TB News 

January 2023

Get to know the TB/STD Team at the Washington State Public Health Lab!

Top (left to right): Scarlett Linares, Ashley Sweetman, Alicia Terrenzio (Supervisor), Gretchen Vallero, Kate Hawkins, Kenlei Gunther

Bottom (left to right): Ryan Ortiguerra (TB Lead), TJ Johnson (STD Lead), Angie Caldwell, Colleen Dowd

*Updated* Curry International TB Center (CITC) Products

*New* Rutgers Global TB Institute Products

*New* CDC Uniting for Ukraine (U4U) Information for TB Programs

The CDC has created a new U4U webpage with resources for arrivers, sponsors, and health departments. The page is also translated into Ukrainian and Russian.

Rifapentine Shortage Continues

The manufacturer, Sanofi, is allocating product to drug wholesalers, like Cardinal or Mckesson. Until they have sufficient supply to meet customer demand, these allocations will be based on past patterns of usage. If your pharmacy's drug wholesaler does not have any rifapentine on their shelves, please place a backorder and then notify your drug wholesaler's sales representative to let them know that you have a backorder waiting (or ask your pharmacy to do so).

We do not know the length of time this manufacturer issue will affect supplies. We will keep you informed as more details become available.

Visit FDA Drug Shortages for additional information.

Please reach out to us if you run into difficulties ordering TB medications or supplies at TBServices@doh.wa.gov.

Information for Local Health Jurisdictions (LHJs)

RVCT V3 Implementation

2022 Year-End Closeout and Reconciliation​​​​​​​

  • January 13, 2023: Limited provisional variables due for all 2022 cases. View the list of variables here.  ​​​​​​​
  • February 24, 2023Case data must be as complete as possible for 2022 cases. Contact investigation records for 2022 cases must be entered into WDRS and updated to be as complete as possible. Class B screening data should be as complete as possible.

WDRS System Update

  • On Dec. 21, 2022, the WDRS team notified users that a bug has been found in WDRS that may result in data loss when using Wizards for data entry. Read more about this issue here. If you need to remove any main/parent question in a repeatable question, please do it only in the regular question package. Email tbservices@doh.wa.gov with any questions or concerns regarding this issue. 

Medication Model Expansion Pilots

Beginning January 1st, the DOH TB Program is expanding medication access from offering LHJs only the first 4-line TB medications to include all non-MDR TB medications for active disease patients. Costs of the medication, pharmacy storage, rebottling, and shipping to your LHJ is covered by TB Foundational Public Health Services funds and administered by the DOH TB Program. 

Visit the TB Medication page on the TB Partners SharePoint to download the new medications order forms.

Other medications are often available on a case-by-case basis, including support for MDR medications. Medication for preventative therapy is also often available for high-risk contacts and new arrivers. We hope to make this medication universally available for these populations soon. 

Please reach out to the program if you have questions: TBServices@doh.wa.gov

Specimens delayed in transit to WA PHL?

Have you experienced delays with your mail courier recently? Consider using the WA PHL Specimen Courier. Contact the DOH Sentinel coordinator, Hannah.Groeneveld@doh.wa.gov, for lab coordination of the Delivery Express courier to your LHJ. 

TB Partners SharePoint Updates    

Please contact tbservices@doh.wa.gov if you are experiencing SharePoint access issues.

WDRS User Group Registration

For interested users, the WDRS User Group (WUG), also known as the RAINIER Suite User Group (RSUG), has updated their registration link here.

Phlebotomy Training Available

The DOH TB Program is partnering with the Phlebotomy Training Center at the University of Washington to offer phlebotomy training for LHJ TB program staff to be able to perform TB blood tests.

This is a two day in-person training in Seattle that requires one month advance notice to schedule. Class space is limited. LHJs who are interested in sending over staff to obtain this certification through June 30, 2023, should contact tbservices@doh.wa.gov.

Upcoming Events and Education Opportunities

January 23, 2023 | Improving Health Equity and Advocacy in the Care of Patients with TB

CE credits are available for participants of this National TB Controllers Association webinar. Register here.

Newcomer Health ECHO

This ECHO Colorado series is designed to increase medical providers' knowledge of the resettlement and health issues of newcomers, including refugee, immigrant and migrant (RIM) populations. These virtual sessions are held on the last Tuesday of the month. More information here.

  • January 31, 2023: Ukrainian Health Considerations
  • February 28, 2023: Vaccinations
  • March 28, 2023: Tuberculosis

February 22-25, 2023 | 27th Annual Conference of the Union-North America Region

Registration for this conference is now open. More information here.

April 5-7, 2023 | 59th Annual Denver TB Course

This National Jewish Health Course provides a broad overview of active and latent TB including its epidemiology, transmission, pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and management. More information here.

Mycobacterium Interest Group Seminar Series

The Seattle TB Research Advancement Center (SEATRAC) holds monthly Friday sessions (typically on the fourth Friday) which features both basic science and clinical science presentations. More information here.

Washington's TB Project ECHO

12:30-1:30 pm PT. On Mondays join our lunch-time virtual discussion about real TB cases with your peers. This free interactive event is guided by a panel of local TB experts. For more information about this local project and our partners who make this ongoing event possible.


Dear Colleague Letter: TB Centers of Excellence for Training, Education, and Medical Consultation (TB COE) Sites for 2023-2027

CDC | 11/2022 | Read here

Wakely Prize Essay: Directly Observed Therapy

The Lancet | 12/2022 | doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(22)02537-5 | Read here

Video Recordings and Education Opportunities

Scholarship Opportunity for Local Health Department Staff to Become Certified in Infection Control

The National Association of County and City Health Officials, in partnership with the CDC, is offering a scholarship opportunity for up to 35 local health departments to support their staff in obtaining Certification in Infection Control (CIC) or a-IPC (Associate – Infection Prevention and Control) entry-level certification. More information here.

Heartland National TB Center (HNTC) Panel Physician Webcast Series Recordings

Recordings and handouts for this six-part series are now available for for viewing. Access here

CITC Archived Webinars

CME/CE units will not be offered for these trainings. Access here.

Rutgers TB Institute Archived Trainings

CE units are available for select archives for a limited time frame.

SNTC Archived Webinars

CME/CE units are not offered for these trainings. Access here.

SNTC Online Courses

CME/CE units are offered for these trainings. Access here.

CDC: TB 101 for Health Care Workers

CE units expire on 11/6/2023 and are available at no cost. Access here.

TB ECHO Recorded Archives

Missed a TB ECHO® session? TB ECHO® has didactic presentations available for viewing on YouTube. Handouts related to the presentation are included where appropriate. Watch recorded TB ECHO® here

Tools and Resources


DOH Refugee Health Program

  • Afghan Health Resources - Fact sheets, webinars, videos, and other health resources (scroll down for TB resources).
  • Ukrainian Health Resources - Fact sheets, webinars, videos, and other health resources to support new arrivals from Ukraine (scroll down for TB resources).

Heartland National TB Center

Southeastern National TB Center

  • Individualized Country Guides to support the provider-foreign-born client relationship by giving country-specific background information, epidemiological data, common misperceptions and beliefs about TB and HIV/AIDS, as well as information about general health practices, cultural beliefs and courtesies to observe.
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