colleagues across the synod. Gathering Details and Schedule

Registration is now closed. 

Seeking Synod Representative ELCA Systems Academy

Synod bishops are invited to select a synod representative for the ELCA Systems Academy. This is a four-year commitment, meeting four times per year for three days in-person and over zoom. The Academy will study of family systems theory and theology combined with clinical work. The appeal of natural systems thinking about human behavior and congregational leadership has taken on more relevance in addressing the larger and deeper processes of ministry.

If you are interested in participating, please view the information and contact Bishop Craig directly.

View the Academy Flyer  or One-page Overview of Program (word file)

Faithful Innovation Online Community

Faithful Innovation invites you to the Online Community. A course of two immersive months (from September to November), will dig in to God’s word and our shared experiences to envision and implement a richer, fuller embodiment of your congregation’s role in a changing culture. The community will engage in  listening, acting, and sharing, and we’ll engage ancient spiritual practices as well as leading-edge innovation theory to help us along the way. Session starts on September 19, 2022.

More Info and Registration Here

Practical Tools and Resources for the Journey - Dialog Works Course

Many small congregations are facing questions of sustainability. A changing culture plus changing demographics, on top of COVID and other challenges, place before church leaders the question, “What is next for our ministry?” These changes and others are the cause of duress in the congregation. Dialog Works offers "Practical Tools and Resources for the Journey" and is now accepting applications. The course is offered online and starts on Monday, September 26 (Monday mornings from 9 – 11) through November 14. 

Find more info here.

Addiction & Faith Conference

Oct. 6-8, 2022 The 2022 Addiction & Faith Conference will be held October 6-8, at the Airport Hilton in Bloomington, MN. It is a hybrid conference with options for both in-person and virtual attendance. The A&F Conference is for everyone including clergy & lay, healthcare professionals, people in recovery, those who love people in recovery, those affected by persons with addiction, youth leaders, addiction specialists. This year there will also be a pre-conference event associated with the conference on Oct. 4-6th for recovering clergy and for seminarians.

Find more info and registration here. Early Bird rates are good through Aug. 31st.
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