ISSUE 579/May 9, 2024

Message from the Principal

Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft / Dear TCGIS Community, 

I returned home and to TCGIS this week a few days earlier than our 8th graders who are in Germany on Capstone. I felt so honored to have joined the Class of 2024 on their exchange. I am grateful to the chaperones who remained, Kat Sweeney, Emily Albers, Andrew Haugen and Claudia Müller. Our students are being good ambassadors and soaking up every moment.  

The energy around the Class of 2025's exchange was palpable in the air. In addition, our 6th graders are packing their bags and heading out to Bemidji for their Concordia Language Villages language camp excursion. This exchange and this language camp experience are two of many things that make TCGIS unique. They both offer opportunities for students to use their language skills and expand their vocabulary.  

As a high school German language teacher, I was always answering the question: “Why German?” So it’s an easy question to answer when I get it now. German is the second most spoken language in the European Union and has the most native speakers of any language in the EU. In addition to that, we open up our students’ opportunities and horizons by teaching them German. We give our students the chance to get to know someone from another culture and learn about them in their first or second language. They have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves by living or studying abroad. We are educating world citizens. Why German? Why not!

Elizabeth Zehnpfennig, Principal

School News & Updates

Graduation Yard Signs: Deadline this Sunday

8th grade graduates: If you are interested in a graduation yard sign (pictured here) please fill out this form. Take note that this form is a commitment to buying a yard sign. The deadline to order a graduation yard sign is this Sunday, May 12.

Seeking 5 more Host Families for Fall Interns

Now is the time to apply to host an intern for the fall semester! In mid-August, 11 interns arrive from Germany and Austria; we're seeking 5 more host families. Click here to see who is coming!

Ready to commit? Please complete the Host Family Application by Sunday, May 12th. Questions? Email Katharina Schirg for more info! She will start matching interns with host families in mid-May.

Lake Como Cleanup Next Tuesday - Get Free TCGIS Swag!

TCGIS is delighted to support the Como Lakeshore Cleanup scheduled for Tuesday, May 14 – 5-8pm and on Saturday, June 15 – 9am-Noon. Last spring we sent 30 TCGIS community members to the Lake Como Cleanup, let's see if we can beat that! We will give TCGIS shirts to all participants and ask you to wear them to the event! Click here to learn more.

Get your TCGIS Swag Before Summer!

We will be selling TCGIS Swag at walking pick up from 3:15 - 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, May 15th and Thursday, May 23rd. We will be selling t-shirts, car magnets, coffee tumblers, window clings, our NEW yard signs, and the remaining "Alle sind herzlich willkommen" yard signs!

Welcome To Middle School Night: Next Wednesday

On Wednesday May 15th at 6:30, we will host an online session for parents of TCGIS 4th graders to learn more about the programming of our Middle School with a focus on 5th grade. An official invitation will be sent out closer to the date. You can find the calendar invite in the TCGIS public calendar. Click here for the Google Meet link. Or dial: ‪(US) +1 662-778-8094‬ PIN: ‪547 976 113‬#

Graduation Slideshow Photos due May 15

The 8th Grade Graduation Volunteer Committee needs your 8th graders photos to create posters and a slideshow for graduation. Click here to submit your photos!

2024 School Board Election

As previously announced, Jens Lindner (parent) and Anna Miller (teacher) are running for the School Board in the upcoming annual election to fill two open seats. The election will occur from May 20-28, 2024 using an electronic voting platform (Election Buddy). All parents or legal guardians of children enrolled in the school, staff members employed at the school, and Board members are eligible to vote. The candidates’ applications and additional information from the PTO and Parent Council are available here.

TCGIS is required to have at least one community member on the Board, and with no community member candidates in the election, one seat will be vacant until a candidate is recruited and appointed by the Board. If you know of a community member who might be interested in serving on the TCGIS board, please let us know! 

A “community member” must be a Minnesota resident who is not employed at TCGIS, is not the parent/guardian of any child enrolled at TCGIS, is not an immediate family member of a TCGIS employee or board member, and is not involved in evaluating the school on behalf of our authorizer, the University of St. Thomas. Please email your ideas for potential applicants and their contact information to Director Hartman.

Registration for TCGIS Fall Sports opens Wednesday May 15: Cross-Country, Math Team & Soccer!

Sign up for our fall sports on May 15-31 on Infinite Campus (school store). Please be respectful of the time and efforts our coaches and athletic director put into the sports program by signing up during the registration window. There is a $50 late fee for registrations after May 31.

Cross-Country will start on Monday, August 5 and go through early November. Soccer will begin the first week of school at the end of August and continue through early November. Math Team will begin in mid-September and go until February 2025.

