By Dean Hybl, TATT Executive Director
There is little question that the first eight months of 2020 have provided all of us with personal and professional challenges that go beyond general expectations. In fact, I have no doubt that history books will be written about 2020 for many generations to come.
As I think about 2020, one of the things that has been most impressive has been seeing leaders from across the region quickly adjust to dealing with unimaginable adversity. Their willingness to move forward down a path filled with uncertainty makes me think of a quote attributed to that well-known American philosopher Yogi Berra, “When you come to a fork in the road, take it.”
Since the very beginning of this health crisis that has led to the greatest economic crisis since the great depression, community and business leaders have been confronted with many “forks in the road.”
Rather than balk at the challenges, I have witnessed many leaders assess the challenges and quickly move forward down the road they believe will provide the greatest opportunity to overcome the immediate challenge and best support the community.