TAPM Newsletter

September 2022

Letter from the President

Dear TAPM Members,

It’s already September! As the incoming President, I want to reach out to all members and thank you for your patience through the summer.

We now have in place new administrative helpers, Dawn Forshay and Jen Comiskey who are ready to produce CLE/CME presentations via Zoom, begin planning our annual event, and---as you can see---ready to publish a newsletter again. TAPM’s Board would like to say a special thank you to Jenny Darrell, Joy Reed and Nayeli Chavez at Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services (TALS) for their work behind the scenes over the last decade and for helping us with a smooth transition to new support staff.

I’ve been a member of TAPM since the beginning (2006) and have served on the board in all capacities since then. There have been a few times I’ve been less active, “rolled off” the board and done my mediation thing with other groups. But I always have so much fun and learn a lot when I stay active with TAPM.

Mediators are just the best group of people! I invite each of you to consider whether you might want to come closer and see what TAPM is all about, and what you can contribute. This year, we have the following committees at work, and each of them would welcome each of you. Do you see anything that makes you want to put down that remote and sign up?

  • Membership with Kim Best (outreach to and networking with members, and CLE/CME presentations, our first one on September 12)
  • Public Relations, with Robin Wheeler and Regina Newson (newsletter and social media)
  • Professionalism, with Gordon Russell, Sara Figal and Cindy Ettingoff (rules and ethics affecting mediators in their profession, communication with the ADRC)
  • Pro bono, with Vicki Krusel, and me (Our first project is to better understand PEMF and Rule 38)
  • Nominations, with Beth Tarter (board nominations and the Grayfred Gray Award, the next one focused on Middle Tennessee)
  • Financial, with Karen Phillips (budget projections and adjustments)

One of my projects this year is to attempt create an organizational structure within TAPM for mediators who want to be mentored and mediators who would like to be mentors. We have had so many inquiries about how to find a mentor/guide/tutor or a co-mediator.

As Director of Community Mediation Center, I’ve seen how newly trained mediators find their super-powers when given the chance to observe and participate in a small group or one-on-one tutorial about what they’ve just seen. The profession of mediation can benefit from mentoring, and in my experience, the clients in mediation need to be asked permission, but almost never do they mind the idea of allowing confidential, silent observation by mentees. They may even think it results in better mediation! Aside from observation and debriefing, mentors could also meet with a mentee for one-on-one discussions, for advice about a particular type of

mediation process.

If anyone would like to help me work on this new project, please reach out directly

to me!

As I mentioned earlier, as we did with our September 12th Zoom presentation with our mentors: Jocie Wurtzberg, Lynn Barton, Marietta Shipley, and Grayfred Gray, we will follow all Zoom presentations with a members meeting to discuss what we

have coming up with TAPM and asking for your input for activities this year.

As always, Jackie

2021 Grayfred Gray Award Recipient: Judge Deborah Henderson

 ~Cindy Ettinghoff

Awarded in 2021, but only recently photographed (blame for that omission fails upon COVID, Judge Henderson's tremendous work ethic and me), please join me in congratulating Judge Deborah Henderson as the 2021 Grayfred Gray Award recipient for furthering justice through mediation.  

Judge Henderson long ago pioneered the use of mediation in her courtroom. Those mediations continued via zoom through COVID and in person mediations having recently been reinstituted. Mediation truly is one means of access to justice because in mediation an unrepresented party has the same "voice" and opportunity to be heard as a represented party. THANK YOU, Judge Henderson!

Welcome new faces!

Since we last met, TAPM has undergone a few changes. We have two Co-Administrators who will be dividing responsibilities, Jen Comiskey and Dawn Forshay.

Co-Administrators:  Jen Comiskey and Dawn Forshay


Welcome aboard to our newly elected board members!

Board Members elected in May 2022 to 3-year terms:        

           Regina B. Newson, welcome back (2nd term)

           Gordon Russell, new (1st term)

           Robin Wheeler, new (1st term)

Congratulations and Best Wishes to our 2022-2023 Officers! 


           Jackie Kittrell, President and Board Chair

           Kimberly Best, Vice President

           Beth Tarter, Secretary

           Karen Phillips, Treasurer/Financial Officer

I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better.

