Coming Up

Brought to you by

Why YOU should attend:

The Power of Real Estate Summit provides an opportunity to learn about the latest trends, developments, and issues in the local real estate industry. This information can help you better understand the market, stay up to date on policy changes, and gain insights into how to better serve clients.

  1. Networking: The Summit is a great opportunity to network with other professionals in the industry. Attendees can make new contacts and form relationships that can lead to future business opportunities.
  2. Education: Gain valuable insight into the local housing market that can help better serve clients.
  3. Access to Experts: Hear directly from keynote speakers and panelists who are experts in the housing industry. You will gain valuable insights from these experts and better understand Southern Arizona’s real estate market!


Friday, March 10, 2023 

at the Tucson Convention Center

7:30 am -Registration & Breakfast 

$99 tickets

For registration, sponsorship & speakers visit here.





Report from the Nominating, Credentials and Recognition Task Force

Hear from candidates running for an elected TAR Board of Director position (Officers and Directors). Proposed Bylaw Amendments

Updates from:

  • Kim Clifton, TAR President
  • Craig Thompson, MLSSAZ President
  • Victoria Lem, TRCF President
  • Eric Gibbs, Arizona REALTOR® President
  • Pam Ruggeroli, RRC President

In-person register here.

Zoom register here.

Get ready for the next Habitat Build!

Wednesday, March 22

7:30 am-1:00 pm

Check out the Volunteer information packet here and fill-out the waiver here.


Nominees for 2024 TAR Board wanted

Your 2024 TAR Board of Directors will be elected in April; Candidate Applications now being accepted. These leadership positions are important to the future of your association and the real estate business.

To be considered:

• Make a recommendation: If you know someone you think would be a good board member, give their name to Christine, TAR staff liaison to the Nominating Committee.

• Self-nominate: If you are interested, complete the Candidate Application and submit it to Christine.


TAR Board member candidates must have served at least one year on a TAR committee or task force. The qualifications are on the Candidate Application.

Based on reviews by the Nominating Committee, all qualified candidates will appear on the election ballot in April. Questions: Christine at or (520) 382-8776.

The Tucson REALTORS® 

Charitable Foundation-

2023 Jim Click Millions

for Tucson Raffle

Purchase Your Raffle Ticket Here!

Please join us!

Friday, March 3, 2023

Check-in at 8:00 am at PF Changs Meeting begins at 8:30 am

If you are interested in submitting a home on next week's tour, click here for the form and information for questions.

Congratulations to Stefanie Wright who won the Jimmy Buffet Concert Basket at the RAPAC Major Investor event. Thank you for your support!

Learn more about the value of RAPAC, click here.

Don’t Miss Out on the Broker Event of the Year

Visit our Website

Obtain the latest best practices in topics ranging from branding and storytelling, agent recruiting and retention, financial wellness (and much more) – all designed to help you position your

brokerage for success in 2023!


Also, network with fellow managing brokers and collectively workshop during our interactive

and engaging breakout sessions.


Visit the official REALTOR® Broker Summit site to register or to learn more. 

Real Estate Summit “Across Borders” Coming

June 9, 2023. Hear topics on "how to buy property in Mexico with no risk," & more! Visit the website here. View the brochure here

Weekly Calendar



"The Power of Real Estate"

7:30 am More information here. click here.

For your March & April CE classes, visit the calendar...

How To Reach Us

Phone & Email hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

We close at 4:00 pm on Wednesdays

In Person hours:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm

We close at 4:00 pm on Wednesdays

For questions, email:

Supra Lock Boxes

If you have any Supra questions, email or visit