February 14, 2019
Pastor's Note
A Passion for God’s House

By any measure, King David’s devotion to the Lord is exemplary. At the end of his life, he gives away his ‘treasure’ and the monies amassed in the course of his reign for the building of God’s house, the place where the people can meet with God in worship...
Haiti Prayer Vigil Friday, February 15th - February 16th

As many of you may know, conflict in Haiti has escalated. Many people are hungry, without water, running low on fuel, and transportation to work and school is nearly impossible. There is also fear that communications may be cut off due to internet services no having enough fuel. We need to lift our missionaries and brothers and sisters up in prayer.

Please join us in prayer by signing up to be part of a prayer vigil that we have set up for Friday, February 15th. To sign up, click here or go to http://bit.ly/tccprays .

Please pray for peace in Haiti. And that our missionaries, Gladys Thomas and Pastor Dieuseul Estivene and their workers, are kept from harm. May God provide them with all provision until the conflict subsides.

 “The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:5-6, (ESV)
Updating TCC's Photo Directory

We would like to update our TCC photo directory to enable us to recognize and get to know each other. If you would like your family’s photo included (or you would like to change your current photo), please email a good quality jpeg to frontdesk@tccwayland.org  by February 28, 2019. 

Include the names of all those shown in the photo, as well as other family members not pictured. Regular attendees who are not members are encouraged to participate too. If you are unable to submit a photo, let us know and we can arrange to have one taken at church. 

This is also a great time to update your information. Our database is only as good as the information we input, so if you’ve moved, changed your email address, or want your cell number listed… please let us know.
**Winter Weather and Possible Church Cancellation**

In the event of bad weather, a decision will be made by 7P on Saturday night for Sunday morning services .

On Sunday, we may potentially cancel the 9:30A service (along with all LTA and Youth Programming) and just have the 11A service. This would mean there would not be any Student Ministry or Children’s Programming at the 11A service.
You can learn about any plans to cancel or delay services by:

• Visiting tccwayland.org and look for the banner at the top of the page
• Calling the church office (508-358-7717; a temporary message will be left on the church’s answering machine so that people may call in and find out the status of services)
• Checking CBSBoston.com
• Watching WBZ-TV 
As always, please use your own discretion before traveling in any questionable weather!
Used Cell Phones Wanted

One of our local TCC supported missionaries, Walter Mutti, is collecting used cell phones. The phones will be used to bless the people of Venezuela (who are suffering through the worse financial collapse in their country's history).

The phone must be unlocked and be the kind that has a SIM card slot. A charger is great, but not necessary. A cracked screen is OK, as long as the phone can still be used and the screen is readable. If you have a charger but not a phone, Walter will gladly take it.
There will be a collection box in the stairwell off the lobby.  Contact Rita Hernandez with any questions at: 508-314-5669.
Wheels for the World
2019 Wheel Chair Collection

Donate your used wheelchairs no matter what the condition! Collection week is March 3-10 th and donations will be accepted Monday – Friday, 9:00A – 2:30P and Sunday, 9:00A – 12:00P at TCC. Please contact Cindy Leonard with any questions at: 508-653-3743.
Upcoming Events
Family Movie Night!

Friday February 22
5:30p - Pizza
6:00p - Movie Screening (Wall-E)

Please RSVP with number attending to Gail.hughson@gmail.com by Feb 22 at 12p.
Evensong: Lent
Each year during the seasons of Advent and Lent, we gather for midweek worship to prepare our hearts for the celebrations of Christmas and Easter. For 3 seasons now, worshippers have gathered during the evening hours at TCC to sing, pray, listen to the word, and participate in our liturgy. If you have not attended an Evensong service at TCC, we encourage you to attend and discover how this midweek worship service can deepen your faith. 
NO Men's Basketball Tonight!

