Today At Our Fellowship
Thursday, March 28, 2024
This Weekend @ AUUF
Thursday 3/28/24
5:30 pm Anti-Racism Team Meeting
6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Friday 3/29/24
9:15 am Private Rent
12:00-2:00 pm Freethinkers at AUUF only
Saturday 3/30/24
8:30-10:30 am AA Slap Happy Group
10:30 am Private Rental
Sunday 3/31/24
Easter Sunday
9:00 am The Forum Zoom Only
11:00 am Sunday Worship IN- PERSON & on Zoom
4:00 pm Anchorage Friends Meeting
Monday 4/1/24
4:00-6:00 pm Private Rental
6:30 pm Fireweed Sangha of Mindful Living- Private Rental Visitors welcome
Tuesday 4/2/24
MOA Election Day
4:30 pm Forum Planning Meeting
6:00 pm Community Connections
Wednesday 4/3/24
5:00 pm Connections Team Meeting
7:00 pm Building & Grounds Meeting
Thursday 4/4/24
6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
Half Portion Recipient for 5th Sunday
The Forum Zoom Only
9:00 am March 31, 2024
US Rep. Mary Peltola Will Speak at This Sunday’s Zoomed Forum
It’s finally happening. We are very happy that Mary Peltola, Congresswoman for all of Alaska, will be our Forum speaker this Sunday, March 31, at 9 a.m. by Zoom. It will be Zoom only, as she will be in Alaska but in Juneau that day. And you can join our Zoom the usual way, with no preregistration requirement. It’s taken a bit to reschedule after unexpected events kept us from doing this at the end of last year as expected, but all of us—including members and friends of the Fellowship and Rep. Peltola—are eagerly anticipating this return engagement.
And if you had to miss any of our other Forums in March, we had four good ones. You can listen to a recording of any of them by going to our AUUF Podcasts (easy access using the “Podcast Archives” button at the bottom of the green box front and center on the Fellowship’s home page: On March 3 we heard from Bill Popp, the last of the mayoral candidates who joined us (others can be found by scrolling back to February podcasts). On March 10, our speaker was Robert Churchill, talking with us about living conditions, reentry challenges, and civil liberties of Alaska’s prisoners. On March 17, we celebrated Women’s History Month with Dr. Gretchen Bersch. And on March 24, we had an informative presentation and discussion with four members of the Alaska Commuter Rail Coalition, Cynthia Wentworth, LaMarr Anderson, Andrea Feniger, and Joel Cladouhos.
Sunday Worship
Live at AUUF & and on Zoom
11:00 am March 31, 2024
Spring Equinox Women's* Retreat April 12, 5:30 pm-8:30 pm and April 13, 9 am - 5 pm.
Welcome to a nurturing weekend for * people who identify as women at our fellowship. Teens 15 years and up are welcome to attend. We will use ritual, song, drumming, dance, art and play to enrich our experience! Come join the conversation and enjoy reacquainting with old friendships and finding new.
Some things you might want to bring to this event include:
-- comfortable clothing
-- outdoor gear if you plan to choose a nature walk
-- an item you can place on an altar that evokes your feelings about being a woman/being you, or something that celebrates spring
-- a drum(s) if you have one
--a journal, water bottle, seating pillow for your comfort
-- whatever else you think you might need or want to share.
The cost for those 20-80 years old is a suggested donation of $20-$35. Others are free, but if cost is a concern, please contact Rev. Lise. Registration forms are by the Gratitude Tree at the Fellowship and will be on our website soon. The deadline to turn yours in is April 7. For more questions, contact Katherine Huffman.
Small Group Ministry This Spring
Rev. Lise is offering a shorter "taster" experience of small group ministry in April and May for newer members and friends (oldies are welcome, too). We will meet about four times on either Wednesdays, Thursdays, or Fridays. During this time we will practice deep listening with one another as we discuss topics on our hearts and minds. Small Group MInistry is a way we can make deeper connections (in groups of about six to twelve people) through shared laughter and sorrow as we wrestle with all that is happening in our lives If you have questions, or would like to participate, please email Rev. Lise ( as soon as possible with your day preference as the group will begin the second week in April.
