Summer 2022 Newsletter

Newsletters are now posted on the TCNA Website

In This Summer 2022 Issue

President's Message

New TCNA Board Member: Lauren Urbanek

Neighborhood Committees

  • Public Safety
  • Calvert School Project Committee Updates
  • Events Committee
  • Streets Committee
  • Greens Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Calvert School Liaison 

Neighborhood News

  • Broken Street Light Tuscany at Stoney Ford Road
  • Illegal One Way Traffic between Linkwood to Tuscany on Stoney Road Road
  • Abandoned Cars on Linkwood Road
  • Gas Leak on Canterbury Road
  • Dead Tree on University Parkway
  • Recycling Pick-up Dates
  • Councilwoman Odette Ramos Update - Mural at R.House

Johns Hopkins University

Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

  • Ambassador Dining Room - Best in Baltimore Award
  • Update Hopkins Deli

Home & Condo Current Sale Prices 

Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

TCNA: Are you a member? We’d ❤️ to have you join us!

CLICK HERE to join or renew your TCNA dues.

July 2022 photos in Tuscany-Canterbury

Please send us your pictures of the neighborhood or let us know a picture that we should capture.

Special thanks to John Robinson who takes most of the photos for the newsletter and for the TCNA website.

President's Message

Julia Frazier

Hello everyone,

I hope you are enjoying this summer season, and staying cool and relaxed. Things have been somewhat quiet around the neighborhood, as many people are traveling and enjoying vacations away from home. My family and I will be heading north soon, to enjoy a little respite from the Baltimore summer heat. I'm looking forward to it, and also to returning to savor the last of summer before fall and her routines set in.

Reflecting on seasons, I have been pondering lately about chapters and life seasons as I hit a milestone birthday last week! Let's just say it doesn't start with a 4, and it doesn't start with a 6. It's somewhere straight in the middle. Somehow it snuck up on me, and it seems a great accomplishment. I'm so thankful for the healthy and happy life I live on Canterbury Road. My kids are leaving their respective school levels, and starting new adventures in Middle and High School. Wow! It seems a blink in time since we moved here with a toddler and second grader a short time ago. Unbelievable. I am often reminded of how quickly it all goes. I also appreciate the phrase "the days are long, but the years are short". That resonates with me from time to time.

One of my favorite things about this neighborhood we live in, is that I have met and become friends with people of ALL ages. I have had the distinct pleasure of holding tiny newborn Tuscany Canterbury babies. I have also witnessed and assisted wonderful friends moving out of homes they have lived in for over 30 or 40 years! Some have lived here for a lifetime, and have no intent on leaving anytime soon. Our community is truly for lifers. How many neighborhoods can offer such a fulfilling and vibrant place to live, for literally any age? It brings me joy to see the babies and toddlers playing and growing up in our streets, alleys and green spaces. And I love learning from the experience and wisdom of those who certainly know far more than I do, about all kinds of interesting and useful stuff.

Whatever chapter you are living, I'm glad you have chosen Tuscany Canterbury. It's undoubtedly a special place. Thanks for making it richer for all of us.

As always, take good care, and I hope to see you around the 'hood.


New TCNA Board Member: Lauren Urbanek

Lauren Urbanek is a Baltimore native who has lived on Tuscany Road since 2017. Lauren has a background in civil engineering and city planning, and currently works as an advocate on policy issues related to clean energy and climate change. She and her husband Dave and children Bryn (5) and Bowen (1), along with dog Lily, love exploring everything the neighborhood has to offer - especially the parks and playground. Lauren and her family feel so fortunate to live in such a beautiful place with the most wonderful neighbors, and she is excited to work with the board to make TCNA the best neighborhood in our great city.

Tuscany-Canterbury has a number of active committees. Please consider helping with one of these committees.


  • TCNA Restaurant Contact - We need someone to update the restaurant section in the newsletter.  You would contact each restaurant in the neighborhood each month and write a short update for the newsletter.
  • Writer to summarize the history of our neighborhood from the 1700's to current times for the Tuscany Canterbury area

CLICK HERE and let us know which committee you want to help.

Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair

Tuscany-Canterbury Crime by Month 2022

Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments.

No crimes have been reported in Tuscany-Canterbury for the past 30 days! 

Thanks to everyone who looks out for anything suspicious. Also the large number of neighbors who walk through the neighborhood daily discourages crime from happening.

Tuscany-Canterbury Safety Suggestions

988 is the NEW National and Maryland Suicide and Crisis Hotline

Anyone who calls will be connected with a counselor immediately. It is much easier to use three numbers than to have to remember or look up a long one. Please spread the news about this new hotline, it could save lives. For more information on the hotline and other mental health resources, click here.

Coronavirus Information
Current Websites for Reliable COVID Information

New COVID Information from July 2022 Time Magazine

Reliable and Current COVID Resources

  • Where to get tested in Baltimore (Daily updates) CLICK HERE

  • Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count CLICK HERE

Tuscany Woods

Project Committee

Pat Hawthorne

Mike Travieso, Co-Chairs

CLICK HERE to contact Project Committee

For the most updated information go to the TCNA website

July 2022 Updates:

  • The sod on the playing field is scheduled to be laid the week of July 18th. This is the last step for that portion of the construction project before the landscaping is completed in the fall. 

  • Interior work on the Athletic Center is continuing and will probably be completed in the next couple of months. Calvert has requested a design proposal for additional sound mitigation from the manufacturer of the cooling tower. 

  • The TCNA has signed an agreement with a sound engineering consultant to come and independently test the sound in the next couple of weeks.

Updates are now posted on the updated TCNA website. CLICK HERE to find out more information about the Calvert project.

July 2022:  Progress on Athletic Center and Playing Field

Events Committee

Ann Christopher, Chair

Roz Mansouri, First Friday Coordinator

Josh Cohen, Tuscany-Canterbury 100th Anniversary Coordinator

Plans and activities are being planned for the fall. 

CLICK HERE to get involved with other events that are being planned.

Josh Cohen and Mat Leffler-Schulman are also planning for the 100th Celebration of Tuscany-Canterbury. The homes on Canterbury and Cloverhill (University Homes) were built over 100 years ago and the Gardens of Guilford were built in 1922.

Streets Committee

Brian ten Siethoff Committee Chair

CLICK HEREto contact Streets Committee or Visit TCNA Website for information about all the Streets On-Going Projects

Raindrops Keep Fallin on My Head

In case you haven't noticed... we've had some intense rainfalls this summer! All that rainwater has to drain somewhere, and the rain tends to pick up trash, leaves and branches, dirt, and debris (not to mention the occasional stray sock or pet toy) on its way to storm drains and catch basins around the neighborhood. We've noticed a lot of clogged drains and water backing up into the roadway these past few weeks.

If you notice a drain that's already clogged and causing water to back up, please report it to the city at or call 311.

We all can help prevent clogs and blockages:

  • If you have a storm drain or catch basin near your house, apartment, or condo, please help out by periodically cleaning leaves, branches, trash, and other debris from the gutter and the pavement around the drain.

  • You could suggest to your apartment or condo manager that the building should "adopt" and be responsible for the drains near your building.

  • Whether or not you have a storm drain or catch basin near your home, please do your part to keep our streets and alleys clear of debris. Don't rake or blow leaves, garden clippings, or soil into the street. Clean up after yourself when gardening, try to use biodegradable bags for yard waste, and help out the crews who remove our waste by keeping the bottom of your bags dry until garbage day.

  • A shout out to all those who pick up litter along streets and sidewalks on their daily walks around the neighborhood! We see you, and we thank you! It's a small task that reaps big benefits for us all, and for the ecosystems along Stony Run, Jones Falls, the Patapsco River, and Chesapeake Bay. 

You also may have noticed some sump pumps working overtime this summer. It's normal to see a little activity after a major storm, but if your sump pump keeps pumping regularly days later, you may have a water leak in or around your house. Call 311 or go online to report the leak location. If the city finds that the leak is on the city's side of your water meter, they'll send a crew out quickly to repair it at no cost. If the leak is on your side, they'll let you know so you can get it fixed ASAP and avoid a hefty water bill. 

