Tuscany-Canterbury is beautiful in the Fall.
November & December 2021 Newsletter
In this Issue
TCNA Board Meeting Actions on November 3, 2021
- Rev. Dr. Pauline Murray Proposal for Bishop's Square Park APPROVED
- Walking Path on Linkwood Road APPROVED
TCNA President's Message
Calvert School Project
Neighborhood Committees
- Public Safety
- Streets
- Greens
- Calvert School Liaison
Neighborhood News
- Delegate Maggie McIntosh
- Linkwood Hillside by University Parkway
- Stony Run with Trout
- Leaves and Street Sewers
- Climbing Ceramic Cats
- Leaf Collection & Other Things to Do with Leaves
- Baltimore DOT Community Transit Survey
Johns Hopkins University
Neighborhood Restaurants
Home & Condo Current Sale Prices
Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
Neighborhood Halloween Pictures
TCNA Board Meeting Actions
November 3, 2021
These topics were discussed at the TCNA General Meeting on November 1 and extensive information was available in the October 2021 TCNA E-newsletter.
Pauli Murray Project in Bishop's Square Park: Unanimous Approval
Members of the Pauli Murray Project addressed the TCNA general meeting on November 1st with the request to support a statue for Dr. Rev. Murray in Bishop’s Square Park on University Parkway and Charles Street. The TCNA Board meeting on November 3, 2021 unanimously voted to support their request. This is the first step to make this happen. The Pauli Murray Project Team of the Episcopal Church of Maryland will take the request to the City Council and eventually to the Baltimore Arts Commission. For more information about Pauli Murray see the Washington Post article September 12, 2021 CLICK HERE
Linkwood Road Improvements: Unanimous Approval
At their November meeting, the TCNA Board unanimously approved the Linkwood Road concept plan that was summarized in the October newsletter.
Next steps: TCNA is working with Friends of Stony Run, Baltimore City Department of Transportation, and Baltimore City Department of Recreation and Parks to finalize the design and develop a cost estimate. The Linkwood Road improvements are part of a broader package of related trail and park improvements along Lower Stony Run that has the backing of our city and state representatives. For more information, see https://lowerstonyrun.weebly.com/
Message from TCNA President - Julia Frazier
Greetings! I hope this message finds you and yours well, and into the swing of your fall routine. Halloween was a success, as the ghouls and Harry Potters and all other creative characters strolled through our streets - having fun and getting far too much candy for any parent's preference. Thank you to all who participated in our General Membership meeting at the start of this month. It is my sincere hope that Zoom meetings will not be required much longer, and that we can once again gather safely in person to discuss neighborhood projects, and get to know one another better! I treasure these opportunities to hear your thoughts, and share ideas.
Please take time to read about our exciting projects taking place - most notably with regard to our streets and green spaces. Many hours of research, discussion and collaboration have yielded great progress by our talented and committed board members and residents. These projects have been given careful thought and attention, with the intent of keeping Tuscany Canterbury a vibrant, safe, and inclusive neighborhood for all who live here. I always welcome your thoughts and feedback.
Construction moves ahead at Calvert School. We are watching the developments within the conservation easement on campus, and observing the new squash court facility which is quickly materializing before us! The Calvert Project Committee, as neighborhood advocates throughout the process, maintains excellent communication and works closely with the school, I thank them for their diligence and oversight efforts.
As always, I'm grateful to be living in the best neighborhood in Baltimore City. Let us continue to stay kind and caring, and enjoy one another in Tuscany Canterbury. I hope to see you around the neighborhood soon
Very best,
Calvert School Project Update
Pat Hawthorne & Mike Traviso
Tuscany Woods Project Committee
Preconstruction work began on the Calvert School Project site in September, including sediment control, erecting a fence to protect the site and ensure that storm water runoff is contained, and removing trees (many of which were diseased or dead) from the area where the athletic field will go. Changes to the city’s Conservation Easement Laws, which were announced at a project meeting in June, now expand the area that must be kept forested and cannot be cleared or developed in the future.
What’s Next??
(1) BGE has delivered large rubber conduits that will carry electricity to the site. Work will begin soon to bury the conduits and electrical wiring. TCNA has approved access for BGE and other utility trucks to the site via Tuscany Road. All other construction vehicles must enter the site via Charles Street.
