ISSUE 526 / January 26, 2023 | |
Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft! / Dear TCGIS community,
Please look for an important community message later this evening surrounding our shared commitment to diversity, equity and belonging. I ask you to read and consider it with care and to make room in your calendar for the opportunities for dialogue that are outlined there.
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Note: If you don't see the calendar at the end of your Rundbrief, the message has been clipped and you must click "View entire message" to read the entire Rundbrief. Danke! | |
School Board Meeting Tonight!
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The board meets in Room 100 at 6:30 pm tonight; join in-person or listen via Zoom. We will recognize the Intern host families for supporting the Intern Program - Herzlichen Dank! The agenda includes the opportunity for public comment, the Executive Director’s report, and a presentation on the proposed calendar for next school year. The calendar will be on the February agenda for approval. This month the board will consider approving the SY21-22 Strategic Plan Progress Report. All board meetings include updates from the six committee chairs. The board packet is available here and the Zoom link here. | |
Save the Dates: Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Talks at TCGIS | |
The Diversity & Belonging Committee has been researching and writing an Indigenous land acknowledgement, the first sentence of which reads: “We recognize and appreciate that the Twin Cities German Immersion School sits on the traditional, ancestral, and contemporary homelands of the Waȟpékhute Dakota people.” The committee is hosting two presentations to introduce this important work to our TCGIS community, and to provide a forum for discussion. Please join us for the following talks by TCGIS parent, Dr. Tyler Taylor and TCGIS teacher, Rachael Schlee:
Thursday, February 2, 6:30 pm, Room 100 with Zoom option.
- Thursday, February 16, 6:30 pm, Room 100
Read more about the talks and presentors here.
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Spread the Word: help new families find TCGIS before the Feb. 15 application deadline! | |
Current TCGIS families are the #1 way new families find our great school. Please encourage your friends and neighbors to consider TCGIS for their student(s)! There are two more school tours - one this Saturday at 10:00 AM - before the application deadline on Feb. 15th.
If you're on social media, will you share these recent posts on Instagram and Facebook with your networks? Beyond social media, here is a link to share via text or email: Herzlichen Dank!
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Register for TCGIS Spring Sports & Summer Track | |
Sign up for our spring sports and summer track-and-field on Feb. 1-15 on Infinite Campus (school store). All middle schoolers are welcome to join our sports teams. Current 4th graders may also sign up for summer track-and-field.
For more information, please check out our spring sports slideshow. With questions, please contact Athletic Director Tabisz.
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Stay Tuned for Winter Universal Screening Results | |
We are doing our best to finish up winter school-wide screening this week. Students have completed assessments specific to their grade level in reading, math, or both of these areas. In the two weeks, please keep a close eye on your email for your child's winter screening assessment scores. If you still have questions or concerns after reviewing the results, we encourage you to review this resource.
As always, thank you for all that you do. - Your TCGIS Screening Team
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Tutoring is starting on Wednesday, February 1st in Kinderclub. You can find the schedule for each grade HERE. If you need to sign up/add days to Kinderclub OR want to be added to the tutoring waitlist, please email email
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2023 Summer Camps Schedule | |
You can find this year's schedule for Summer Camps here. Registration opens on February 1st. All Info can be found in our Summer Camp Handbook .
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PTO Winter Fun Activities | |
Our next amazing event is Sledding! We teamed up with Herr Tabisz again to go sledding at Como Park. Saturday, February 4th. There will be hot drinks and snack offerings from Capstone. Information and sign up here.
Save the Date! Our next meeting is Saturday, February 11th! We'll talk Maskenball, enjoy pizza, and play some Bingo! Everyone is welcome - and there will be small prizes.
Sign up here so we can have enough pizza for everyone.
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Student Belongings: Can't find it? We might have it!
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Winter means lots of layers! Please help our students to stay on top of it. Kids may feel overwhelmed with finding their lost things among all the other similar items. Ways to help get your lost items back:
- Label everything! White marker works well on black boots or jackets
If you pick up your student, please check with them that they have all of their items with them
- The lunch room is a good place to look since students come from recess and often don’t notice they dropped their hat/glove/water bottle or even lunch box.
- Please come back to check! The item might take a little while to make its way to the main “Lost and Found”
Lost items are initially kept close to the spot where they were lost because that is where students first return to check. A couple of times a month we move all lost items to the main “Lost and Found” by the West (parking lot) Entrance. The next lost and found donation date is 12PM, February 24th. Students are reminded beforehand by teachers as well as a loudspeaker announcement to check before it's donated.
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Library Club Spring Session Sign-Up | |
Library club is open to grades 6-8 and meets every Wednesday after school from 3:20-4:30. The spring session will be from Feb.22-May 3. If your student interested, please have them print and fill out this application by February 1st. Applications can be dropped off in the library. Please email Frau Zimmerman with any questions. | |
Bookmark Art Contest submissions due by 1/31 | |
This year's bookmark contest theme is Reading is Magical. The 1st place winners from both ES & MS will have their bookmark design reprinted for the whole school! If you would like to print off the template yourself, you can find it here. Students can only submit one design, and the deadline is 3PM January 31st. The winners will be announced on Fri., Feb.10th.
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Middle School Dance: Feb. 10 | |
The next Middle School Dance is being planned for Friday, February 10th. Students elected the dance theme of Winter Wonderland. The 5th and 6th grade dance will be from 6:00pm to 7:15pm in the school gym. The 7th and 8th grade dance will follow at 7:30pm to 9:00pm. Music will be provide by DJ Mathew Erwin. The dance is casual to semi-formal and all manners of dress are appropriate. Come as fancy as you want! Tickets will be $5.00 and available on Infinite Campus starting Tuesday, January 17th. | |
School Board Announcements | |
Upcoming School Board & Committee Meetings | |
Board Meeting Thurs., Jan. 26 - 6:30PM, Room 100, Zoom
Governance Meeting Thur., Feb. 2 - 4:30PM, Google Meet
Finance Meeting Tues., Feb. 7 - 6:30PM, Zoom
Fundraising Meeting Wed., Feb. 8 - 8:30AM; Room 97, Google Meet
Cmte of the Whole Meeting Wed., Feb. 15 - 6:30PM
Board Meeting Thurs., Feb. 23 - 6:30PM, Room 100, Zoom
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Intercultural Engagement Opportunities | |
The board’s Diversity & Belonging committee would like to highlight upcoming events in the Twin Cities as opportunities for intercultural engagement- one our school’s core values. Click here to learn about highlighted events! | |
January 17-27: Universal Screening
February 1: Summer Camp registration opens
February 2: Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Talks at TCGIS
February 4: Sledding Party with Herr Tabisz
February 9: History Day Contest
February 10: Middle School Dance
February 11: Pizza & Bingo with the PTO
February 16: Indigenous Land Acknowledgement Talks at TCGIS
March 25: Maskenball & Auction
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