Texas Agricultural Aviation Association | www.taaa.org
TAAA Newsletter
Hurricane Harvey
We are beginning to hear from our TAAA members and friends who live the areas flooded by Hurricane Harvey. 

Here are some pictures from Andy Mitchell showing the water surrounding his home and the water at the M&M hangar.  George Mitchell reports that the Winnie Hangar now has over six feet of flood water in it and that their seven loader trucks and the Cessna 182 are underwater. Four 602 air tractors have water up to the trailing edge of the wings. The only way to get around is by boat.

Hazel Fehmel 
1921- 2017

It is with sadness that we report the passing of Hazel Mae Fehmel, age 96, on August 18th. Fehmel Crop Dusting Service was a long time member of TAAA and her son, Ronnie, was a regular attendee at the TAAA convention for many years. Read Hazel's obituary here
Quick Links
TAAA Website
NPDES PGP Compliance Tools 

MET-Marking Warning Tools

Calendar of Events
September 18-19, 2017
2017 Fall Board Meeting
San Antonio, TX
January 10-12, 2018
TAAA Annual Convention and Exhibition 
Galveston, TX. 
Support our Sponsors
TAAA | | lcampos@thetexascapitol.com | http://www.taaa.org
P.O. Box 684570
Austin, TX 78768