TBC Connections

May/June 2021

President's Report
by June Mara
This has certainly been an extraordinary year. Last year, as we were trying to put a proposed budget together and get ready for our annual meeting, there was so much uncertainty about what the year would bring and how we would get through it. We were not only dealing with COVID, but also an entirely new clergy model.

In spite of those challenges we have had many successes. But our work is just beginning. Our focus for the coming year is to evaluate how TBC is responding to the needs of today’s Jewish community, a community that is very different than it was 20 or 30 years ago.

Which is what prompted the survey we recently distributed to everyone. It is an exciting and critically important initiative, but we need as many people as possible to respond so we have a true reflection of the congregations’ thoughts and opinions. If you haven’t completed the survey, I urge you to do so. The survey will be available until June 8th. Your input will help guide our direction as we work our way through the coming years.

Obviously, we don’t have it all mapped out yet but we have begun work on the following initiatives.

  1. Our number one priority is expanding our community and attracting new people
  2. Continuing work on rebuilding and re-energizing our school to help us attract young families.
  3. Significantly improve our social media and online presence.
  4. Actively seeking the most effective opportunities to advertise.
  5. The reopening task force is meeting to discuss a full reopening.

There will be more – exactly what will depend on what you tell us in the survey. Overall, we are stronger and we are moving in an exciting, new direction.
D'var and Cantor's Report
by Cantor Harriet Dunkerley
Kehillah K'dosha – A Sacred Community
A few months ago, in parashat Yitro we read, "V'atem tihiyu li mamlechet kohanim goy kadosh – And you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.” This is the message God delivers to Moses just before the Israelites are gifted with Torah at Sinai – an event that was celebrated just a couple weeks ago on Shavuot. We are taught that the entire community stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai as God descended in a fiery cloud to present the laws to Moses. And the people responded, “All You say, we will do, and we will hear.” The people responded, according to Torah with one voice – all the people. Each individual joined with his or her neighbor in a collective response that sealed the deal of the Covenant God made with the Jewish people! And, according to our Sages, ALL members of the community were present – women, men, children and elders. This is what it means to be a Kehillah K’dosha – a holy community, a sacred community – each person having a voice.

Cantor's Report
So, it was just one year ago that I had the pleasure of “meeting” (seeing) most of you for the very first time, on Zoom, at TBC’s November 2020 congregational meeting. And what a year it has been! In the next few minutes, rather than deliver for you a laundry list of accomplishments since our last Congregational Meeting in November, I would like to focus on just a few highlights from these past months and share with you some of my vision as we move forward out of our pandemic hibernation into the coming year and what that might look like at TBC!

Business Meeting
Debra Case presented our financials for the year-to-date and then the proposed budget, which was approved.

We voted on and approved the following slate:
  • Treasurer - Todd Gordon
  • 3rd Vice President - Lew Bender
  • Trustees-at-Large - Joe Sondheimer and Julia Saunders.

To see who is on the Executive Committee and the Board of Trustees for the 2021/2022 fiscal year, click here.