A devoted group of men have been playing basketball in the gym at TCC almost every Thursday night since last winter. Each week about 5-10 men come and take advantage of the amazing facility that we are blessed with at TCC. We play "pick-up" which just means that we form new teams each week depending on who can play that week. Adults and young adults are welcome - just show up. This includes both church members and friends and neighbors who do not call TCC home. We play hard but we "take it easy" and always consider it a good night if there are no injuries. If you or someone you know is interested, please reach out to Sam Jackson; < jsamjackson8@gmail.com > Start time is at 7:45P every Thursday. 
Children's Ministry
Gail Hughson, Director
Kate Mellon, Assistant
Girls Gathering; Wednesdays, 5:30-6:45p

All fourth and fifth grade girls are invited to join us at Girls Gathering, Wednesdays, 5:30 - 6:45P . This year we’ll use the book, A Girl After God’s Own Heart by Elizabeth George. We’ll discover what God says about growing in love for family and friends, growing in wisdom in order to make good choices, growing in grace when facing situations that are hard, and growing in joy when drawing closer to Jesus. We’ll pray for and encourage one another to become girls after God’s own heart. 
Register Here or complete a registration form at CM desk.

Guys Gathering, Wednesdays, 5:30-6:45p

Attention all 4th and 5th grade boys! Come and join the fun with Kyle Smethurst, Pastor of Students and Outreach, each Wednesday from 5:30 – 6:45P.  Register online now.   
For more information, contact Kyle at kylesmethurst@gmail.com .

What We’re Learning in LTA This Week

There is no better time than the month of February to teach preschoolers about how much Jesus loves them! There is nothing wider or longer or higher or deeper than the love Jesus has for all of us. This month, our goal is for preschoolers to know Jesus loves them, and that nothing will ever change that.
Week 3 : The Centurion, Matthew 8:5-13.
Story Focus: Jesus wants to help me.

Jesus demonstrated what serving really means by washing His disciples feet and even laying down His life for the sins of the world. We reflect His character to the people around us when we lend a hand to serve.
Week 3: Feeding 5,000, John 6:1-13.
Bottom Line: Use what you have to serve others.
Student Ministries
HS Mission Trip to Guatemala

This Saturday, eighteen students (Zachary Bach, Leilan Bennett, Reed Bodley, Morgan Calverley, Phoebe Felopoulos, Grace Johnson, Luke Johnson, Virginia Jones, Weston Jones, Christopher Li, Anna Lin, Michael Long, Mia Mazakopos, Alexander Nunn, Christopher Nunn, Hartley Peck, Marcus Petter and Emily Pomphrett) and three leaders (Melanie Barber, Adam Kurihara and Kyle Smethurst) are headed to San Lucas Toliman, Guatemala. They will be working with Promised Land Ministries from February 16-24.

Please pray for good health and safe travel and may God transform their hearts and minds to treasure Jesus more deeply and discern his will more clearly.

No Student Ministries Programming During School Vacation

Due to the Guatemala trip, there will be no Student Ministries Programming from Sunday, February 17 – Monday, February 25.

This means:
1. NO Student Ministries Worship Service This Sunday or Next!
2. NO HS Small Groups This Sunday or Next.
3. No MS Midweek Next Wednesday....Enjoy School Vacation!
Adult Ministries and Bible Studies
Men's Bible Study

Wednesdays, 7-8P
March 6 – April 10

Isaiah is the architect of redemption: the word “gospel” comes from him. The story line of the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John culminates with the passion of Christ, the Suffering Servant of Isaiah. Paul’s articulation of the gospel in Romans draws the development of his argument from Isaiah: God’s Righteousness, our sinfulness, our justification and sanctification in Christ, inclusion of the nations. Isaiah sees a “the new heaven and new earth” of Revelation. In six weeks we will provide a sweeping overview from about 30,000 feet of how Isaiah makes his argument that it is no use to trust in our own power for deliverance. Deliverance comes from the Lord. Indeed, Isaiah’s own name bears witness to the theme of the book: The Lord is salvation and His name is Jesus (transliteration of salvation in Hebrew).

Join us for these six Wednesdays: March 6, 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10.
A 4 Week seminar for personal spiritual formation.

February 17 and 24.
Room 205 at 11:00 am

History matters to God and He has shown Himself to be One that takes the long view. Family lines are often given in the Scriptures and their ripple effect through generations can be spotted. What was true then is equally true today. 

