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Congratulations to all ORN technology transfer specialists, partners and consultants. ORN has reached 1,000 technical assistance requ ests! Thank you for being a part of this initiative and helping to address the opioid crisis. Together we CAN make a difference.

Click the video on the right for a special message from Kathryn Cates-Wessel, PI/Project Director, ORN.
Spreading the Word About ORN , Nationally

CADCA (Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America) recently exhibited at its 18th Annual Mid-Year Training Institute in Dallas, TX, which is designed to help attendees leave with skills and resources that can help create change in their communities.

Pictured from left: Celene Craig, MPH, MS, TTS Southeast ATTC; Debbie Richardson, Region VII TTS, Sr. Program Support Coordinator; Sean C. Moore, MS Manager, Special Projects & Initiatives, CADCA
In July, ORN exhibited at the Arizona State University Center for Applied Behavioral Health's Annual Summer Institute in Flagstaff, AZ, which attracts leaders in behavioral health.

Pictured: Benjamin H. Nguyen, MSW, ASW, CPH, Clinical Specialist, UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs, TTS, ORN.

Do you have news to share? Comments or suggestions for the ORN Impact Bulletin? Email and
Community Group Finds Common Ground with Nation's First 24/7 Opioid Treatment on Demand Clinic

In response to a request for technical assistance, the Arizona Opioid Response Network team helped the nation’s first 24/7 Opioid Treatment Program in Phoenix, Arizona form a collaborative working relationship with a local community task force to have the program located in their community. Read more.
Update: ORN Partners with CA to Address Post Incarceration Drug Overdose Deaths

Previously we announced that ORN is working with California Correctional Health Care Services on developing a roadmap to increase access to evidence-based treatment for its 35 correctional settings and an estimated 100,000 inmates with substance use disorders. Through July and August, a series of Motivational Interviewing trainings have been scheduled. We are happy to report that, to date, the trainings have 682 registrants. Stay tuned for updates. See April's story.
American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) – Continuing to recruit new consultants with a focus on Alabama, Georgia, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming.

American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) – Hosting “Initiating Medications for Opioid Addiction Treatment in the E.D.” CME courses. Chapter presentations in Connecticut (9/2019) and Alaska (11/2019).

American Osteopathic Academy of Addiction Medicine (AOAAM) – Sent out surveys and received responses in excess of 550 individuals interested in becoming technical assistance providers.
American Psychiatric Association (APA) – Led successful motivational interviewing learning collaboratives. Future collaboratives are currently being scheduled that will cover elderly opioid use disorder, co-occurring mental health disorders, and women and opioid use disorder.

National Alliance for HIV Education and Workforce Development (NAHEWD) – In the process of developing a slide deck focused on best practices on HIV/HCV prevention and screening for substance use care providers, to be integrated into existing trainings. NAHEWD will share with ORN members.

Physician Assistant Education Association (PAEA) – Hosted a webinar for PA program directors and faculty on addressing common barriers to requiring student medical assistant treatment waiver training.
The National Council recommends that states support efforts to:

  1. Adopt a common definition of recovery housing and establish a recovery housing certification program based on national standards;
  2. Incentivize recovery housing operators to adhere to nationally-recognized quality standards; and
  3. Expand investment in and technical assistance for recovery housing.

To support such efforts, the National Council developed this toolkit , which addresses needs of policymakers and advocates when considering legislative and regulatory approaches. Expert guidance in the development of this toolkit was provided by the National Alliance for Recovery Residences, in partnership with the National Council. This resource provides strategies and tools as well as examples of policy language that addresses the role and contribution of recovery housing, standards of care for recovery housing and protections for people in recovery served by such residences.
SAMSHA is offering the following webinars related to opioids:

July 30, 2019 10:00 a.m. Central Time
This webinar, part one of a two-part series, will present the complicated relationship between substance use disorders and suicidal thinking and behaviors.

July 31, 2019 2:00 p.m. – 3.00 p.m. EDT
Part of a three-part virtual learning series focusing on recovery supports for people considering, or using MAT for OUD or co-occurring disorders.
  • HHS Finds Drop in Part D Opioid Rx, Rise in MAT Utilization. The HHS Office of Inspector General released a report highlighting the reduction of opioid prescribing within the Part D program in 2018 that was coupled with a concurrent rise in the utilization of buprenorphine and naltrexone for medication-assisted treatment.

  • HHS Notes Benefits of Concurrent Therapy for OUD. The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation within HHS published an issue brief that looked to further understand the concurrent utilization of prescription medication-assisted treatment and psychosocial support services such as therapy, counseling, self-help groups and case management.

  • FDA Moves on Priority Review for Opioid Reversal Drugs. Through an announcement on July 8, the FDA indicated an expedited review process for several opioid overdose reversal drugs and delivery mechanisms further elaboration upon the approval of generic naloxone nasal spray in April 2019. 401-270-5900
The Opioid Response Network (ORN) was created as a result of the SAMHSA-funded STR-TA grant. ORN provides free technical assistance to organizations, healthcare centers, single state agencies, and individuals in the prevention, treatment and recovery of opioid use disorder.

Funding for this initiative was made possible (in part) by grant no. 6H79TI080816 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written conference materials of publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the Department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.

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