I give thanks to my God always for you because of the grace of God that has been given you in Christ Jesus, for in every way you have been enriched in him, in speech and knowledge of every kind.
I Corinthians 1:4-6
What is Our Bishop Up to This Week?
- Exploring future synodical annual themes
- Gathering with leaders of the Floyd County faith community to share resources in substance abuse education
- Celebrating the Week of Christian Unity
- Receiving a proposal to expand planning resources for congregations
- Learning from Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber about outreach to the generations
What is our Synod Staff Up to This Week?
- Visiting with new pastors to the Synod
- Teach congregations how to be safe places for children
- Helping congregation members and leaders use Social Media in evangelism and outreach
- sharing best practices in youth and family ministry
- Exploring opportunities for renewal with synod congregations
- Working with DHS to make healthcare availble and serve children with Autism
- Preaching in synod congregations
- sharing best practices in youth and family ministry
Tickets are going fast to see Nadia Bolz Weber at St. John Lutheran, Cedar Falls, Next Wed. Jan 22 You can order tickets here:www.stjohncf.org Groups wishing to reserve seats together need to contact the church office by email office@stjohncf.org with name of congregation, contact person, contact info, and number attending. |
St. Paul's Lutheran School, Waverly and the Sunday School kids of the Jubilee Conference wrote letters to help the 5th and 6th grade students of Hungary YAGM Chelsea Paulsen learn English. She sent these pictures of the classes with their letters and writes:
"We began the new year and school term with our pen pal letters. It was a great surprise and great activity to get us back into the practice of learning English. The children were so eager to receive the letters and we are very grateful for this partnership, making learning fun"
Read about Bishop Tamás Fabiny The Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Hungary Northern Diocese Our Companion Synod
Here is an easy way to get the STAR to people in your congregation. Download this QR code and put it in your bulliten and newsletter and then members and visitors can scan it. |
Lent is Coming
Too Deep For Words is a pocket-sized, full-color devotional takes you through Lent with daily readings from Romans. Each reading is accompanied by a photo, quote, reflection, and prayer.
You are invited to join the synod staff in praying for these leaders, congregations and ministries of the Synod this week:
Immanuel (Crane Creek), Alta Vista; Riverside Bible Camp, Story City; Rev. Steven E. Winsor; St. John Evangelical, Arlington; Camp Shalom, Davenport; St. Paul, Aurora; Rev. Adam T. Starrett, Roland; Mary Jo Rathe; the Middle East
The ELCA Malaria Campaign supports malaria programs in 13 countries in Africa; many of these countries are additionally plagued by war and violence. Together with our sisters and brothers in Africa, we pray and work for peace. Learn more: Praying for Peace & Health
Every Tuesday Pastor Mark Anderson blogs on Stewardship resources "Money in the Plate". This week Pastor Stacy Nalean-Carlson who serves at Glenwood and Canoe Ridge Lutheran Church near Decorah, IA tells us about "Noisy Offerings"
This form may be accessed through the ELCA's web site. Click on the "Synods" tab under "The Office of the Secretary heading and then click on the appropriate form. The forms are in Formatta format and may be emailed to our office when completed. You will need to save them to a file and then send them as an attachment to hamiltonl@neiasynod.org.
33rd Annual Rural Ministry Conference:
March 2 - 4, 2014
Upcoming Events
1/18 LYO Leadership Games
1/22 Nadia Bolz Weber Book Signing
2/7-9 Men's Retreat
3/10 Lutheran Day at the Hill
2/15 Dance Marathon
3/22-23 LYO Assembly
4/1 Day of Renewal
It only takes a few minutes to fill out and you can earn $150 in wellness dollars you can use to offset out-of-pocket medical expenses. If enough from our synod participate we all receive a 2% discount on our contributions! |
All articles may be duplicated for use in synod congregations and organizations, with credit to the Star newsletter
Northeastern Iowa Synod
201 20th St. SW
P.O. Box 804
Waverly, IA 50677-0804