(2) TCNA has also approved access via Tuscany Road for vehicles that may be required for maintenance and/or servicing the property or for emergencies subsequent to the completion of the project. The vehicles that accessed the property last week to remove several trees (see #4 below) were considered maintenance vehicles and unrelated to the construction.
(3) Construction of the retaining wall will begin soon. It will be 15 feet at its highest point at the southwest corner of the field and will taper off to be flush with the ground behind the headmaster’s house. A chain link fence will be installed on the top of the wall.
(4) An additional 5 trees located in the forested buffer zone that were deemed diseased or dead by the city arborist were removed last week. Two of the trees were at the fence line on Tuscany Road; the remaining 3 were further back on the property
(5) Storm water runoff after the completion of the project will go to an underground tank on the east side of the athletic center, a 120 feet x 100 feet single-story building with 10 squash courts being constructed on the Charles Street side of the middle school. Framing for the building is now complete.
(6) Timeframe: The school anticipates that the project will be completed by spring of 2022. Landscaping to replace trees removed from the buffer zone and enhance both the site of the field and the athletic center will be completed by late August or early September 2022.
(7) Plantings will include:
- 7 overstory trees
- 50 ornamental trees
- 61 evergreens (many will camouflage the retaining wall)
- 77 shrubs (mainly around the athletic center)
(8) The project committee and Calvert School are in the process of finalizing the 3rd Amendment to the TCNA Covenants, which will include additional terms and guidelines specific to this project. Once completed and signed, the 3rd Amendment will be included with copies of the original Covenant and its 2nd Amendment from 2019 on the TCNA web site
Questions and Concerns About Any Construction Issues:
- If you have questions or concerns about any construction issue please do not call Calvert or members of the TCNA, TLCC, Gardens or Ridgemede Boards unless it is an emergency.
- Click below and someone from the Tuscany Project Committee will get back to you quickly.
- From time to time there may be many questions on the same issue that the Project Committee will answer in the monthly TCNA E-Newsletter.
September 2, Getting Started
September 7, Removing Goal Posts
November 3: Construction of an “underground pond”, which will collect the run-off from the new building
November 4: There will be a series of these which will act like a septic tank. -The sediment, debris, etc., in the run-off will settle to the bottom of the tanks, and the water will then flow into the stream.
Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair
Tuscany-Canterbury Fall Safety Suggestions
Fall Safety Suggestions
- Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.
Keep outdoor lights on porches and outside on condos throughout the night even if you are not home. This discourages crime from happening.
- If you see a street light that is out, call 311 as soon as possible. If it doesn't get repaired Click here to email TCNA with the confirmation number and location.
- If you see something suspicious, call 911 as soon as possible.
Vaccination Locations: Updates
The Baltimore City Department of Health is available to come to you for your vaccine! If you have not had time to get your vaccine because of your work schedule or other reasons, the department can come to you. Sign up at covax.baltimorecity.gov or call 443-984-8650.
Johns Hopkins Medicine has set up a call center to help Baltimore City residents schedule their COVID-19 vaccine appointments. If you know someone who needs an appointment, refer them to call 410-955-1062, Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Vaccination Cards
What to know about keeping them safe or getting a replacement
Now that many institutions and businesses are requiring proof of Covid vaccination, consider having backups or your vaccination card – preferably more than one:
- Take a photo of the front and back of the card - on your cellphone, camera or scanner.
- Back up that picture to another device (eg computer, hard drive, or a secure cloud site)
- Print the picture and store it where you can find it.
- Upload the picture to your physician’s health records program (e.g. MyChart)
Unlike many European countries, the US has no national vaccine passport program, although some states are beginning to provide them. In Maryland, the responsibility for keeping proof of vaccination handy lies with you at present.
What happens if you do lose your card? Pharmacies, doctors’ offices, and health care facilities should be able to provide you with proof of vaccination, though they may not be able to provide a duplicate card. Information may be in a healthcare app such as MyChart. If you were vaccinated at a state sponsored site such as a mass vaccination site, your information is stored at myIRmobile.com.
