Texas Agricultural Aviation Association | www.taaa.org
February 9, 2017
TAAA Newsletter
TAAA District III Meeting

TAAA's District III is having their annual meeting for members both old and new. They are inviting any potential new members in District III to join them that evening for dinner and drinks February 17, 2017, 6pm at West Side of Jones AT&T Stadium. Hosted by Roy Neal Agency.

Sponsored by: Neal Aircraft Inc., Roy Neal Insurance, Dow BASF, EGE, Arysta LifeSciences, Cone Aerial Spraying, Air Tractor and Red River Specialties .

For more information and to RSVP, please   CLICK HERE. 
RSVP Today! 

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TAAA | | lcampos@thetexascapitol.com | http://www.taaa.org
P.O. Box 684570
Austin, TX 78768