Message from the Principal | |
Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft / Dear TCGIS Community,
I hope you all had the opportunity to enjoy some time with your kiddos in the beautiful weather this week and over our Spring Break. I loved the opportunity to reconnect with mine minus the hustle and bustle of a busy school week.
Today I wanted to highlight the amazing work our 7th and 8th graders are producing in Herr Eberhard’s Zeitung (newspaper) class. The Newspaper is an elective that Herr Eberhard developed for our middle schoolers to choose in their first hour. This class meets every three days and so there are three wonderful products. It’s a great opportunity to use their German with purpose and practice real life writing and tech skills. They are distributed electronically to our internal community in an effort to reduce paper waste. You can read the online version at this website.
Wir sind stolz auf die Leistungen unserer Mittelschüler-Journalisten. We are very proud of the efforts of our middle school journalists.
mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Elizabeth Zehnpfennig, Principal
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Last Day of School an Early Release Day | |
The last day of school, June 12, will be an Early Release Day, ending at 12:45. Kinderclub will be available. Please plan accordingly.
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Required Annual Update in Infinite Campus | |
To prepare for the 2024-2025 school year, all families are required to fill out the Annual Update in Infinite Campus by Friday, May 24. You will be asked to verify your contact details and your child(ren)’s health information. If this form is not received, your child(ren) will not be allowed to participate in classroom neighborhood walks in the fall, and your middle school student(s) will not be issued a Chromebook. Click here for instructions to complete the Annual Update. Email with any questions. | BIPOC Affinity Group Ice Cream Social- this Saturday! | |
The BIPOC affinity group will meet this Saturday at Wonders Ice Cream and Boba from 3-4pm.
Please join us for this Thai-style rolled ice cream. All members of the TCGIS community are welcome! The address is 298 University Ave W, St Paul, MN 55103. Wear your TCGIS shirts if you have them!
| Upcoming BIPOC affinity group events- mark your calendars |
May 4, 1-2:30 pm for Disc Golfing at Hillcrest Knoll Disc Golf course. The Murtha family will demonstrate how to play and provide our group with the discs!
June 9, 11am- 1pm for our end of year potluck picnic at Como playground.
July 26-28 for our group camping weekend; location TBD
| Grandparents and Loved Ones Kaffeeklatsch - On Tuesday! | |
TCGIS grandparents, families and loved ones are invited to TCGIS for their very own Kaffeeklatsch on the morning of Tuesday, April 23rd! We will be hosting Omas and Opas for coffee, treats, Morgenkreis, and tours of our school. RSVP here!
Click here for the itinerary and instructions.
Help make this event possible! Volunteer here!
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Our TCGIS used book fair will be on April 25th from 3:30-5:30 P.M. It is open to the public and will take place in the school atrium. Expect to find German books of all levels. All items are sold on a donation basis, and credit card or cash is accepted. The funds raised benefit the TCGIS library.
Do you have books (in English or German) that you would like to donate to the fair? TCGIS will be accepting donation drop-offs starting April 11. Donated materials must be free of mold, tears, or other damage. We also ask that only books published after 2010 are donated.
Help keep the event alive! Volunteer here!
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Our new yard signs have arrived, and they are going fast! They are for sale in the Infinite Campus School Store for $10. They will also be available for purchase at the Grandparents and Loved Ones Kaffeeklatsch and at the Used Book Sale. Buy one today to secure a sign! | |
6th Grade Needs Chopsticks and Wine Corks | |
For a science experiment with 6th graders, Frau Sweeney is looking for need one-time-use chopsticks (plastic or bamboo) and wine corks. Plastic wine corks will also work. Please drop off by 8:15am on Mon. April 22 in the front office. | Photos Needed for 8th Grade Graduation by May 15 | |
The 8th Grade Graduation Volunteer Committee needs your 8th graders photos to create posters and a slideshow for graduation.
Here is what we need by May 15:
Individual Graduate's Photos to this Folder:
- Please label your photos with your 8th graders first and last name
- Add 1 photo for each category: Kindergarten, Between Kindergarten and 8th Grade, Present Day
Submit K-8 Class Photos to this Folder
- Field trips, Class activities, St Martin's day, Carnival of Cultures, etc.