Thank You! Last Chance!
First, on behalf of the Board and the Survey Team, thank you to the 80+ people who have already responded to the AUUF Congregational Survey. We are grateful for your time and insights.
Second, it's not too late! You can still contribute your ideas, concerns, and wishes for AUUF by March 31. What is your perspective on AUUF in 2024? Love Zoom? Hate Zoom? Miss some event we used to have? Have a cool idea to try in the future? Maybe a topic you'd like to ponder at the 11:00 service or a speaker for the Forum? This survey will just take 10-20 minutes and we will report on the survey results at the May 6 annual meeting. Here are ways you can participate:
- Pick up a hard copy at the Fellowship – there are copies on the table in the Fellowship foyer next to the Joys & Sorrows book. They can be returned in the big manila envelope on the bulletin board in the office.
If you need a copy mailed to you, please contact me. You can mail it back to: Administrator, AUUF, 2824 E. 18th Ave., Anchorage, 99508 or drop it in the manila envelope on the bulletin board in the office.
Your feedback is a gift to the congregation – thank you!
A Message from your Endowment Fund Committee, and Informational Luncheon on April 14
The Endowment Fund Committee will be hosting a light luncheon on April 14 at 12:30 in the Social Room for people interested in the latest and greatest information about the AUUF Endowment Fund. An RSVP to Carol Harris at or 907-750-1401 would be appreciated but not required to attend.
What is the AUUF Endowment Fund? As part of a multi-faceted financially mature financial plan, AUUF has created an Endowment Fund. The idea is that one-time gifts are contributed and the total value grows until it reaches the goal of $500K (in fiscal year 2022 value), at which point it can be used up to 4% ($20K in fiscal year 2022 dollars) per year for one-time expenses related to AUUF that are not in the
Annual Budget. The list of possible uses is very long and would be approved by the AUUF Board. Donations can be cash, through a Will, as a beneficiary of insurance/retirement, and can include assets such as stocks. Your individual Financial Advisor would have to advise you for your specifics. Please consider AUUF in your financial planning!
No More Deaths
Christians for Equality is hosting a Memorial Vigil for our houseless neighbors who have died this year. We hope you can join us at this ceremony at First United Methodist, 725 W. Ninth Ave., 1 pm, Saturday, March 30, 2024.
As we know, finding housing is a challenge in Anchorage. Many of our neighbors are priced out or face other challenges (mental and physical illnesses, addictions) that prevent them from having a reliable or high enough income to gain housing. Our congregation has helped some of these folks through our witnessing and hosting of the Family Emergency Cold Weather Shelter for the last two years. Unfortunately, this emergency cold weather shelter does not offer enough shelter for all those in need and many face the ultimate price by dying because of exposure to cold weather or other unsafe circumstances. Please join us as we remember them on Saturday. For more information on how you can help please go to ACEH
Congregational Administrator Schedule
For the Upcoming Weeks – Peggy is busy with MOA Voting!
March 25-30: Office closed. Leave a message as above.
April 1-5: Office closed Monday – Wednesday. Hopefully will be in Thursday and Friday.
The 2024 AUUF Survey Needs YOU
Deadline extended March 31st
Survey responses are rolling in, but we still need to hear from many of you. A lot has happened at AUUF, in our families, and in our world in the last several years. The Board, staff, committees, and survey team want to understand how that has affected your engagement with AUUF, and to get your input on how we can continue to strengthen the Fellowship.
You can submit a survey online at the link below or at the link on the homepage at .
Prefer a hard copy? There are copies on the table in the Fellowship foyer next to the Joys & Sorrows book. They can be returned in the big manila envelope on the bulletin board in the office. If you need a copy mailed to you, please contact me.
You can mail it back to:
Administrator, AUUF
2824 E. 18 th Ave.
Anchorage, 99508
Your 10-20 minutes of time, is a gift to the congregation – thank you!