Current Websites for Reliable Information
Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count CLICK HERE
Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair
39th Street Median and Crosswalks
Final design plans for landscaping and streetscape improvements on 39th Street from University Parkway to Canterbury Road are in the works. The plans call for a four-phase project to incrementally improve safety and extend the high-quality landscaping on this stretch of roadway. There will be three new pairs of raised crosswalks, ADA-compliant ramps and sidewalks, landscaped curb bump outs to reduce crossing distances and slow traffic, and new delivery zones so that delivery trucks can safely park along the curb on both sides of 39th Street. Next step: An MOU for maintenance of landscaping and funding of various elements of the project is being negotiated by various stakeholders along 39th Street.
University Parkway
Baltimore City Department of Transportation has informed us that resurfacing of University Parkway from 39th Street to Charles Street will take place in the Spring of 2022 at the earliest. As part of the resurfacing, the City plans to more clearly delineate bike lanes and crosswalks along this stretch, extending the pilot traffic calming and road diet project recently installed between 39th and 40th Streets.
Next steps: As part of our effort to collaborate with neighboring community associations and institutional partners to craft a longer-term vision for the future of University Parkway, the Neighborhood Design Center (NDC) is planning a corridor-wide design charette in late November or early December. The charette will be an opportunity for all interested TCNA residents to provide input on current challenges and opportunities along University Parkway and think about how we'd like University Parkway to look in 5-10 years. Stay tuned for details.
Federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
The $645 billion federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) of 2021 has passed the House and was signed into law by President Biden. While the lion's share of the funding is directed at highway expansion and bridge replacement projects, the IIJA includes small but significant programs that could directly benefit our community and region, like reimagining Baltimore's infamous "Highway to Nowhere" and building community connections that promote active and affordable transportation. The IIJA also will fund intercity rail improvements that will enable 30-minute train trips from Baltimore to Washington Union Station and sub-2-hour trips to New York-Penn Station. Finally, the IIJA enables expedited federal review and approval of the Red Line light rail, should a future state administration choose to revive the project.
Update of Baltimore Transportation Development Plan
Baltimore City Transit Development Plan (TDP): Baltimore City Department of Transportation has launched a public input portal for an update of the city's Transportation Development Plan (TDP). The new TDP will explore changes to the Baltimore City Circulator. To provide input on the revised TDP, go to https://streetsofbaltimore.com/tdp
Greens Committee
Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair
Progress and Plans for TCNA Public Gardens
The Greens Committee this summer/fall has focused most of their activities in doing some much needed pruning, mulching, and trimming in most of our four gardens, as well as undertaking a possibly multi-year effort in eradicating a well established crop of crabgrass in the Oval Garden at Tuscany/Ridgemede. The process began this summer with the crop being dug out, with the crabgrass returning later in the summer. So a couple applications of herbicides followed. Once the crabgrass appeared dead, the crop was covered by a landscape material intended to block sunlight inhibiting the growth of seedlings. The landscape material will remain intact over the winter and we are hoping it inhibits regrowth in the spring. We may consider application of a pre-emergent herbicide as well, again to prohibit new germination/growth.
Once we are assured that we have stymied the re-growth of the crabgrass, we will explore various plant types/varieties to cover the area, in effect to crowd out any chance of crabgrass regrowth. As a temporary step, large pots of Hostas are currently being used to hold down the landscape material until possible planting in the spring. We would welcome any expert advice on plant selection or suitability to consider for spring 2022 or fall 2022 planting, pending successful crabgrass eradication. You can contact bboland1@jhu.edu if you have advice.
Moving forward, since these gardens are quite mature, they require monitoring, pruning, weeding and mulching and possibly new plantings. We will be inviting our list of garden VOLUNTEERS to select a garden (if they wish) to tend so that we can have more thorough coverage and more timely tending. We would like to engage our VOLUNTEERS in activities that they are interested in pursuing in order to continue to green our community and enhance our ecological diversity, beauty and aesthetics. Anyone interested, please contact Bonnie Boland at Bboland1@jhu.edu.
