TBC Together!
where engaged disciples Worship, Study & Serve

Worship This Week

7th Sunday after Epiphany
February 20th 10:30 a.m.

In-Person Worship
Click here to see the in-person worship bulletin.

Online Worship
Click here to join us on YouTube!
Click here to see the online worship bulletin.
Worship will be shared on our YouTube channel.
Just use the link above or search for Brandermill Church.

Last Sunday was a wonderful day for The Brandermill Church! Our word for the day was BLESSED and we said that a wonderful definition from the NT Greek is ‘how fortunate you are’. We are so fortunate to be part of such a community/refuge of unconditional love. I want to thank all of you who brought your ‘Estimates of Giving’ for 2022 to enable us to maintain our refuge! If you have not yet done so you may drop yours in the mail or send Steve Law an email.

This Sunday our word for the day is FORGIVENESS. This is one of the foundational words of our faith. Every time we see the cross we are reminded of God’s forgiving love in Jesus that we celebrate every time we come together. One of my favorite statements of FORGIVENESS comes from Corrie Ten Boom. She said, “God takes our sin and tosses it into the deepest sea and says NO FISHING!”

Our passage for Sunday is one of the greatest stories of forgiveness in all of Scripture. The story of Joseph forgiving his brothers is a transformational story for all of us. (Genesis 50:15-22) I hope to see you Sunday as we reflect upon this critical word for all of us: FORGIVENESS!

In Christ’s Service,
Dr. Jim C. Dunkin

Now that we are celebrating worship in person again, we need to revive our Communion Team. Responsibilities include organizing supplies, bread, juice, and gluten-free elements, preparing the altar on Communion Sunday, and cleaning up afterwards. Total commitment is less than an hour a month. We are hoping to have a training session soon, and we'd love to have a new Communion Team in place for March. Email Carol Beth Cook or call (804) 307-7252 if you have any questions or if you're interested!

If you would like to honor or remember a loved one by placing flowers on our altar for Sunday worship, just email Dawn in the church office to reserve a date. Arrangements are $50 each. Payment may be made anytime prior to your reserved date and you may take home or donate your arrangement after the service.

Can you help us fill up the flower calendar?
Only 3 dates in the first half of 2022 are still available: May 22, 29 and June 12.

Join us as we read and discuss together how TBC will be Growing Young in 2022! There will be a study opportunity for 6 weeks on Wednesdays, March 9th through April 13th, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. By now everyone should have a book and be well on their way to reading it before the study begins. We do have a few books still on hand, so be sure to pick one up today if you still need one. Books are available at no cost to you and are located on the front desk and in the Narthex. (Donations to offset the cost of the books are happily accepted!)

Thank you to everyone who has already filled out a registration form! If you have not 
already done so, please contact Dawn in the church office to sign-up! There will be nursery care for children up to 3 years old and Joelle Hawkins, our JAM leader, will head up the programming for our younger children, so youth and adults are free to attend the study.

For further information, please contact Pastor Jim or Barbara.

Our MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) group is still looking for a few mentor moms and/or childcare moms. They meet twice a month on Friday mornings at the church and could really use the support of moms who have been there done that, as they share with one another. If you might be interested in helping out once or twice a month, please contact Barbara.

Thank you to our wonderful ushers and greeters! Teams are still forming, so if you’d like to serve, please email Dale Gentz or call (804) 317-7554.

This mission requires many hands to help each week. Please click here to volunteer. If you have questions, please email Dale Gentz or call (804) 317-7554.

Each Sunday after the Children's Message, the Hawkins family (mom Joelle, along with her teens Taylor, Ginny and Stephen) lead our children in song and scripture. EVERYONE has a ball! We need additional helpers to assist the Hawkins family with the activities of JAM. (They will teach the music (!) but need helpers to assist with reading Bible stories and with occasional small craft projects.) Please consider helping one Sunday every other month. You do need to be background checked and take an online class in order to be Safe Sanctuary approved. Barbara can help you do this. Please contact Joelle or Barbara and get your name on the calendar.

Do you like to cook? Do you have a super-secret family-favorite recipe you would like to share? Or maybe you just want to help
out the TBC youth in any way you can! We are looking for you! We are looking for individuals or families willing to contribute an item or two for a youth meal or have your group sponsor a meal, please follow this link to see how to contribute. If you have any questions, please contact Eric Nolin.