Weekly update emails from the coaches will start up 1-2 weeks before the start of the season. For more information, please check out our fall sports slideshow.

With questions, please contact Athletic Director Tabisz.

Last Middle School Dance of the Year

Let's celebrate the Class of 2024 and summer with the last middle school dance of the year on May 31st! DJ Erwin will bring his show once again! Theme to be determined! Tickets will go on sale in May online in the school store. 

  • 5th/6th Dance is 6:00-7:15 p.m. 
  • 7th/8th Dance is 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Summer Camp Openings

Multiple Summer Camps still have openings and need a minimum number of students to be able to take place. Please check HERE for our openings. Email Michaela Bromenschenkel to sign up.

Call to Action! Advocate for School Safety Aid for Charter Schools

Please take a few minutes TODAY to contact your state legislator to advocate for school safety aid for our students! Currently Minnesota students at chartered public schools do not receive safety-specific funding that is provided to traditional public schools. Learn more and how you can take action to help make a difference here. MACS has provided sample messages and contact information. 

Girl Scouts Need Your Old Linens

The Bronze Award team (grades 4 & 5) of Troop #57317 thank you for supporting their aluminum drive. They have collected almost 130 pounds of cans! The money will be used to purchase materials for the Wildlife Intensive and Critical Care Unit. They could now use your assistance to further help animals. They are collecting used towels, blankets, and sheets. Holes and stains are just fine! Please drop them off in the bin in the east entry.

PTO News

The PTO is looking for some new members! Roles are small, low commitment, and super fun. We work as a team to make the magic happen. We are currently looking for Treasurer, Fundraising, Communications, and Staff Appreciation chairs. Please email us with any questions. We'd love to hear from you. 

Volunteer Opportunities

Note: If you don't see the calendar at the end of your Rundbrief, the message has been clipped and you must click "View entire message" to read the entire Rundbrief. Danke!

Volunteer at the TCGIS Table at the GAI Deutsche Tage

TCGIS is looking for staff, parents, and community members to help represent us at the GAI's Deutsche Tage on Saturday, June 8 and Sunday, June 9. Anyone is welcome to volunteer at our tent! Invite a friend to volunteer with you or use this opportunity to meet someone new in our community! Click here to volunteer.

School Board (Schulvorstand) Announcements

Special Board Meeting: Next Thursday

The Board scheduled a special board meeting for Thursday, May 16, 6:30-8:30pm. The purpose of the meeting is to determine the succession plan for the Executive Director position. The meeting is in Room 100 and viewable via Zoom

Upcoming School Board & Committee Meetings

Cmte of the Whole Meeting: Thurs., May 9 - 6:30PM; Room 310

Special Board Meeting: Thurs., May 16 - 6:30PM; Room 100/Zoom

Governance Meeting: Mon., May 20 - 4:30PM; Google Meet 

Communications Meeting: Tues., May 21 - 6PM; Google Meet 

May Board Meeting: Thurs., April 25 - 6:30PM; Room 100/Zoom

Community News

Used Books Needed

The high school Girl Scouts of Troop #57317 (made up of TCGIS alumni) are having a book sale during the Como Garage Sale Weekend to make money for travel. If you have used books you'd like to donate, please send a message to us and a Scout will come by for pick-up. Visit us on Saturday, May 18, 9:00 am - 3:00 pm at 1472 Holton Street to get great deals on books.

Work for Concordia Language Villages!

We are hiring transportation staff in the Twin Cities for summer 2024. Staff assist the campers from all over the country during travel through MSP and at St. Kate's for overnights. 

We also offer discounts for our staff's children attending any of the Concordia Language Villages, including Waldsee! Interested? Fill out your application here!

German Summer Camps

Weekly camps for ages 5–16, July 8–August 9

Add a GAI German camp to your child’s summer fun. Our half-day week long camps (with optional extended care) immerse campers in themes such as In der Märchenwelt (into the world of fairy tales), Musiktheater (musical theater), All Things Bauen (engineering), Küchenexperimente (Kitchen Science) and more! German beginners to bilingual children are welcome. Click here to learn more!

Intercultural Engagement Opportunities

The board’s Diversity & Belonging committee would like to highlight upcoming events in the Twin Cities as opportunities for intercultural engagement- one of our school’s core values. Click here to learn about highlighted events!


There are no reminders at this time.

Resources & Calendar


May 13 - Capstone returns

May 13 - 16 - 6th Grade Waldsee Trip

May 15, May 23 - TCGIS Spiritwear for purchase at Walking Pick-up

May 16 - Special Board Meeting

May 24 - No Schoool / PD Day

May 27 - No School / Memorial Day

TCGIS Google Calendar

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