The TBE 100 Mitzvah Project
The TBE 100 Mitzvah Project provides opportunities for congregants to honor TBE's centennial through the performance of gemilut hasadim (acts of loving kindness) that help charitable organizations in need of volunteers and non-monetary contributions.

Mitzvah Opportunities at the Schoke Jewish Family Service
of Fairfield County

  • Work at the kosher food pantry at SJFS. Distribute food during walk-in hours: Monday - Wednesday, 10:30 am-12:30 pm. Organize and maintain the pantry: Monday - Friday, 9 am - 4 pm.
  • Deliver meals and food items to homebound clients. Time is flexible.
  • Participate in Mitzvah Monday with your kids on the third Monday of each month (Mar 16, Apr 20, May 18 ...) from 3 pm-5 pm. Bring kosher food items to the pantry and help stock shelves. GREAT for teens!
  • Visit a homebound client for a "friendly visit" to alleviate loneliness. Time is flexible. 
  • Donate food and non-food items. Click here to see a list of products needed. Items can be dropped off at the TBE office or at SJFS.

If you are interested in doing one or more of these mitzvahs, please contact
Jill Knopoff at (203) 921-4161 or complete the online volunteer form.
Don't forget to mention you're from TBE.

SJFS is located at 196 Greyrock Place in Stamford.

After completing a mitzvah, please send a note to with the name or  names of the family members who participated, the mitzvah, and a photo if possible.

Temple Beth El
350 Roxbury Road
Stamford, Connecticut 06902
A Conservative, Inclusive Spiritual Community