Calvert School Liaison Committee
Calvert Liaison Meeting November 16
The Calvert Liaison Committee held the second of four scheduled annual meetings with Headmaster Andrew Holmgren on November 16th. Topics of importance included the continued dialogue regarding carpool and drop-off and pick-up, deliveries and trash pickup, and gardening maintenance on the Tuscany Rd hillside, as well as the embankment along Stoney Ford Rd. Detailed log keeping for traffic lines and wait times was reported by committee members.
It was agreed by both Calvert and TCNA that the carpool lines, while sometimes reaching all the way to Linkwood Road, were within the defined limits of our covenants. Mr. Holmgren told us that the Head of Facilities has been keeping watch in his security vehicle, and keeping a log as well. There is concern that the painted crosswalk has faded at the intersection of Tuscany Rd and Stoneyford, and a request for repainting will be submitted through 311, expedited by Councilwoman Odette Ramos. We will continue to monitor and discuss these issues. Our next meeting is scheduled for February 15th, 2022. Please contact me with concerns to share.
Thank you, Julia
Calvert School Dates of Interest to Tuscany-Canterbury
November 23, School Closes at 12:30 P.M. - Grandparents’ Day - Thanksgiving Break begins
- November 24-26, School Closed - Thanksgiving Break
- November 29, School resumes at 8:00 A.M.
December 17, School Closes at 12:30 P.M. - Last day of classes before Winter Break
- December 20-December 31, School Closed - Winter Break
- January 3, School resumes at 8:00 A.M.
Neighborhood News
- Questions
- Comments
- Messages
If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please CLICK HERE and we will try to help.
"To Baltimore residents, there really are no words to thank you for the honor and privilege to serve you. Your support will always fill my heart. The entire time I served in public office I have lived in a Baltimore neighborhood, Tuscany Canterbury. These neighbors and friends have been the backbone of my success.”
House Appropriations Chair Maggie L. McIntosh (D), a powerful and trailblazing figure in Maryland politics and one of the most consequential legislators from Baltimore City in history, announced Sunday night that she will retire from the General Assembly next year rather than seek re-election.
“At the end of this term, I will have served 30 years and been successfully elected seven times to the Maryland House of Delegates,” she wrote in an email to constituents and supporters that went out Sunday night. “However, my name will not be on the ballot next year. After careful thought and personal reflection, I am looking forward to retiring from the House of Delegates at the end of 2022. Family, friends, and community will get my full attention.”
To read Maggie's full letter in the Sunpapers (Nov 15, 2021) CLICK HERE
To read about some of Maggie's accomplishment CLICK HERE
Sunpapers article (Nov 16, 2021) about Maggie CLICK HERE
The hillside between University Parkway and Stoney Ford Road has not been mowed for months. What's happening?
Thank you to everyone who helped - Councilwoman Odette Ramos, Parks and Recreation, Friends of Stony Run, Baltimore 311. The City has finally mowed the hillside!!
Stony Run Stocked with Trout
Our friends at Maryland Chapter Trout Unlimited have stocked 400 rainbow trout in the Stony Run below Wyndhurst Avenue for recreational fishing. It is a gift to the children of the Stony Run watershed and beyond. State fishing regulations are in effect for licensure – children under 16 do not need a license. MDTU requests that if you wish to take trout, please limit your bag to two fish total so that this resource may be enjoyed into next Spring. Stream etiquette is mandatory : Be safe. Be responsible. Respect the space of other fishers.
Please help! Keep the street sewer drains free of leaves to prevent flooding in the neighborhood.
Join Johns Hopkins for the latest in the series of ‘Five Minute Videos’ from Baltimore Heritage. These cats were popular in areas around Tuscany Canterbury starting back in the 1940’s as the Camark Potteries in Arkansas decided to produce whimsical objects that were more affordable: back then, these ‘architectural decorations’ cost $2.99. You can still find vintage cats on Etsy or Ebay, but now they’ll cost you considerably more! For a more complete history of the pottery and the cats, check out the 5 minute (actually 8 min) history. The collection of beautiful cats here is on 33rd and Chestnut.
Fall Leaves
There are so many things to love about the fall season, but one of our favorites is the fall leaves! Every year, nature gives us this carbon-rich resource which can often end up in local waste streams. Leaves are some of the best "browns" to use in your compost pile - so don't throw them away! You can also create leaf mold, which is produced when leaves break down over time. Leaf mold can support a healthy soil structure.
