Texas Agricultural Aviation Association | www.taaa.org
January 20, 2017
TAAA Newsletter
Luke Boedecker Elected TAAA President

2016 President Gene Shanks passes the gavel to the new 2017 President Luke Boedeker 

Luke Boedecker of Childress assumed the reins as President of TAAA at the Annual Awards Banquet last week in Corpus Christi.  The outgoing President, Gene Shanks, was gracious and thankful for his year in his closing remarks to the approximately 275 people who attended the event. 

TAAA is on a real upswing for the past few years as a result of actions taken by the Board of Directors to modernize the association's management and communications, improve the profitability of the conventions and secure new revenue sources to support the association's programs.
Even more importantly, TAAA has been successful in each of the past three legislative sessions in addressing major issues impacting the agricultural aviation industry.  These have included sales and franchise tax fixes, as well as tower marking requirements that will improve the bottom line for operators and pilots as well as to help them fly safely. 
Luke and Gene have both served on the TAAA Board for many years and in many different positions.  We want to thank them both very much for their service to the industry and to the association.

Luke Boedeker makes presidents remarks at the Annual Awards Banquet and Auction.  

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Austin, TX 78768