Each month Barbara will suggest an activity or two to help you live into your star word. If you have yet to pick a star word, please contact Barbara and she will choose one for you and mail it to you. For February, listen as people talk to you, as you read, as you watch TV/movies and pay attention to how and when and how often your word comes up in the world around you. Look up your word in the dictionary. Note the definition if you are keeping a journal. Make a cut out heart and write your star word on the heart and display the heart where you will see it regularly.

Please review the list below for items needed this week! Thank you for your continued support!

If you would like to support this ministry but find it challenging to handle extra groceries, TBC welcomes monetary donations as well. Please note "pantry" in the memo section of your check or online donation, and the funds will be designated for the Sunday Park Food Pantry.

In addition to your donations, this mission requires many hands to help each week. Please click here to volunteer. If you have questions, we encourage you to contact Dale Gentz at (804) 317-7554.


Bread mixes
Green vegetables 
Breakfast bars
Canned tuna
Canned chicken 
Canned fruit 
Pancake mix

If you are a TBC disciple and are in need, or know of a friend or neighbor in need and they live in the 23112 zip code, please contact Barbara and she will deliver a box of food directly to you.

We want to thank our youth and our congregation for providing canned goods and cash donations for SOUPER Bowl Sunday. The cash donations totaled $812 ($498 for the Bengals and $314 for the Rams). The food and cash collected will go to our Sunday Park Food Pantry. Thank you, ALL!
2/20/2022 (Sunday) - TBC Youth Group 6pm @ TBC
Wedding Watch Party, RSVP by 2/17 to Karen Harp. More information is in the Youth eNews.

2/27/2022 (Sunday) - TBC Youth Group 6pm-8pm @ TBC
We will continue our planning for Youth Sunday (March 20th)! Please try to be in attendance so that we can begin distributing roles and practicing together.

We are also looking for families willing to contribute an item or two for a youth meal or have your group sponsor a meal, please follow this link to contribute:

Contact Eric if you have any questions.

Click here for Sermon Notes!

Click here for a bulletin for ages 3-6.

Click here for a bulletin for age 7+.

Click here for this week's lesson.

Click here for this week's coloring page.

The nursery is open at 10 a.m. and continues to be in use throughout the worship service. All children, infants through 3 year olds, are welcome to play at any time during the service.

The Current Events class continues to meet in a hybrid format on Sunday mornings beginning at 9am. Click here for the Zoom link.

You may click here for this week's lesson.

Congratulations to everyone who was able to complete the TBC challenge of reading the Bible cover to cover in 2021! For those that may still be working their way through, we will continue to publish the weekly schedule for reading in 2022!

Click here for next week's reading chart.

If you are unable to join us in-person for worship in our Sanctuary, remember that we are also live streaming the service at 10:30 AM. By clicking on the YouTube logo, you'll go directly to our channel!

Remember, you can always revisit any of our services on YouTube to listen again to a sermon, an anthem, a scripture reading, or any other part of a service that you'd like to hear again.

We ask that you prayerfully consider your commitment to the ministries of TBC for 2022. If you haven’t already returned a commitment card by mail, remember that you may also go online in Realm to make your commitment for the year.

Please contact Steve Law in the Financial Office with any questions.

With your steadfast faithfulness we can be a Community of HOPE for the year ahead!

Ways to Financially Donate to The Brandermill Church ~
  • Scan this QR Code to give once or set up a recurring gift through your bank account or credit card
  • Text "Brandermill" to 73256 to give to the church from selected funds using your text messaging. Standard text message rates apply.
  • Go to our website and click on the "Give Hope" button on the top right to give
  • Mail a check to The Brandermill Church, 4500 Millridge Pkwy, Midlothian, VA 23112
  • Come by the church and drop your offering in the secure mail slot to the left of the office entrance door

The February communion offering will support Presbyterian missionary, Cindy Correl. Gifts will be collected all month. Please designate 'Correl' on your check, offering envelope or online donation.

For any questions about giving to The Brandermill Church, please email Steve in our Finance Office.

As always, thank you for your generous support of The Brandermill Church and God's work here!