Fall leaves can also be used in various craft projects. Try making a leaf wreath, leaf confetti, or create some fall decor.
Leaf Collection
Message from Baltimore City
Avoid sweeping leaves into the streets, alleys, gutters or storm drains.
Baltimore's Department of Public Works leads an annual fall leaf collection on regularly scheduled trash collection days. Solid waste crews will collect up to 5 paper bags of leaves from each address every week until January 3.
Important Transit Survey - Due November 30
Baltimore City Department of Transportation – Transit Development Plan
The Purple Line of the Charm City Circulator is the most popular line of the system. It is a very important way for Charles Street’s residents, workers and visitors to get around.
Baltimore City DOT is working on a Transit Development Plan for the Charm City Circulator and Harbor Connector services which will outline possible service changes over the next 5 years. Your opinion is important. Your voice matters in how Baltimore City DOT operates the Charm City Circulator and Harbor Connector.
Baltimore DOT Community Transit Survey
The Baltimore City Department of Transportation has launched a survey to solicit feedback for the creation of the city’s new Transit Development Plan (TDP). The Community Survey is open now through November 30th, 2021 and DOT would love your input! The TDP will include strategies and potential route changes to the existing four Charm City Circulator routes and three Harbor Connector routes. It will include:
- Recommendations to reconfigure the Circulator Routes
- An analysis of Circulator service gaps
- Service changes needed to reach employment centers
- Reconfiguration opportunities with institutional shuttle services
- Suggestions on how to refocus the Harbor Connector to serve job centers and accelerate tourism
For more information on the Transit Development Plan, visit here
Summary of letter from JHU about Behavioral Heath Crisis Service Team and Program
"We are excited to announce the official launch of the BHCST (behavioral health crisis service team) program. This program will serve the Johns Hopkins and surrounding communities by providing a mobile response team for mental health emergencies. It will use a team approach, pairing mental health providers with public safety professionals.
Team members undergo extensive training in de-escalation, crisis counseling, diversity, equity and inclusion, LGBT+ informed language, and care for the homeless and disabled. Due to the shortage of health professionals we are not yet fully staffed, however we are providing clinical backup at all times of day for phone assessments, triage, and response. In the next phase of the program we will introduce a dedicated phone number where individuals can reach the BHCST directly, and eventually intend to provide a 24/7 mobile response team.
Branville Bard, Vice President for Public Safety
Kevin Shollenberger, Vice Provost for Student Health and Well-Being, Interim Vice Provost for Student Affairs
Reopening of JHU Center for Recreation and Well-Being
Neighborhood Restaurants
Updates for the Holidays
Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Cantebury
Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
Our neighborhood restaurants wish everyone happy holidays and have extended themselves in many wonderful ways in November and December. Please take note of holiday hours and offerings.
Hopkins Deli will be open EVERY DAY in the months of November and December including Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Day. All services will be fully operational including the kitchen! Don’t worry if your alcohol supply dwindles as you can literally run to the deli between the hours of 10am-10pm. A 10% discount is extended to all TCNA residents.
The Ambassador is open for Thanksgiving dinner. Both lunch and dinner will be served on Christmas Day, New Years Eve and New Years Day. Call for reservations.
One World Café is planning a vegan Thanksgiving meal but interested parties will need to call for details as the menu is yet to be determined. A vegan shepherds pie was the special when I stopped in to chat and the baked goods case was stocked with spice cupcakes decorated in autumnal themes. Pumpkin pancakes have been a favorite on the brunch menu.
Cypriana’s is a popular spot on the eve of Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, and New Years Eve. Make a reservation if you’re looking for a break from food preparation. They will be closed on Thanksgiving Day, December 25th and 26th and January 1st and 2nd. Outdoor dining remains an option, weather permitting.
Alizee continues to do renovations and hopes to announce the results of rebranding in the new year. They do have a new catering menu and can host private parties from 15-250 guests!
