TAPM Newsletter

December 2022

Important Updates From The Board

Dear TAPM Members,

Happy Holidays to all!  Due to the holiday season, we will not be meeting in January. However, we would like to wrap up the highlights of last year, leave you with some things to do, and inform you of upcoming events.

Monday Speaker Series

The year ended with amazing presentations for TAPM members and non-members. Omer Shapira, from Tel-Aviv, Israel, spoke on our Rule 31 ethics, comparing it to the principles in his amazing ABA promoted book, “Mediation Ethics: A Practitioner’s Guide.”  A big take-away for all was that we not only have a duty to provide ethical mediation to our clients and the judicial system, but to the entire community. Feedback and improvement are important for keeping standards high. 

Our next speaker was Susan Guthrie. Susan gave wonderful tips for building a mediation practice. Her material can be found here.

We began action steps by acquiring each other’s social media information, so we can work together to promote each other. If you are interested in participating in this sharing, please fill out this form:

Social Media Connections

Another thing we learned was the importance of a professional webpage. So, we are also hard at work updating our website. If you are gifted at webpage building, or know someone who is, please reach out to Kim Best at:

[email protected]

Our speaker series is the first Monday of each month at 11:00 CST/12:00 EST. We are getting known across the country for our excellent presentations and even have a new member from California. Welcome Jean Lawler!


We have added a Member Hour to the end of each Speaker Series event. This is a time to get to know each other, brainstorm, and learn from one another. We have had great attendance and stimulating conversations. Please join us.

Our next Monday Speaker Series event will be Monday, February 6 at 11:00 AM CST/ 12:00. We will feature renowned divorce parenting expert, Christina McGhee. She will be discussing Child-Centered & Child Inclusive Mediation. More information to follow.

Mentorship Program - Please Respond

We have begun the process of creating a mentorship program. If you would like to be a mentor, please complete this form, so we can work together to create the best experience for you and your mentee:

Be a Mentor

If you would like to be a mentee, please complete this form: 

Receive Mentorship

We will begin contacting mentors early in January to meet to organize the program.

News and Information Updates

We post news updates and opportunities on trainings, presentations, and connections with mediators from around the world, for our members on LinkedIn, and on our Facebook page. Please feel free to post any news or information that you have. Also, please email us any news you’d like to write or share on our newsletters. We’d love to get you published! Email submissions to [email protected].

Calendar/Upcoming Events


Our TAPM annual conference will be held virtually on

Friday, April 14, 2023. The topic: Mediating Violence  

Following is the current list of esteemed speakers:

Charles (Chuck) Hill (https://www.nashville-mediator.com/about-chuck/)

Bernie Mayer (https://www.cadreworks.org/about-us/speaker/bernie-mayer)

Linda Seely (https://www.butlersnow.com/professionals/linda-seely)

Jeff Thompson (https://sps.columbia.edu/speaker/jeff-thompson-phd)

Dianne Williams (https://sps.columbia.edu/faculty-speaker/dr-dianne-williams)

Zena Zumeta (https://www.zenazumetamediation.com/about-us/

Did you know?

American Bar Association (ABA) ADR Committee meetings and continuing education opportunities are available to you through your TAPM membership at a reduced rate. For each event, TAPM members receive a 50% discount for specific programs. A program code will be provided for registration and the code will be different for each event. For the October event, the code is CEDR2022. Registration is free for ABA DR members, but cooperating entities receive the 50% discount rate of $25.00 (the ABA rate). Events will be posted on LinkedIn and Facebook. Also consider joining the ABA – DR section for added education and networking.

Pay your TAPM dues online

$100.00 for one year: Professional Member

$50.00 for one year: Nonprofit Mediator/Student Member

Dues are renewable one year from your last renewal.

Happy Holidays

Thank you all for a terrific year. It’s exciting to be growing with all of you. We’ll see you in 2023!  Until then, please feel free to reach out if we can be of assistance.

Some news to share? Do you have job openings you’d like to promote? Email submissions to [email protected].