Surveys were conducted amongst TASC clients, families, employees, and North LA County Regional Center CSCs/Supervisors. Each group of survey respondents were given a timeframe of three weeks to complete the survey. All responses were anonymous. New this year were questions to collect demographic information of clients and staff as well as assessing the satisfaction of the technology offered to enhance service delivery.
The top suggestions from last year’s (2020-2021) employee survey were improvements to internal and external communication and employee compensation and benefits packages. In response to these needs, TASC has adopted Microsoft TEAMS as a communication platform which will enable a streamlined process to communicate within TASC while also recognizing the need for a healthy work-life balance. The Microsoft TEAMS application allows employees to turn off notifications outside of work hours while easily accessing up to date information during working hours. In response to employee compensation and benefits packages, hourly rates for Independent Living Services/Supported Living Services direct support staff have been increased and all day program staff are now offered paid holidays. In addition, TASC continues their legislative advocacy in order to provide competitive wages.
This year's survey results identified the need for new technologies including computers/laptops. In response to this need the computer lab has been refurbished with 8 new laptops and a total of 70 tablets are assigned to clients being served in the community and in their homes.
The top 3 Strengths of TASC this year were identified as staff development and training (previously identified as an area for improvement), time management, and organizational focus. The top suggestions to improve upon for this year is to continue to increase communication both internally and externally and increase in person services for clients. To read the full summary, click here.