Promoting responsive caregiving practices for caregivers of children with disabilities
Our TUNZA Program aims to strengthen the capacity of caregivers of children with disabilities to support the diverse needs of the children. We encourage fathers to take on caregiving roles & foster enhanced interactions with their children to promote their wellbeing & holistic development.
We hosted two radio shows in local radio stations, Pamoja FM in Kibera and Radio Mtaani in Kawangware. These provided a platform for two fathers of children with disabilities to share their experiences caring for their children to sensitize the community(s) on positive & responsible parenting.
We also held workshops for fathers and had very insightful discussions & dialogues on how they can be supported to take on a more active role in caregiving and safeguarding of children with disabilities.

Supporting children with disabilities through early interventions.
Dion*, a beneficiary in our TUNZA Program, underwent successful orthopedic surgery to correct clubfoot. He is currently receiving post-rehabilitation care and is well on his journey towards full recovery. It is such milestones and the beautiful smile on his face that drives us to keep going!

We continue to provide community rehabilitation services including occupational therapy, physiotherapy, and nutritional support to children with disabilities at our two therapy centers in Kibera and Kawangware. Having realized an unmet need in pediatrics healthcare among children with disabilities, we partnered with Human Face Initiative to conduct pediatric clinics for children with disabilities in our TUNZA program. During the clinics, we provide access to screening, treatment, referral, and further follow-up. The clinics will be held every two months at each therapy center.