~ Abraham Lincoln

Stay Up to Date with TAPM on LinkedIn!

Follow TAPM news on LinkedIn and check our posts regularly for news on training for mediators, connection opportunities and presentations by renowned mediators.

Members are welcome and encouraged to post any thoughts, articles, trainings, and relevant information on TAPM’s LinkedIn Page, or https://www.linkedin.com/company/tennessee-association-of-professional-mediators-tapm.

Committee Sign-up!

We are looking for a few mediators who are excited to connect with a sense of purpose. If you are interested in joining any of the committees below, feel free to reach out to the listed committee chairs.


Financial Committee: Responsible for budget. Contact Karen Phillips for more information.


Professionalism Committee: Responsible for Trainings and Workshops; Ethics and Standards; and Certification and Conferences. Contact Gordon Russell for more information.


Membership Committee: Responsible for recruiting, monthly presentations, mentoring/observing. Contact Kimberly Best for more information.

·     Annual Event Subcommittee


Nominating Committee: Responsible for board additions and annual Grayfred Gray award. Contact for more information. Contact Beth Tarter for more information.


Pro Bono Committee: Responsible for encouraging pro bono and low bono mediation. Contact Vicki Tucci Krusel for more information.


Public Relations Committee: Responsible for maintaining social media (website, blog, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.) and publishing the bi-monthly newsletter. Contact Robin Wheeler for more information.

Membership Committee Update

From our Membership Committee ~ Kim Best, Chair:

'We are starting the inaugural season of our TAPM Speaker Series.


The votes were counted and most members selected starting times on Monday at 11:00 a.m. CT/12:00 noon ET. We will meet the first Monday of the month except for the September 2022 meeting which will be held on the second Monday, due to the Labor Day holiday. 

We heard your request for building community and support among members, so we will meet the hour following each Speaker Series event. We will have a purposeful plan for each meeting, based on your feedback from our survey.

NOTE: We will NOT have a speaker in October 2022, due to the TN ADR Commission’s Workshop on October 14, 2022.


We have an amazing speaker lined up for November and will provide a list for the rest of our year as soon as it becomes available.

We’re really excited about this year and look forward to growing with you.

Many thanks to TAPM’s Sponsor:

ADR Notable

ADR Notable: The only comprehensive mediation software platform designed especially for dispute resolution professionals.

Calendar/Upcoming Events

Nashville Conflict Resolution Center

Mediation Matters Breakfast

Calling ALL Community Heroes!

Thursday, September 22, 2022

Breakfast 7:00 a.m.  Program 7:30 a.m. (Central)

Hillwood Country Club

6201 Hickory Valley Road

Nashville, TN 37205

No cost to attend - RESERVATION REQUIRED

Click HERE to reserve your seat!

20th Annual Advanced Mediation Techniques Workshop

Friday, October 14, 2022

7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Central Time)

Belmont University - College of Law

1901 15th Avenue South

Nashville, TN 37212

Register online no later than October 10, 2022!

Cost is $150 for either in-person or online.


TAPM's Speaker Series & Member November Meeting

Monday, November 7, 2022

12:00 noon Eastern/11:00 a.m. Central

Guest Speaker: Omer Shapira

Mr. Shapira is an Author and the Editor of Mediation Ethics: A Practitioner's Guide, published by ABA Book Publishing in 2021.

Check your email for registration information.

Like and Follow us on Facebook

If you haven't already found us online, check out our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you about your mediation practice or mediation opportunities including training, connections and presentations, so check back regularly!

Did you know?

American Bar Association (ABA) ADR Committee meetings and continuing education opportunities are available to you through your TAPM membership at a reduced rate. For each event, TAPM members receive a 50% discount for specific programs. A program code will be provided for registration and the code will be different for each event. For the October event, the code is CEDR2022. Registration is free for ABA DR members, but cooperating entities receive the 50% discount rate of $25.00 (the ABA rate).

Visit our website.

Pay your TAPM dues online.

$100.00 for one year: Professional Member

$50.00 for one year: Nonprofit Mediator/Student Member

Dues are renewable one year from your last renewal.

Some news to share? Do you have job openings you’d like to promote? Email submissions for the November TAPM newsletter to [email protected] by Friday, October 14, 2022.