Our time together will show how formative our histories and experiences can be. You will be shown how to construct a Genogram to see how your past has postured you to participate in your life, your marriages, your parenting and your relationships.
We all can be profoundly impacted by means we may not recognize and those things can change our life course and the legacy we leave. We will look at some of the ways that can happen. What is unrecognized often remains unchanged. Insight is often the launch point because once recognized what is learned and may be reflexive can be relearned and chosen. As believers we are grafted into the family of God and are to be changed, transformed to look like Christ. Some of our past lessons serve us well to be Christ followers and some do not. Together let us see how God’s Word and Power can re-parent us so that we can walk in a manner worthy of our calling and indeed be a new creation.
Helping Without Hurting
A 4-Week Seminar on Charity and Service.
Sundays at 11am
March 10, 17, 24, 31

When Helping Hurts, Toxic Charity, The Hole in Our Gospel, and other Christian (and secular) books recently have shed light on the all too common phenomenon that our efforts to do good often do bad instead. What can we do if our best efforts in the name of Jesus unintentionally harm the people we are seeking to serve? How do we move from “Helping Hurts” to “Helping Actually Helps?!”

Come join us as the Emmanuel Gospel Center staff lead us in an exploration of what it takes to move from helping hurts to helping helps. 
Wednesday Bible Study:
Christ in the Psalms
Join Rev. Allan Baldwin's class for a mid-week spiritual banquet (we don’t live by bread alone!).

Wednesday Mornings
9:30 - 10:30A
Room 205

Come, reflect, enjoy! All are welcome to attend!

Upcoming class titles :

February 20th:  Psalm 45 - “The King Loves”

February 27th:  Psalm 46 -“The King Resides”

March 6th:  Psalm 68 - “The King Protects”
Saturday Morning Saints - Men's Breakfast and Bible Study

Light breakfast and Bible Study from 7:30A - 9:00A. All men are welcome to join us! For more information, contact: Ed Brown at 508-655-9116; beverlybrown2@mac.com or Jim Santamaria at 508-358-7821; hermits@comcast.net.
Knit-Together (K-Tog)

All ages knitting group, Mondays at 10A & 7P in the parlor.

Questions? Call Susan Foster at 508-358-5852.
Women's Bible Study

Women’s Bible Study (WBS) is studying 1st and 2nd Corinthians this year. We’re going to see how if we don’t understand the cross and what came after it - our lives won’t reflect it. Come study with us how to live a life of love in a broken world through His truth! Thursdays 9:15-11:00A at TCC, Wayland. September 13 - April 2018. Registration and questions? Contact Amy at TCCWBS@gmail.com or the TCC office at 508-358-7717.
Mom to Mom

Friday mornings, 9:20A - 11:15A

"Mom to Mom makes me a better mom as it 'gives me support' along the way..."

Mom to Mom meets weekly to address issues and needs of women and family, guided by Biblical principles. We offer encouragement, compassion, and support to moms with children of all ages living at home. For over sixteen years, hundreds of Moms from the community at-large have come together and learned that they "are not alone" in the delight and struggles of raising a family. Any mom, independent of religious affiliation, is invited to join us.

Mom to Mom also offers a wonderful Christian Children's Ministry Program for infants through kindergartners. There are crafts, music, games and Bible stories for toddlers on up. A loving and responsible children's team offers your kids the best!

Please note that moms and children must be pre-registered. Placement in the children's program is offered on a first come, first served basis.

The program registration fee is $55/year and scholarships are available.

The children’s program fee is $75/year and scholarships are available.

For additional information, feel free to contact Elizabeth Markey at momtomomtcc@gmail.com .
Serving Our Community
Here at TCC, we are passionate about cultivating authentic community. Throughout the week, LIFE groups meet and rely on Bible study, discussion, practical yet compassionate care to encourage, befriend and help each other grow in relationship with Christ. We have groups in Wayland, Weston, Sudbury, Natick and Hudson who would love to have you join them!
If you are in need, or if you know someone who is in need, such as single parents, those on a fixed income, unemployed or others who could use a helping hand, please feel free to visit the church office for assistance from our loaves & fishes food pantry. Our food pantry is open on sundays and regular church hours.

