Holiday 2018

It's Not Just Santa Coming to Tennessee
It's the
Certified Community Action Program

Tennessee's Community Action Agencies recently held a kick-off for the Certified Community Action Program (CCAP) in Tenneessee. CCAP is administered by the Community Action Partnership CCAP Commission. CCAP Commissioner Charles McCann was on hand to lead the kick-off event.

CCAP is a national professional recognition for individuals working in Community Action. It distinguishes those in the field who are qualified, capable, and are are committed to the vision and values of Community Action. CCAPs must demonstrate high ethical standards of professional conduct and their experience and knowledge of the principles of good management, the best practices of 21st century leadership, and the current theories about poverty in America.

TACA announces nine individuals are enrolling in CCAP. The rigorous process includes submission of the Candidate Data Form, Executive Skills Portfolio and passing the Certification Exam. Candidates have the support of a national study group, the CCAP Commission, TACA, and their cohort along the way. We wish them all the best and success!

TACA Executive Directors supporting CCAP coming to Tennessee
with CCAP Commissioner Charles McCann (fourth from left).

"A Job I Love"
A Story of Success

Submitted by Upper East Tennessee Human Development Agency

The Burris family originally came into the Washington County Neighborhood Service Center of Upper East Tennessee Human Development Agency to request assistance with an electric disconnect notice. The household is comprised of two adults with minor children. The family was referred by their energy provider. Mrs. Burris was employed part-time up until late spring, but was only working on an as needed basis. Although Mr. Burris was working full-time, he was not earning a living wage. Mrs. Burris stated she was not able to work full-time due to being enrolled at Ross Medical Education Center. She was pursuing certification in medical assisting. She feared she would eventually have to quit the Program due to lack of income in the household. The family barely had enough gas money for Mr. Burris to get back and forth to work.

Staff with the Neighborhood Service Center enrolled Mrs. Burris in the Self-Sufficiency Program. Based on a comprehensive assessment, Mrs. Burris and the staff developed incremental goals to empower the family and move them to self-sufficiency. The agency then started helping Mrs. Burris implement the plan by providing help with gas stipends.

During Mrs. Burris' enrollment in the Program, the family was evicted from their home. The Self Sufficiency Program assisted with the first month of rent and an apartment deposit at a more affordable residence. This helped to remove the unaffordable housing barrier for the family; enabling them to attain another goal.

With the assistance of UETHDA, Mrs. Burris achieved her goal of graduating with her Medical Assistant Certification, September 11, 2018. As a result, she was able to secure full-time employment in November. She now earns above minimum wage.

Mrs. Burris stated, "I love my new job, all my hard work is paying off!" "Thanks so much for all the help, I'll continue to refer others to UETHDA!"
Mrs. Burris displays her Medical Assistant Certification. She now has a full-time job she loves.

Looking to the Future
Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency was well represented at the 2018 Force for the Future Conference held October 30 – November 1, 2018, in Dallas, Texas. The conference was sponsored by Senior Service America, Inc., and the Institute for Work and the Economy. The conference provided workforce and Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) practitioners and employers with insight as to what the future might hold for work and workers 50+ in America. 

UCHRA’s Community Services Director LaNelle Godsey, along with Judy Randolph, Title V Manager, came back from the conference with plenty of useful information to help seniors earn and learn while working in their communities. Learn more about how UCHRA can help people #workover50 by calling 931.528.1127 x624.
Pictured l to r: LaNelle Godsey and Judy
at the 2018 Force for the Future Conference.

Community Action Fighting
Opiod Abuse
From South Central Human Resource Agency

At the Southeastern Association of Community Action’s (SEACAA) Annual Conference in Orlando this fall, Rebekah Provost-Emmons, Director of Justice Services, South Central Human Resource Agency, told of her agency’s journey in implementing a multi-pronged approach to addressing the opioid crisis by expanding services to the justice involved population in unserved, underserved, and inadequately served areas. Through state grant awards, the agency has implemented two new recovery courts and is piloting a re-entry program at a local jail. The regional conference theme was Fighting Poverty: In It to Win It.
Pictured: Rebekah Provost-Emmons
Director of Justice Services
South Cental Human Resource Agency
Community Action Spirit!
Mid-East Community Action Agency

Operation Holiday Cheer packages were delivered by volunteers and staff to almost 200 seniors. Each package contained information on the 2018 Subaru Share the Love Event.
Upper East Tennessee
Human Development Agency

Eastman Chemical Company's Worldwide Engineering & Construction division stopped by to spread early Christmas cheer to Upper East Head Start children. We thank them!
Be on the lookout for conference information coming soon!
Tennessee's own Metropolitan Action Commission
will be at the
Community Action Partnership's
Managment Leadership Conference
presenting on
Whole Family Building Blocks.
Tennessee Association of Community Action