Synod E-news
News & Events from the Western North Dakota Synod

September 14, 2022

ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering

By Pastor Tammy Hamm

“Until all are fed’… this was the focus of the ELCA World Hunger Leadership Gathering in Chicago which I recently had the opportunity to attend. I would like to share a few highlights from the gathering.

During a service-learning opportunity I helped picked weeds in the garden areas surrounding Bethel church in West-side Chicago while others helped prepare food and hygiene kits for people in the neighborhood. A panel discussion included people from several feeding ministries, social justice, and other advocacy groups. People on the panel shared about the partnerships they have formed and the collaboration that takes place among a wide number of faith-based ministries in the area. The passion this community has for feeding, providing housing and caring for their neighbors is inspiring.

I attended sessions on social liberation, barriers faced when it comes to homelessness and hunger issues, gender equality, ministries on the margins, climate/justice and faith and community organizing. ELCA “Big Dream” grant recipients, including many which addressed homelessness, farming and gardens in their communities, were recognized. There were roundtable discussions and opportunities to meet and network with people who are passionate about addressing hunger. Attendees from the many service and justice gatherings that were also taking place came together for worship each day. Some of the liturgy was spoken in different languages, music was shared from around the world and some outstanding sermons were preached. The Holy Spirit was present each time we gathered!

Since returning from the gathering, I have reflected on what more faith-based organizations here in Western North Dakota can do to address hunger and homelessness in our own communities. Although a lot is already being done, I also witnessed how collaboration, partnerships and out of the box thinking can make an even bigger difference in the lives of people in a world where you and I are sent to live out this ministry of “until all are fed”! Together we can do even more!

Synod-wide Survey


Bishop Craig invites you to give a few minutes of your time to take a survey that will provide direction to the Western North Dakota Synod. We live in changing times and want the synod to have a vibrant future. We’re in the process of listening to God and each other as we discern what bold steps we can take. So far 129 people have taken the survey!

As part of this, we test your resonance with our new ‘Why’ statement for the Western North Dakota Synod: “To encourage and equip the ministries of the Western North Dakota Synod – ELCA, so that the Good News of Jesus Christ is proclaimed, and all God’s children feel welcomed and included in the ministries to which God calls us.”

Thanks for taking a few minutes to take the survey!

Find the Survey Here!

Introducing an LYO 6th-8th Grade Gathering in Minot this October!

High School Youth: October 20-21 and 6th-8th Grade Youth: October 21-22

Save the Date for LYO this October!! We are excited to be introducing a 6th-8th Grade Gathering after our High School Youth meet at the Grand Hotel in Minot this October! Encourage the youth of your congregation to Save the Date during their Fall Break to join us for one night full of incredible fun. LYO is bringing in Speaker, Musician and Philanthropist Tony Memmel to lead our youth in inspirational worship with tons of fun and a great time with youth from all over Western North Dakota!

Find the Participant Registration Form and check out our website with info:

Lutheran World Relief Quilt and Kit Fall Gathering

The Lutheran World Relief Quilt and Kit Fall Drives will take place during October 10-14. Dates vary with location. Find locations and dates on the LWR website

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