The TCC Food Pantry, “Loaves & Fishes” offers assistance to those of TCC and the surrounding community who need help with providing for themselves and their family
Donations to the TCC “Loaves & Fishes” Food Pantry are gratefully accepted. There is a collection bin on a table near the lobby stairwell. We only accept donations of non-perishable food and personal items. 

We respectfully ask you not to donate any open or expired items – we just have to throw them away!

Cake Mixes / Frostings
Solid White Tuna
If you have any questions regarding donations, contact Diane or David Newcomb at diane.newcomb@comcast.net or david.newcomb@comcast.net

 “From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.”  Luke 12:48
Volunteer Opportunities
TCC runs on volunteers! Please visit tccwayland.org/get-involved for more information.  

Children’s Ministry - childrensministry@tccwayland.org  
Greeting Team - adam@tccwayland.org
Usher Team - office@tccwayland.org
Coffee Hour Hospitality - jspinale@hotmail.com
Offering Counters - contributions@tccwayland.org
Music Team - adam@tccwayland.org
Tech Team - adam@tccwayland.org
Scripture Readers - adam@tccwayland.org
Children 's Ministry - Gail Hughson childrensministry@tccwayland.org

We are seeking additional Children Ministry Partners (volunteers). God can use you to make a difference in the life of a child. Don’t miss an exciting opportunity to help kids discover God and grow their relationship with Jesus. Help is needed in the following areas:

Live the Adventure Sunday 9:30A - 10:30A 
· Infant care - once a month
·    PK & Elementary small group assistants - once a month
·    Infant - Grade 5 - Substitute small group leaders or assistants
·    One-on-One assistants - once or twice per month 

Encore Sunday 11:00A – 12:00P
·    Infant - Grade 5 assistant once a month or more

LTA Prep – help prep small group materials for small groups (can be done midweek).

Greeting Ministry

Greeters stand in the lobby and at the doors to help people into the building safely. Arrive at 9 am and help us foster a welcoming community.

Usher Ministry

Ushers are absolutely critical in helping newcomers form their first impression of TCC. You help set the tone for the worship experience to come. You are representatives of God’s kingdom.You’re not just opening doors, providing information, handing out bulletins or collecting the offering, you are making people feel welcome!

Sunday Hospitality / Coffee Hour

If you enjoy having a cup of coffee while chatting with others during the 10:30A Fellowship time, please sign-up (alone or with your Small Group) to host a coffee hour! You don’t even have to provide snacks – just make, set up and then clean up the coffee and tea!  (Easy instructions provided – click here to see what is involved!) Participation gives you and your group an opportunity to serve the Lord and is greatly appreciated by your fellow members.


Are you accurate and reliable? Volunteers count the weekly offering (mostly checks for deposit) each Sunday, and we are in need of new helpers. Offering counters work in pairs. 
Local Outreach
We partner with local Christian organizations to help us achieve the greatest impact in serving our community. We also believe that serving the poor is an essential part of the Christian faith. If you are not yet involved in one of these ministries, sign up yourself and/or your LIFE group today!

For more information, please contact Jen Calverley or Nancy Griffin at 508-358-7717 or email frontdesk@tccwayland.org.
The Bridge House

The Bridge House, located in Framingham, is a faith-based recovery home for men with substance abuse problems. Their program provides individualized treatment including counseling to support the spiritual, physical, social and intellectual health of each person in recovery. TCC would like to provide a meal for 50 to Bridge House every month.
Pearl Street Cafe

Pearl Street Cafe provides dinner for 50-100 people every weeknight. TCC will provide 12 volunteers to serve dinner there every 1st and 5th Monday of the month from 4:30-7P. It's a great way to serve others in our community and no cooking experience is required. We simply wait on tables and serve food prepared by the Pearl St. Cafe staff . There is no age restriction on the volunteers. We hope you will join us and serve!