As always, if you "Can't Get No Satisfaction" from the city, let us know and we'll try to help and direct you to the right resource.

The rain's not all bad! We hope you've been enjoying the beautiful flowers and greenery around the neighborhood this summer. If you planted a garden, you probably have enough produce to set up a stand at the Waverly Market next weekend...

July 2022

University Parkway  

Work has begun. 

CLICK HERE for information about the planned work on the TCNA website

New curbs have been installed on University Parkway between Charles and Canterbury. 

Sidewalks are being replaced or repaired.

Greens Committee

Bonnie Boland, Committee Chair

Committee Members: Alison Moliterno, Pat Hawthorne, Pat Mutch, Pat Loker, Fred Chalfont, Will Snyder, Chris Whitaker

Stroll through the neighborhood and see the great job that the Greens Committee has done on the 4 public neighborhood gardens.

  • 39th Street at Canterbury in front of Canterbury Hall
  • Tuscany Oval (Tuscany and Ridgemede)
  • Ridgemede Curve
  • Stony Run Bridge at Linkwood by the entrance to the bridge

Membership Committee

Pat Hawthorne, Chair

Committee Members: Ann Christopher, Nancy LaMotte, Mary Loker, Sam Park, Mat Leffler-Schulman

Members of the TCNA Membership Committee have been hitting the sidewalks recently to reach out to households who did not pay their dues for the period of July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022 or who have never become members. 

If you received one of the packets urging you to renew or become a member, please consider joining. Membership dues help to fund the monthly newsletter, our website maintenance, maintenance of our gardens and green spaces, maintenance and upkeep of the Stony Run Trail and the Linkwood Park, and negotiations with other entities/organizations such as Calvert School over its expansion plans.

Thank you!!!

The TCNA Membership Committee

If you are interested in joining the Membership Committee. It is a great way to help and meet neighbors at the same time.  CLICK HERE. 

Calvert Liaison Committee

Amy Mutch, Chair


Committee Members: Ferd Latrobe (Canterbury Road), Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford), Arna Margolis (Tuscany/Lombardy)

CLICK HERE for more information about the Liaison Committee established by the Calvert Covenants with TCNA.

July 2022 Updates:

As your new Calvert Liaison Committee Chair I have agreed to step up and represent TCNA to facilitate our “town and gown” relationship. The agreements and amendments signed over many years in effort to resolve conflicts and concerns are still in place and can be found on the TCNA web site.

While I’m not recommending you add the website on Calvert's agreements to your summer reading list it is there as a reference. What matters most is mutual respect so that a standard for quality of life can coexist for the residents and Calvert School operations. Carpool lines are obviously quiet and contained in the summer as camp programs have a lower enrollment. The same goes for truck deliveries and trash pickups.

However, two issues have been called to the attention of Calvert School

in recent weeks. The bank of the hillside along the woods at the far north corner of the property was overgrown with weeds over two feet high and in desperate need of attention. City code states that grass and weeds over eight inches are in violation. That section has been cleaned up and other areas are to be mowed when the wildflowers are no longer in bloom. 

The Woods Committee will also want to review the plan for tree planting and landscaping planned for fall along the bank so we will coordinate communications with them as well.

The second issue relates to sections of the sidewalk on Stoney Ford in need of repair. Property owners are required to maintain the sidewalk along their property lines. Calvert has submitted a request to Baltimore City for replacement. Until that happens repairs will be made to correct tripping hazards.

In service to TCNA and our wonderful urban oasis I wish you a healthy,

joyful summer!

Amy Mutch

Calendar Events for Calvert School

September 1First Day of School 

School drop-off is between 7:30 and 8:30 and pick-up starts at 2:45. 

Neighborhood News




How can TCNA get the dead tree on University Parkway near Charles replaced with a new one?

