More than the Jewish people has kept the Sabbath, the Sabbath has kept the Jewish people. —Ahad Ha-Am

*Please note, the Caravan of Well Wishes for Rabbi Muhlbaum and Cantor Lapin has been rescheduled. See below.*
Let s Get Ready for Shabbat
DIGITAL PRAYERBOOK To follow along during services, Click Here . If available, please consider using a second device to view the prayers so you can easily follow along .
BORROW A PRAYER BOOK Want to borrow a prayer book? Contact Dafna Weintraub . Please include your address for a local no-contact delivery, which will be made by congregant Doug Madenberg.
YAHRZEIT NAME READINGS For a name to be read aloud on Erev Shabbat, Click Here.
TRIBUTE DONATIONS To make a donation in memory or honor of a friend or loved one, Click Here.

Don't Zoom? Call in by phone at 646-558-8656; Meeting ID: 930 9298 7872, Password: 862992.
Upcoming Events
Family Shabbat Experience
Friday, June 5, at 6 p.m.
Join us again or for the first time for a short, Family Shabbat Experience. Together, let s set a traditional Shabbat table (tablecloth, candles and a kiddish cup), and recite the blessings over the candles, wine and challah. We hope families will take turns leading a blessing in an upcoming service. TBE families are encouraged to share dinner together as a large group or in chat rooms. Note, our regularly scheduled Shabbat Services will also continue to be held.
Meeting ID: 820 8781 4092, Password: David1
TBE Farewell to Rabbi Muhlbaum and Cantor Lapin
Due to the Great Neck Black Lives Matter March on Sunday, the date of this event has been changed.
Tuesday, June 9 *NEW DATE*: Caravan of Well Wishes in TBE Parking Lot from 3 to 5 p.m. Be part of the Caravan of Well Wishes in the TBE Parking Lot. Those with last names beginning with A to M are welcome from 3 to 4 p.m. If your last name begins with N to Z, please come from 4 to 5 p.m.  Please plan to enter the parking lot coming up Old Mill Road from Middle Neck Road, turning right into the lot only.
Calendar and Email Updates
Bookmark this page to find the latest information and links to TBE events!
Covid Relief Fund—Support Those in Need
We recognize that many of our temple families are being affected by the closure of businesses.
If you're facing a financial challenge, please contact our clergy immediately for a private conversation about how your Beth-El family can help provide assistance.
Please consider a donation to our emergency fund to help those whose livelihood and ability to care for themselves or their family has been impacted.

Todah Rabah , thank you very much, to all who have already given generously.