Marty Freeman,
AUUF Job Description: Congregational Administrator
Now Accepting Applications!
Do you know someone who is organized and detail-oriented, has great customer service skills, and you think would fit in well with our congregation? We are now accepting applications for the Congregational Administrator position. It is approximately 20 hours per week, mainly in the office during the day, and performs a wide variety of administrative tasks with minimal guidance.
Click on the job description link for full information about the position.
To apply:
1. Read more about us on our website and our national organization’s website,
2. Submit a resume and a cover letter describing why you want to work for AUUF in this position and how you meet the listed qualifications.
3. Email both to Put “Administrator” in the subject line.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. The position is open until filled. References will be checked and a background check performed.
See AUUF Job descriptions. now accepting applications, congregational members are eligible to apply.
DRE Job opening
Title: Director of Religious Exploration
Do you know someone who is welcoming, creative, enjoys children, loves to learn, collaborate and is organized? If you think they'd add positive elements to our congregational culture, please tell them about our Director of Religious Exploration position! This position is full-time with the ability to work in the office and at home, although working on Sundays and some evenings is required. We've recently increased the salary rate to make the position more competitive and interested parties may apply by following the below steps.
To Apply:
2. Submit a cover letter describing why you want to work for Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship in this position and how you meet the listed qualifications.
3. Submit a resume. Email your resume and cover letter to with “DRE Job ” in the subject line
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Position is open until filled. References will be checked and a background check done.
April 2024
Serving Alaskans since 1978, Standing Together Against Rape (STAR) is a non-profit organization based in Anchorage. STAR’s mission is to prevent sexual trauma and provide comprehensive, collaborative crisis intervention, advocacy, and support to victims/survivors, their families, and our communities, with the long-term goal of ending sexual violence in Alaska.
STAR’s Prevention & Education team provides age-appropriate, educational workshops in schools, workplaces, and community groups to empower individuals with knowledge and tools to prevent sexual assault. Various topics are covered such as Sexual Assault and Consent, Child Abuse Awareness and Prevention, Healthy Relationships, LGBTQ2+ Competency, Advocacy 101, Internet Safety, Bystander Intervention, Mandated Reporting, and Vicarious Trauma and Wellness. STAR presentations can be tailored to meet the needs of just about any organization.
With the supportive guidance of a STAR Direct Services Advocate, survivors receive emotional support, trauma-informed care, referrals, access to local resources, trauma therapy, and assistance in navigating the legal system. STAR recognizes that each survivor’s needs are unique, and we tailor our services accordingly. All STAR services for Survivors are free of charge, and the STAR Crisis Line is free, confidential, and available 24/7.
In Anchorage: (907) 276-7273 or
Toll-Free Statewide (800) 478-8999
The needs of our clients vary depending on the individual, but we often accept donations of new clothing, underwear, shoes, and winter gear, because these items are often surrendered by the client for evidence collection.
This April, during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, we are encouraging our community to get involved however possible. Your volunteer efforts and donations can make a significant impact in helping survivors and preventing sexual violence. By standing together, we can create a safer and more compassionate world for all.
Click on the Half-Portion note or Donate/ Pay
at the bottom of the home page.
Enter your donation under
“Half-Portion for Social Action”
Anchorage Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
(907) 248-3737
Minister, Rev. Lise Adams Sherry, (she/ her) 907-248-3737 x2,
Office hours are usually Tu 11-3; W and F 10-2, and by appointment
Congregational Administrator, 907-248-3737 x1 AUUF
Usually Monday - Thursday 10-2, plus additional hours. Please call before coming.
Kelly Spring, (she/ her) Communications Specialist,
Kelly's remote office hours Mon-Fri 9 am -1 pm
Esme Danner (she/her) Music Director
907-248-3737 x4
Dan Norton: AV Coordinator
907-248-3737 x5,
Director of Religious Exploration,
Vacant, Please see our job description on AUUF website for more information.
Contact the Connections Team for more information on how to get involved at AUUF.