Message from  the TCGIS Admin Team
Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft, 

I write to you today with another update on our school's response to the Coronavirus situation.

As many of you know by now, Governor Walz issued an executive order this morning and held a press conference . He announced that schools would be closing statewide, starting Wednesday, March 18, at the latest through Friday, March 27. The intent of the closure is to give educators time to develop distance learning plans in the event that schools have to shut down for additional periods of time, depending on how this crisis develops. For TCGIS, this means no instruction at least through Friday, April 3, including our spring break. 

Governor Walz spoke of the necessity of " flattening the curve"  and ordered all schools to provide school day care to the elementary school aged children (12 and under) of healthcare workers and first responders ("emergency workers" - see executive order , paragraph 11). TCGIS supports the Governor in this and welcomes its role in supporting our community by supporting these families. 

In addition, schools have been ordered to explore ways to support our neediest community members with child care and food needs. TCGIS will be contact families receiving free and reduced lunch. 

After careful deliberation, TCGIS will do the following:
  • Monday, March 16:
    • All families who can keep their kids under age 12 at home should do so. 
    • Grades 7 & 8 stay home. 
    • Absences will be excused. 
    • Families with no other options may send their children to school.
    • Children of emergency workers may also be sent to school. 
    • Buses will run as scheduled. 
    • Depending on how many students come, TCGIS staff will provide supervision and/or continue work on distance learning plans. 
    • Tech staff will finalize plans for device issuance. Families may be asked to come to school later in the week to pick up learning materials. 
    • Parents may pick up student medications as needed. 
    • TCGIS Library will be open on Monday, 7:45-3:30. Students may borrow up to eight books. Parents may borrow books for their students, as well. 
    • Teachers will send an updated Klassenbrief by the end of the day with more grade-level details. 
  • Tuesday, March 17:
    • TCGIS will be closed through Friday, March 27. 
    • Spring break will remain spring break with the school and school office closed. 
    • Staff will report to work, except those with underlying health conditions, who will collaborate remotely.  
    • Planning will continue on distance learning measures.
  • Kinderclub
    • Kinderclub services will be suspended until further notice, other than for students of emergency workers. The suspension includes Spring Break unless MN Schools are reopened. 
  • Parents who are emergency workers:
    • TCGIS will continue to provide care to our elementary school students (K-6th Grades) of emergency workers.  If you are an emergency worker, please fill out Kinderclub Emergency Worker survey by 12pm on Monday, March 16th. Please note, you will be asked to provide proof of employment.
Families are reminded to keep in mind that the purpose of this closure is to plan. Teachers, EAs and interns will be collaborating to develop plans to meet the Minnesota State Standards via distance learning in the event of a subsequent closure after April 3. During this time, the instructional process will be on pause with no new assignments given and no new grades earned. Teachers who finalize their plans before Friday, March 27 may be able to begin distance learning work with students. Many teachers have already shared learning activities with families that students may do as an option. 

In closing, DANKE SCHÖN for your patience and support as we navigate these uncharted waters. Governor Walz underscored repeatedly that this is a new problem for all of us to solve. Education Commissioner Ricker emphasized her confidence in educators' ability to rise to the occasion. As an educator myself, I am immeasurably grateful for the strong, clear leadership that these two former teachers are providing for our state. 
This will get harder before it gets easier and we will all need to lean on each other. 
Stay tuned for more details as the week begins. 
Mit dankbarem Gruß
Ted Anderson
Family Resources

Prepare your family and household:
Practice social distancing:
Take care of yourself and your family's behavioral health: 
  • MN Dept. of Health provides these resources to help families manage mental/emotional stress during a public health emergency. 
Free and reduced internet options:
  • Reduced cost internet ($9.95) is available to families who have at least 1 student who receives free & reduced lunch:
  • Families who need free or low-cost internet services can contact Comcast (call 855-846-8376) and CenturyLink (call 888-833-9522). TCGIS does not endorse either of these services.