ISSUE 575/April 4, 2024

Message from the Principal

Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft / Dear TCGIS Community, 

As we approach the upcoming spring break, I wanted to take a moment to wish you all a safe and enjoyable time off. Spring break is a great opportunity to relax, recharge, and spend time with family and friends.

Whether you're traveling or staying close to home, I encourage you to make the most of this break. Take time to do things that make you happy and help you unwind. Whether it's reading a book, trying a new hobby, or simply enjoying the outdoors, use this time to rejuvenate and come back to school feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the rest of the year.

As you enjoy your break, please remember to stay safe and make responsible choices. If you're traveling, follow all guidelines and recommendations from health authorities to protect yourself and others. And even if you're staying close to home, remember to practice good safety habits and take care of yourself.

I look forward to hearing all about your adventures and experiences when you return. Until then, have a fantastic spring break!

Schöne Ferien, 

Elizabeth Zehnpfennig, Principal

School News & Updates

Reminder: NO SCHOOL Next Week

This is a reminder that there is no school next week for spring break. See you on April 15th!

Last Day of School an Early Release Day

The last day of school, June 12, will be an Early Release Day, ending at 12:45. Kinderclub will be available. Please plan accordingly.

Photos Needed for 8th Grade Graduation by May 15

The 8th Grade Graduation Volunteer Committee needs your 8th graders photos to create posters and a slideshow for graduation. 

Here is what we need by May 15:

Individual Graduate's Photos to this Folder: 

  • Please label your photos with your 8th graders first and last name 
  • Add 1 photo for each category: Kindergarten, Between Kindergarten and 8th Grade, Present Day

Submit K-8 Class Photos to this Folder

  • Field trips, Class activities, St Martin's day, Carnival of Cultures, etc.
  • Save photos in the subfolder by year.

The Scholastic Book Fair ends TOMORROW!

The last day of the Scholastic Book Fair is tomorrow, April 5th from 3:30 to 5 pm in Room 97!

Quarterly Middle School Newsblatt

Interested in what is happening in Middle School? Check out the Middle School Newsblatt!

Meet the School Board Candidates Forum!

On Monday, April 15th in Room 100 (@ TCGIS) from 7-8:30PM, the Parent Council & PTO will be co-hosting a forum for everyone (parents, staff) to attend in order to "Meet the Candidates!" The spring election for the TCGIS School Board (Board of Directors) is coming up & this will be the perfect opportunity to meet the candidates! There will be light snacks & refreshments.

Please consider joining the TCGIS Board of Directors!

We are still looking for individuals who are interested in serving on the TCGIS School Board. We will have four board members rolling off the board in June– one parent, one teacher, and two community members. At the May election, three new directors will be elected, with terms beginning at the June 27th Board meeting. Additional details are available here. You can find the application here. The deadline for applications is April 12

Intern Hosting Info Meeting: Wed., April 17

Curious about hosting an intern next school year - or in the future? Join Intern Program Director Katharina Schirg for a virtual Info-Night and learn more about supporting our robust and valuable Intern Program as a host family! Katharina will begin matching host families with fall interns in May - so now is the time to learn more! 

Wednesday, April 17th, 7:00-8:00 p.m. in Google Meet

Google Meet Link (also available in the Google calendar event)

Whether you can join the meeting April 17th or not, we ask all interested families to fill out this brief interest and r.s.v.p. form

Used German Book Sale

Our TCGIS used book fair will be on April 25th from 3:30-5:30 P.M. It is open to the public and will take place in the school atrium. Expect to find German books of all levels. All items are sold on a donation basis, and credit card or cash is accepted. The funds raised benefit the TCGIS library.

Do you have books (in English or German) that you would like to donate to the fair? TCGIS will be accepting donation drop-offs starting April 11. Donated materials must be free of mold, tears, or other damage. We also ask that only books published after 2010 are donated.

Tell Grandparents and Loved Ones to Save the Date!

TCGIS grandparents, families and loved ones are invited to TCGIS for their very own Kaffeeklatsch in the morning of Tuesday, April 23rd! We will be hosting Omas and Opas for coffee, treats, Morgenkreis, and tours of our school. Keep an eye out for postcards coming home that can be colored in and sent to loved ones! RSVP here!

PTO News

  • It's that time of year when we need some new people on the PTO Board. We'll be posting more information and sending an email out looking for some great volunteers to join us. The PTO is super fun and we welcome everyone. This is definitely a "many hands make light work" situation and we can't wait to have you join us. 
  • Greatest needs are a Treasurer, Fundraising, and Staff Appreciation. You can also get a friend to join you and tackle it as a team - it's much easier and more fun that way. Please stop one of us if you see us or email us and we'll be sending out more information soon. 
  • Our April 18th meeting has been postponed. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Note: If you don't see the calendar at the end of your Rundbrief, the message has been clipped and you must click "View entire message" to read the entire Rundbrief. Danke!

Used German Book Sale Volunteers

On April 25th TCGIS will be hosting the Used German Book Sale and is looking for 13 volunteers to help out. Sign up here!

School Board (Schulvorstand) Announcements

Upcoming School Board & Committee Meetings

Governance Meeting: Mon., April 15 - 4:30PM; Google Meet

Communication Meeting: Tues., April 15 - 6PM; Zoom

Cmte of the Whole Meeting: Thurs., April 17 - 6:30PM; Room 310

April Board Meeting: Thurs., April 25 - 6:30PM; Room 100/Zoom

Community News

Register for Music Lessons with Vienna Community Arts!

Registration for spring music lessons with Vienna Community Arts is open now. Spring lessons begin the week of April 15. VCA studio is open during the summer for lessons at TCGIS, and for limited home lessons.

Contact Nancy or Herbert for more information or to register.

Apprenticeship and You–An Emerging Path to a Meaningful Career

Wednesday, April 10 | 6 PM

Increasingly more U.S. students and families are choosing apprenticeships as the debt-free, post-secondary education option leading to a rewarding and high paying career. Join us to learn more about local, national and international opportunities for both youth and adults seeking an alternative career path. Hear directly from apprenticeship directors at Bühler and ICATAP, and learn how apprenticeship can empower your future. Register here!

Intercultural Engagement Opportunities

The board’s Diversity & Belonging committee would like to highlight upcoming events in the Twin Cities as opportunities for intercultural engagement- one of our school’s core values. Click here to learn about highlighted events!


There are no reminders at this time.

Resources & Calendar


April 8 - April 12

NO SCHOOL Spring Break

Tuesday, April 23

Grandparents and Loved Ones Kaffeeklatsch

Thursday, April 25

Used Book Sale

TCGIS Google Calendar

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