Updated Hours:
Tuesday - Sunday: 11 - 3 & 5 - 9
Monday: Open for Party Only
Open on Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day
443 449 6200
Open Daily
7am-11am serving breakfast
5pm-9pm serving dinner
New catering menu. Can host private parties.
A casual but upscale authentic neighborhood restaurant. Make reservations for patio dining weather permitting.
410 366-6603
10% discount is extended to residents. Open EVERY DAY from 10 to 10 (including holidays until 2022) including full kitchen.
100 W University Parkway
Extended hours Wednesday through Saturday from 10am-8pm.
Sunday remains 10-4 pm and they are closed Monday and Tuesday. A special vegan Thanksgiving meal is planned. Call for the menu.
Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source: This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email: julia@monumentsothebysrealty.com
Events Happening In and Around
Lower Stony Run Strategic Plan Site Walk
Sunday, Nov 21 9 am - 1 pm
See map below for locations and times.
The site walk along the Lower Stony Run is an opportunity to point out assets, concerns, opportunities, etc. to help inform the Strategic Plan. In the spirit of the Ma and Pa Railroad, we will be making seven “station stops” along the way. Participants can join for the entire walk or for individual sections. Refer to the route map below for station locations/descriptions and departure times from each. The walk will depart each station promptly.
Additional Notes:
The walk will take place rain or shine (unless there is heavy rain). Any cancellations will be posted on the project website.
- While most of the walk is level, there are a few sections where we will be walking on narrow hillside pathways, with somewhat steep terrain. The entire walk is unpaved with uneven surfaces in many spots.
- While the project planner will be taking some notes along the way, it may be difficult to record everyone’s thoughts depending upon the size of the group. Please be prepared to keep track of your own questions, observations, and ideas and share on the “Contact” tab of the project website. This can be done following the walks or in the online survey that will be launched later this month.
Stony Run Site Walk Map with Times and Locations
JHU: Lighting of the Quads
December 3, 6 - 8pm
Keyser Quad, Homewood Campus, Johns Hopkins University
Hundreds of students, faculty members, staff, alumni, and community members will come together to commemorate the end of another fall semester and the beginning of the holiday season with Johns Hopkins' annual Lighting of the Quads. This year marks its 17th anniversary.
Registration is required. This event is free
2021-22 SEASON
Community Concerts at Second’s 35th season
Music for All, Free to All
- Nov 21, 2021 - Candlelight Concert
- Jan 9, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- Jan 30, 2022 - Berta Rojas, guitar
- Feb 27, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- March 20, 2022 - Nathalie Joachim & Spektral Quartet
- April 3, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
- April 24, 2022 - Icarus Quartet
- May 1, 2022 - Ivalas Quartet
- May 15, 2022 - Wonderlic Piano Concert
- May 22, 2022 - Joel Fan, piano
- June 5, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
Community Concerts at Second will require all audience members to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks at our concerts until further notice. We ask that you arrive early to present proof of vaccination to our volunteers.
In addition, we plan to livestream our five fall concerts for those who are not yet comfortable attending live events.
Thaddeus Mosley: Forest
October 17, 2021-March 27, 2022
Painter Sam Gilliam nicknamed Thaddeus Mosley “the forest” and called him the “keeper of old trees, round trees, big trees, heavy trees.” This month, see five recent sculptures by Mosley, who channels the art of the African diaspora, jazz, and the European modernist avant-garde into inventive wooden forms using only a mallet, chisel, and masterful joinery techniques.
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator. PresidentTCNA@gmail.com
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Don't know when to pay your dues? Reminder renewal notices for 2021-2022 are sent the month that your dues need to be renewed.
Not a member yet? Join anytime!
Officers and Board Members for July 2021 to June 2022
Vice President: Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
- Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
- Paul Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
- Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street)
- Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
- Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)
- Anne Perkins (Tuscany Road)
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
Members of the Calvert Project Committee
- *Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford)
- *Mike Traviso (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
- Charles Brenton (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
- Lucinda Davis (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo)
- Fred Lazarus. TCNA (Ridgemede Road)
- Andy Parsley (TCNA Tuscany Road)
- Julia Frazier (TCNA President, Canterbury Road)
- Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford)
*Co-Chairs and points of contact with questions.
Tuscany-Canterbury went all out for Halloween this year.