- Save photos in the subfolder by year.
| TCGIS Community Garden 2024 |
Did you know our TCGIS Community Garden has produced and donated over 800lbs of vegetables and fruit to our local food shelf? We are starting to plan our 2024 TCGIS Community Garden and would love your help! We are looking for a few items to get the garden up and running this season, including plants (Cucumbers, Tomatoes, Basil, Peppers, Eggplant), tomato cages, weed guard, and pollinators! If you have extra items, this season we’d love to have them! Please sign up here or contact Terra Erickson. We’ll be looking for garden helpers in the upcoming weeks! Sign-up here!
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2024 School Board Candidates & Election Dates | |
In May, the TCGIS community will elect three board members to each serve a three year term. The election will be held from May 20-28, 2024. One of the open seats is designated for a community member, and the other two seats may be filled by a parent, a teacher, or a community member. The nomination period for the election is now closed.
The candidates are Jens Lindner (parent) and Anna Miller (teacher). Additional information about each candidate is available here. The Parent Council and PTO will be hosting a Meet the Candidates forum prior to the election. The date will be announced in the Rundbrief.
We are still seeking candidates for the required community member position. With no community member candidate running in the election, this position will remain vacant until a candidate is recruited and appointed by the Board. To serve as a community board member, the individual must be a Minnesota resident who is not employed at TCGIS, is not the parent/guardian of any child enrolled at TCGIS, and is not an immediate family member of a TCGIS employee or board member. Please email your ideas for nominees and their contact information to Director Hartman.
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- It's that time of year when we need some new people on the PTO Board. We'll be posting more information and sending an email out looking for some great volunteers to join us. The PTO is super fun and we welcome everyone. This is definitely a "many hands make light work" situation and we can't wait to have you join us.
- Greatest needs are a Treasurer, Fundraising, and Staff Appreciation. You can also get a friend to join you and tackle it as a team - it's much easier and more fun that way. Please stop one of us if you see us or email us and we'll be sending out more information soon.
- Our April 18th meeting has been postponed.
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Note: If you don't see the calendar at the end of your Rundbrief, the message has been clipped and you must click "View entire message" to read the entire Rundbrief. Danke! | |
Used German Book Sale Volunteers | |
On April 25th TCGIS will be hosting the Used German Book Sale and is looking for 13 volunteers to help out. Sign up here!
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Grandparents and Loved Ones Kaffeeklatsch | |
On April 23rd TCGIS will be hosting the Grandparents and Loved Ones Kaffeeklatsch and is looking for volunteers in many different roles. Sign up here!
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School Board (Schulvorstand) Announcements
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Upcoming School Board & Committee Meetings | |
Cmte of the Whole Meeting: Thurs., April 17 - 6:30PM; Room 310
April Board Meeting: Thurs., April 25 - 6:30PM; Room 100/Zoom
Governance Meeting: Mon., May 20 - 4:30PM; Google Meet
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When: Saturday, April 20, 2024 from 9-11:30am
What: Individuals and groups of all ages come together to pick up litter that has recently become exposed due to the melting snow.
How: Participating is easy! Simply drop by the Como pavilion around 9am on April 20, 2024 to check in and pick up bags and gloves. Borrowed equipment should be returned by 11:30am.
Where (Como Park): Look for our table near the Como Lake Pavilion to sign-in, pick-up some supplies, and debate which part of Como Park is your favorite with one of our helpful volunteer board members.
| Register for Music Lessons with Vienna Community Arts! | |
Registration for spring music lessons with Vienna Community Arts is open now. Spring lessons begin the week of April 15. VCA studio is open during the summer for lessons at TCGIS, and for limited home lessons.
Contact Nancy or Herbert for more information or to register.
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April 20 | 11-11:45 AM
Please join for a fun-filled storytime auf deutsch. Children and their families will immerse themselves in stories, songs and activities that foster language skills. Free, but registration is required.
Please note: the storytime will be conducted in German and is geared towards children who have at least basic knowledge of the German language.
Learn more and register here.
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Intercultural Engagement Opportunities | |
The board’s Diversity & Belonging committee would like to highlight upcoming events in the Twin Cities as opportunities for intercultural engagement- one of our school’s core values. Click here to learn about highlighted events! | |
There are no reminders at this time. | | | | |