Continued concern for child care services in San Mateo County led to a roundtable discussion between industry leaders, parents, and U.S. Representative Jackie Speier in hopes of creating sustainable and equitable to local child care for family, providers, and future employees.

Build Up San Mateo County, along with community leaders from First 5, 4Cs, Silicon Valley Community Foundation, Peninsula Family Services and local parents joined to talk child care infrastructure and funding opportunities.

The following was written by the National Children's Facilities Network (NCFN).

Congress has delivered $50 billion in urgently needed support to the child care sector since December 2020, yet these resources cannot be used to make critical infrastructure modifications or acquire, construct or renovate child care facilities. With the pandemic constraining our nation’s already limited supply of quality and affordable child care options, it is time to ask Congress to act.
Join the National Children’s Facilities Network (NCFN) and partners for a Child Care Facilities Day of Action on Thursday, June 17 from 11am-1pm PST. We will be gathering on Twitter and Facebook to ask Congress to invest in child care facility upgrades that improve quality and expand the supply of child care across the country.
City of San Mateo: Symbium Build Business Find a Location for Your Business
Build Business by Symbium is a new resource helping to locate where a child care business can be built in the City of San Mateo. This easy-to-use tool can be navigated by all, regardless of one's background and exposure to city planning.

PODCAST: Senator Alex Padilla Pushes for Child Care as Part of Nation's Infrastructure
Senator Alex Padilla is highlighting the importance of child care as part of a bigger push to invest in the nation’s infrastructure. As KCBS Radio’s Kathy Novak reports - he visited a child care center in San Francisco, which could be a model for others.

Building Better for Families:
Policy Strategies for the Co-Location of Early Care and Education Facilities and Affordable Housing
LIIF shares a research paper for the NCFN 'Making Spaces' series, outlining policy incentives to co-locate early care and education (ECE) facilities with affordable housing. Co-locating ECE facilities with affordable housing developments is a promising strategy to support low income families by improving family access to two vital sources of household stability and economic mobility.
To read LIIF's co-location policy strategies, CLICK HERE.
NWLC: National Women's Law Center
The National Women’s Law Center is launching We Are the Backbone: Faces of a Care Nation, a national campaign to center the essential work of child care providers and the value of child care by shifting the narrative around care work from being a personal responsibility to public infrastructure.

As always, we hope you and your loved ones are safe and well.

Thank you for your continued support,

The Build Up Team

Build Up is an initiative designed to preserve, grow and improve the supply of child care and preschool facilities in San Mateo County.