Have you ever wondered why sometimes you have the capacity to deal with everyday stresses but often you just don't! Have you noticed lately that your tolerance levels are much lower than they once used to be? Well this is what we are exploring in this week's topic, System Overload.
You see, the capacity we have to hold our responsibilities, tasks & stresses is determined by the state of our nervous system. Our nervous system is like the electrical wiring of our bodies that keeps us connected to our world & assesses whether or not we are at risk, in danger or experiencing a threat at any time. The purpose of this is to keep us alive, it is all about survival.
In our often over-stimulating world, our nervous system has so much to contend with as it is constantly bombarded with information for our brains to process & discern. It is often challenged to determine what is safe & what is unsafe for us to maintain balance & safety. It is further challenged if we fail to listen, if we over-ride the signs & signals it is giving us & power ahead in what we think we should do instead.
But remember our nervous system is truly working for us & has great wisdom for us to hear if we are willing to listen.
If you are interested in gaining insight about your nervous system & would like to learn practical exercises in regulating your nervous system, please join us this Wednesday for our next edition of Rest & Reset.
Looking forward to seeing you then,
Carina, Jannah & Vivianne.