TB News 

April 2023

*Updated* Data & Reports Webpage

The latest 2022 Washington state TB data is now available on the Data & Reports page

*New* Online Course: Understanding Tuberculosis Laboratory Test for Public Health Nurses

The Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) has released this new 50 minute online course to help participants better understand TB laboratory testing workflow, testing methods and associated results. Continuing education credits will be available for completing the course. More information here.

Career Opportunity

Tuberculosis Nurse Case Manager at Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department | Position Closes 4/23/2023

Information for Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs)

2023 Virtual Washington TB LHJ Workshop!

May 24, 2023 from 9 am - 12 pm, PT. Calendar invite was sent 4/7/2023. LHJ staff, please email tbservices@doh.wa.gov if you would like to attend and have not yet received the invite, or have agenda topic ideas, presentations and requests.

Public Health Lab State Courier Service – Key Changes (IMPORTANT!)

Changes and Change Rationale:

1) Specimen count labels categorize samples by both sample type and temperature type.

  • What do I need to do: Per each temperature type, LHJs must fill out the label with the date and specimen count.
  • Sample type examples: COVID, Other, Rabies; Temperature type examples: cold, frozen, ambient
  • Why the change: Ensures that the specimens are transported according to the temperature listed on the label.

2) Delivery Express couriers can supply dry ice upon request. (Frozen specimens must be on dry ice during transit)

  • What do I need to do: LHJs must call Delivery Express one business day prior to sample pickup for dry ice.
  • Why the change: To make getting dry ice and shipping frozen specimens easier for LHJs.

3) Contact Delivery Express (not the driver) to request more specimen count labels and/or custody tape.

  • Why the change: To standardize courier processes and get supplies more timely

4) New specimen count labels and updated cooler process instructions were mailed to LHJs on April 7th

Contact Delivery Express Customer Service (425) 251-3533 or info@deliveryexpresslogistics.com.

HRSA 340B Recertification for TB Medications

During the 2023 HRSA 340B recertification period (May-June 2023) all of Washington's Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs) will need to be recertified. This annual recertification allows our LHJs to receive TB medications under this federal 340B drug pricing program.  

The State TB program began going through revisions to better meet HRSA requirements. 

  • For most LHJs, DOH will recertify your LHJ allowing your continued access to 340B TB medications this year.
  • For a few LHJs whose Authorizing Official is an LHJ manager, our program will send you key information enabling you to complete your recertification. 

The WA DOH TB Program will give the LHJs plenty of notice and instruction regarding any changes and what is needed. If you have questions, please contact tbservices@doh.wa.gov.

Medication Tracking Log Reminders

Remember to track your TB medications from the time of ordering to your patient receiving them.

Remember to Double check the shipping/packing slip to confirm which medication program was used to obtain the medication (i.e., 340B, MMCAP or former CDC). On occasion, CDC or MMCAP medications will be used if there are shipping delays for 340B program medication orders.

Examples of medication tracking logs for download and adaptation for your LHJ's use are found on the TB Partners SharePoint.

TB Partners SharePoint Updates 

Recent updates to the TB Medications page includes:

  • the latest order forms, medication shortage updates, and program information. DOH has PZA, INH and ethambutol; please reach out to us with your needs and questions.
  • the BPaL Guidance (new 3 drug treatment for multidrug-resistant TB) document.

The TB Services & Standards Manual page includes new revisions and available chapters.

*New* Laboratory Sciences page with key information!

*New* EDN System Updates section on the Arriver Information page.

Please contact tbservices@doh.wa.gov if you are experiencing SharePoint access issues or would like to request access.

Phlebotomy Training Available

The DOH TB Program is partnering with the Phlebotomy Training Center at the University of Washington to offer phlebotomy training for LHJ TB program staff to be able to perform TB blood tests.

This is a two day in-person training in Seattle that requires one month advance notice to schedule. Class space is limited. LHJs who are interested in sending over staff to obtain this certification through June 30, 2023, should contact tbservices@doh.wa.gov.

Upcoming Events and Education Opportunities

Tuesdays, April 4 - May 2 | 2023 Wisconsin Virtual TB Summit

Join local, state, and national experts to learn more about their work to understand and improve care for people diagnosed with TB across our community. More information here.

June 12-15, 2023 | 2023 National TB Conference

The in-person National TB Conference will take place in Atlanta, GA. More information here.

July 2023 | Curry International TB Center Seattle Trainings

Registration will be available here.

  • July 11, 2023: Tuberculosis Nursing Workshop
  • July 12, 2023: Focus on LTBI
  • July 13-14, 2023: Tuberculosis Clinical Intensive

Mycobacterium Interest Group Seminar Series

The Seattle TB Research Advancement Center (SEATRAC) holds monthly Friday sessions (typically on the fourth Friday) which features both basic science and clinical science presentations. More information here.

Washington's TB Project ECHO

12:30-1:30 pm PT. On Mondays join our lunch-time virtual discussion about real TB cases with your peers. This free interactive event is guided by a panel of local TB experts. For more information about this local project and our partners who make this ongoing event possible.

Newcomer Health ECHO

This ECHO Colorado series is designed to increase medical providers' knowledge of the resettlement and health issues of newcomers, including refugee, immigrant and migrant (RIM) populations. These virtual sessions are held on the last Tuesday of the month. More information here.


New report on US drug supply chain holds federal agencies to account

University of Minnesota | 3/2023

Tuberculosis — United States, 2022

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) | 3/2023 | doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7212a1

Recommendations for Use of Video Directly Observed Therapy During Tuberculosis Treatment — United States, 2023

Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) | 3/2023 | doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7212a4

TB Notes 1, 2023

CDC Division of TB Elimination | 3/2023

Video Recordings and Education Opportunities

CITC Archived Webinars

CME/CE units will not be offered for these trainings. Access here.

Rutgers TB Institute Webinar Archives

CE units are available for select archives for a limited time frame.

SNTC Archived Webinars

CME/CE units are not offered for these trainings. Access here.

SNTC Online Courses

CME/CE units are offered for these trainings. Access here.

CDC: TB 101 for Health Care Workers

CE units expire on 11/6/2023 and are available at no cost. Access here.

TB ECHO Recorded Archives

Missed a TB ECHO® session? TB ECHO® has didactic presentations available for viewing on YouTube. Handouts related to the presentation are included where appropriate. Watch recorded TB ECHO® here

Tools and Resources


DOH Refugee Health Program

  • Afghan Health Resources - Fact sheets, webinars, videos, and other health resources (scroll down for TB resources).
  • Ukrainian Health Resources - Fact sheets, webinars, videos, and other health resources to support new arrivals from Ukraine (scroll down for TB resources).

Heartland National TB Center

Southeastern National TB Center

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