News & Updates

...from the Tennis Association of Central KY
March 8, 2021
Session 2 Adult (18+, 40+ and 55+) and Fun (18+) Leagues begin March 15th. Session 2 schedules will be released this week via TennisLink.

  • Fun League play ends 06/06, and does not advance
  • Adult 18+ play ends 06/13, with the District Championship 06/25 - 06/27 in Louisville, KY
  • Adult 40+ play ends 06/27, with the District Championship 07/09 - 07/11 in Lexington, KY
  • Adult 55+ play ends 05/23, with the District Championship 06/04 - 06/06 in Henderson, KY

There are still teams looking for players. So, if you are interested in joining a team, contact us.
The past 12 months have proven to be some of the most challenging and difficult times many of us will face in our lifetime. Many people in our community have lost so much and tensions have never been so high.  Fortunately, the ability to play tennis has provided a welcome relief to those who have been healthy and fortunate enough to be able to play. Therefore, it is more important than ever to treat each other with kindness and respect especially for those who are different than ourselves both on and off the court.  

Both USTA Kentucky and TACK strive to provide a safe, friendly and inclusive experience for all participants. Everyone playing in USTA Adult league is expected to follow the USTA Code of Conduct  Whether playing on the court or spectating from the stands, all participants should demonstrate good sportsmanship. In no circumstances will USTA Kentucky or TACK tolerate conduct that creates a hostile environment at USTA events, including matches. This includes any behavior, words, sounds, gestures, etc. whose effect is to harass, intimidate, threaten or alarm players or spectators. If it is known a USTA participant is acting in such a manner on the courts, off the court, or while acting as a spectator, the player may be asked to leave the premises and depending on the circumstances, the player may receive additional penalties.

Please continue to treat each other with courtesy and respect while playing so we don't inadvertently add to the individual pressures experienced by our fellow players during these unprecedented times.
How long have you been playing tennis, and what got you started?
I started playing tennis when I was 11 for fun. My mom got us racquets in a yard sale. I loved it instantly as I had been watch professional tennis since about the age of 7. Then, I played JV tennis my freshman year and Varsity tennis for 3 years at MacArthur High School, Irving, Texas. We made regionals my junior year and traveled to Abilene, Texas. That was so amazing. I quit during college and started playing again in USTA leagues when I was 38.

What is your favorite league to play in and why?
I love playing all the leagues but my favorite is Mixed. I like to beat the boys! Ha!

What do you enjoy/look forward to about volunteering for TACK?
I enjoy being on the TACK board because I like organizing tennis, so that more people can play.

If you could attend one of the four grand slams, which would you choose, and why?
Gosh this is a hard question. I love all the grand slams. I've been watching them since I was 7. If I had to pick one, I guess it would be Wimbledon because of the history and tradition. It's the grand dame of tennis.

If you could be any piece of household furniture, what would you be and why?
That's easy. I would be a TV. I love watching sports, especially tennis, which has been really hard during the pandemic. I was so excited when WTA and ATP started playing again with small tournaments in Europe and Florida. I volunteered at the Top Seed Open, and it was really the highlight of 2020 for me.
"The way the game is meant to be played.
Winning is a habit. Good sportsmanship is a choice."