ISSUE 523 / January 5, 2023

Director's Message

Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft! / Dear TCGIS community,

“Aller Anfang ist schwer” (All beginnings are difficult) is a well-known German aphorism. This first snowy week of 2023 suggests that this is true. But in a twist on this expression, the poet Johann Wolfgang von Goethe wrote: “Aller Anfang ist heiter, die Schwelle ist der Platz der Erwartung.” (All beginnings are bright; the threshold is the place of expectation.”)

So, despite the snow, as we stand at the midway point of this school year and on the threshold of this new year 2023, I am full of expectation for bright beginnings and bright continuations: of robust language learning, creative academic projects, innovative teaching, energetic athletics, and the rich engagement that has always shaped and defined this community.

Welcome to 2023! I look forward to continuing this school year with all of you!



School News & Updates

Note: If you don't see the calendar at the end of your Rundbrief, the message has been clipped and you must click "View entire message" to see the full email. Danke!

Infinite Campus Closed Jan. 10-18th

Access to grades and comments in Infinite Campus will be closed January 10th-18th while teachers finalize first semester grades. Once access to grades and comments reopens, please follow the steps here to access your child(ren)'s report card.

Parent's Night Out

We have spots available for our Parent's Night Out this Saturday, January 7th, from 4pm-7pm! Registration is open until 10pm tonight (5. January) in Popsicle. $30/student, $10 each TCGIS sibling. Please reach out to Michaela Bromenschenkel with any questions. Thank you!

Fall Interns' Last Day: Thursday, Jan. 12

TCGIS benefits tremendously from the engagement of our wonderful interns. They build personal connections for our students to the German language and German, Austrian and Swiss cultures, as they support their academic growth. They enrich our staff by sharing experiences and perspectives, and in learning from their mentor teachers and the teachers they observe. And they develop deep connections with their host families, participating in everyday life here, and sharing what life is like at home in Germany, Austria or Switzerland.

It is bittersweet to see 9 of our 11 Fall interns depart next week; Herr Hehemann will stay for the second semester and Frau Minde will be here through January. Herzlichen Dank, liebe Interns! Thank you, Interns!

Winter Universal Screening is here!

Universal screening for all students will begin on Tuesday, January 17th and will continue until Friday, January 27th. Universal screening is an important part of our multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS) framework at TCGIS. It allows us to identify those students who are on-track to meet grade-level standards in reading and math, and also to identify those students who may need some additional support to meet grade-level goals by the end of the year. Students in every grade level will participate in at least one assessment so that we can learn more about their current skills and knowledge. read this document for more information, including

Upcoming BIPOC Affinity Group Events

Curious about what the BIPOC affinity group is? Please read the group’s charter for information. 

Thursday, Jan. 12, 6:00-7:30 pm: Dinner and discussion circles led by Amazeworks facilitators at TCGIS. RSVP here.

Here is the save the date flyer shared earlier this school year for reference. 

Reminder from Sport

As you read this we are probably deep in snow outside, so here is my reminder that when your child comes to school, they need to bring their shoes for sport. If you are not currently able to provide a pair of tennis shoes for your child, I do have some extras for the students to borrow during class. Please remind your children to grab their tennis shoes and get ready for sport when they come to school! Looking forward to seeing everyone back at school! Thanks! - Frau Spading

PTO News: Painting, Sledding, & Auction

Come paint with us and we'll give you a cookie! Cookies & Canvasses is coming up on Saturday, January 21st - the whole family is welcome! More information here.

We teamed up with Herr Tabisz for another epic sledding party! Saturday, February 4th - sign up here.

Maskenball and the Auction are coming up in late March. We'll be posting a site soon for requests for items for the Auction. Start brainstorming - we can't wait to see what you do this year!

Buy a Yearbook!

Our Yearbook holds memories for every kid in our School. Use this link to buy a yearbook for your child now! You can also use it to buy a grad ad for your 8th grader.

If you want to have a different name than your child’s birth name printed, please fill out this survey by Jan 8th.

Final 3 School Tours for Prospective TCGIS Families

TCGIS families are the #1 way prospective families find our great school. Vielen Dank for encouraging your friends and neighbors to consider TCGIS! There are just three more school tours before the application deadline on Feb. 15th. Please spread the word to friends and neighbors. They can learn more here:

Volunteer Opportunities

Seeking History Day Judges

6th-8th grade English teachers are looking for volunteers to judge this year's in person History Day contest at TCGIS on Thursday, February 9, 2023

Judges work in small teams and will be needed the entire school day on February 9. Read more about History Day here. If you are interested or have questions before committing, please email Frau Schlee. Volunteers will need to complete a background check.

You do not need to be a Middle School caregiver or hold a degree in History to be a judge, just a general interest in history or enthusiasm for student learning will suffice. Thanks for considering!


TCGIS Youth & Adult T-shirts available in IC School Store

TCGIS T-Shirts are now available with the new logo. Please log into your Infinite Campus Parent portal using this link: In the upper left corner, click on the drop down menu and scroll down to "School Store". Select "Spiritwear/Swag" and then your choice of Youth T-Shirt $15 (Sapphire Blue and Sky Blue) or Adult T-Shirt $20 (Orange or Gray).

Select your student's name in the "Recipient" field, select an Option and then "Add to Cart". You will then be asked to set up your preferred payment method to finish the payment.

Questions? Please contact us at

School Board Announcements

Upcoming School Board & Committee Meetings

Governance Meeting Thur., Jan. 5 - 4:30PM, Google Meet

Cmte of the Whole Meeting Tues., Jan. 10 - 6:30PM

Communication & Outreach Meeting Wed., Jan. 11 - 12PM, Zoom

Fundraising Meeting Wed., Jan. 11 - 8:30AM; Room 97, Zoom

Diversity & Belonging Meeting Tues., Jan. 17 - 4PM, Google Meet

Board Meeting Thurs., Jan. 26 - 6:30PM, Room 100, Google Meet

Community News

New! German for Lunch Classes at the GAI

What’s on your plate over lunch this winter? How about a 4-week short course in German grammar or conversation? Grammar classes are held on Tuesdays and Conversation classes on Wednesdays. Three levels are available through winter session. Learn more here.

Samstagsschule (Saturday School) Winter Session

Classes begin Saturday, January 14, 2023

Kids are immersed in the German language while participating in fun activities such games, crafts, singing, and physical motion, along with age-appropriate language lessons. We offer brining to advanced levels for all ages. All classes are in person at the GAI. Learn more here.

Intercultural Engagement Opportunities

The board’s Diversity & Belonging committee would like to highlight upcoming events in the Twin Cities as opportunities for intercultural engagement- one our school’s core values. Click here to learn about highlighted events!

Resources & Calendar


January 7: Parent's Night Out

January 10-18: Infinite Campus Closed (Grading Window)

January 21: Cookies & Canvas with the PTO

February 4: Sledding Party with Herr Tabisz

February 9: History Day Contest

February 11: Pizza & Bingo with the PTO

TCGIS Google Calendar

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