Liebe TCGIS Alumni Students and Families,

At our next board meeting on Thursday, February 24, 2022 at 6:30 pm we will recognize Anke Krug for teaching at TCGIS for 10 Years!!! During these 10 years she taught so many students and had an impact on many families. 

We invite you (yes, you!) to speak briefly during the recognition ceremony at the board meeting and share something about Frau Krug and your time in Frau Krug’s classroom. The board meeting will be held via Zoom, which means you can join remotely from wherever you are now. If you would like to speak at the board meeting, please email Board Chair Julie Alkatout ([email protected]) and Board Administrative Assistant, Julia Henriksen ([email protected]), so they can plan for your remarks during the ceremony. (Zoom link included below.)
Written notes are also appreciated! Add your kind words to this form (Frau Krug is at the very end of the form). Please be sure to sign your name at the end of your comments!

We would love to hear from you! 

Silke Moeller
TCGIS board member and alumni parent
Zoom Details for February 27th Board Meeting
The Zoom link for the Board Meeting at 6:30 p.m. is on our TCGIS Google calendar and here: Join the Board Meeting in Zoom
Meeting ID: 963 0656 2121 / Passcode: e8CZ000
Now Hiring: Kinderclub Staffers Tuesdays & Thursdays
We love having TCGIS alumni as Kinderclub staff! Kinderclub is currently seeking additional staff, mainly for Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:00pm-6:00pm. Please email Michaela Bromenschenkel for more info.
Parents: please share with your alumni student(s)
Since we do not have direct contact information for many of our alumni students, we would like to ask you to share this email with your alumni student(s). Thank you in advance! Vielen Dank im Voraus!
Connect with TCGIS on Social Media
Follow us on Instagram and and like us on Facebook to see the awesome things happening in our community. Find us on LinkedIn and connect with other alumni and staff, see job openings at TCGIS, and link TCGIS in your education profile for future employers to see.
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Twin Cities German Immersion School: