Liebe TCGIS Gemeinschaft / Dear TCGIS Community,
October is National Bullying Prevention Month. TCGIS participates in this endeavor by including important anti-bullying lessons in our classrooms and advisories, educating and providing resources to those students who feel they are being bullied.
Our Gay Straight Alliance kicked things off last week by hosting Ally Week and getting signatures of students pledging to be allies for our LGBTQ+ students. They also created signs that hang in classrooms and offices declaring staff as allies. One hangs proudly outside my office. Thanks to our GSA advisors for leading students in this great support for our students.
TCGIS social workers Diana Erwin and Kerstin Foss will be partnering with our dean of students, Catherine Radecki, to bring this to our classrooms this October. Our elementary students work through our Second Step curriculum’s bullying unit and our Middle School students tackle it by defining bullying and giving tools to students who experience it and what a bystander can do to help. Our Middle School students will also make pledges to stop bullying.
As an administration we take bullying very seriously. Reports of bullying that land on our desks are investigated and dealt with according to our bullying prohibition policy. On the school’s website you can find a bullying report form for students to use to report bullying. In every instance of bullying, there are bullies, victims, and bystanders. Your child could fall into any of these categories. The most important thing you can do is talk to your child about bullying. Teach him or her that it is unacceptable, and that all people should be treated kindly and respectfully. Also, teach your child that if he sees bullying or is being bullied he should tell you or another trusted adult- then you can work together on a plan to stop the bullying.
Together we can make TCGIS a safe place for our children,
Elizabeth Zehnpfennig, Principal