Texas Agricultural Aviation Association | www.taaa.org
March 13, 2017
TAAA Newsletter
TAAA Board Meets with Legislators in Austin

Several members of the TAAA Board of Directors, including President Luke Boedecker and Legislative Chair Mitch Probasco, met with key legislators in Austin this past week.  Although TAAA is not pursuing a major initiative during the current legislative session, the conversation focused on drones, private property rights and pesticide issues relative to sensitive crops and wildlife. 
In the past, it is this biannual meeting that provided the basis for moving forward with tower marking legislation and with important tax changes for the ag aviation industry.  The attendees included Rep. Doc Anderson who chairs the legislature's Rural Caucus, and Rep. John Cyrier who chairs the General Aviation Caucus.  Transland principal Rep. James Frank was also in attendance along with several other legislators and staffers. 
Also of note, the dinner event has been held for the past several years in the "Rick Hardcastle" room at a popular downtown restaurant near the Capitol.  Reportedly, our former TAAA President Hardcastle was known to eat dinner and have a drink or two at this location during his years of service in the legislature.  Many thanks to all of this year's participants!

A special THANK YOU to the sponsors: 
Lane Aviation - Falcon Insurance - Roy Neal Agency - Beta Ag - Bennack Flying Service - Tradewind Ag Services - Bailey Flying Service - Gowan USA ( Kevin Harris/Armando DeLeon)

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TAAA | | lcampos@thetexascapitol.com | http://www.taaa.org
P.O. Box 684570
Austin, TX 78768