Think, Pair, Share
Ask learners to answer an open-ended question. Give them a minute to think on their own, then ask them to pair with a partner to discuss their thoughts for 2 minutes.
Write and Rotate or ‘Carousel’
Hang flip chart paper around the room with different questions or writing prompts. Divide participants into small groups. Ask each group to brainstorm and write responses on one of the flip charts. Every 2 minutes, ask the groups to move to the next flip chart and add to what has already been recorded.
Gallery Walk
During a Gallery Walk, participants get up out of their seats and circulate the room. They can observe posted images, text, etc. (of your choice) and identify what they notice or questions they may have. Gallery Walk can happen silently or be an opportunity for peer discussion. Revisit important ideas by having each person/group record their thoughts.