The dead tree has been reported to Baltimore City and has been referred to the forestry department to remove.  Once the tree is removed the TCNA Greens Committee will work on getting a new tree planted.

When will the broken street light at Tuscany and Stoney Ford be replaced?

The problem has been reported to Baltimore City.  The issue has been referred to the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company.  An update will be provided in the next newsletter.

Before a car ran into the street light.

This is what it is left and waiting for a new historic light.

Cars go the wrong way on Stoney Ford. 

What can be done?

Several neighbors have contacted TCNA about regularly seeing vehicles traveling the wrong way on Stoney Ford. Some have had Calvert School stickers on their tailgates, others have come from the Gardens of Guilford, and others seem confused where they are going.

The problem has been referred to the TCNA Streets Committee to resolve the problem.  We will keep you updated about what is being done.

Every Summer, the hillside on Tuscany Road between the Calvert's headmaster's house and the Tuscany Court Alley is overgrown with weeds and not mowed. 

Many neighbors were concerned that the weeds were at least 4 feet tall. They contacted Calvert directly and also contacted the TCNA/ Calvert Liaison Committee. In July, Amy Mutch requested that area without flowers will be cleared as soon as possible. (see Calvert Liaison article above )

Thank You Calvert for mowing your hillside on Tuscany Road.

The Calvert hillside on Tuscany Road, June 2022.

Calvert cleared the weeds and mowed the lawn in the middle of July.  

Abandoned cars on Linkwood Road

More vehicles have been abandoned on Linkwood Road. One had been there since early May and, thanks to Odette Ramos's assistance, was towed away last week. 

Another vehicle appears to have been abandoned in late June but has yet to receive any citations.

Baltimore City's Policy about Abandoned Cars

Residents who suspect an abandoned or illegally parked vehicle in their community should contact 311. 

Derelict vehicles on public or private property can be reported to the city’s one-call center, and the complaint will be investigated. Residents are encouraged to include as much information as possible when reporting an abandoned vehicle, such as the exact address/location of the vehicle, make/model, color, tag number and condition (flat tires, broken windshield, etc.). The submission of vehicle photos is also encouraged to assist field personnel with the investigation. 

Once an abandoned vehicle service request is received, inspectors from either BCDOT or Code Enforcement from the Housing Authority of Baltimore City will conduct an investigation. Vehicles that are found to be in violation will be cited and could be removed within several days. 

More Gas Issues on Canterbury Road

Gas leaks were identified by the BGE's routine and regular checks. Repairs were made in 3900 block of Canterbury in July. If you smell gas call 1-800-685-1234 immediately.

Messages from Baltimore City DPW

Tuscany-Canterbury Curbside Recycling Schedule

August 4, August 18, September 1


Go to the DPW website:for the latest information about the schedule.

Messages from

Councilwoman Odette Ramos

New Mural Alert!

Check out the new mural on West 29th Street on the R.House building! It's lovely to see so much public art in our district!

Johns Hopkins University

Adopt-a-Student Uniform Drive

Since 2011, Johns Hopkins and Baltimore City Public Schools have partnered to give BCPS students new uniforms when they begin the school year. Through our Adopt-a-Student Uniform Drive, more than 4,500 students have received two new uniforms apiece over the past ten years.

Baltimore City Public Schools has reported that greater attendance rates and increased attentiveness in classwork are two advantages connected to having access to new uniforms and other school supplies.

Here’s how you can help:

  • Donate $50 for two student uniforms
  • Donate $50 donation for new school supplies


Learn more here: 

Adopt-a-Student Uniform & Supply Drive - JHU Human Resources

Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information

This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.

Updated Hours

Tuesday - Sunday: 11-3 & 5-9

Lunch Buffet, Friday - Sunday

Monday: Open for Party Only


Open Daily

Sunday thru Thursday


Friday & Saturday until 11:00

Can host private parties and events. 10% discount for residents of Tuscany-Canterbury.

443- 335-6236

The patio is open

Friday & Saturday 5 - 11

Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday

5 - 9




Closes at 4pm on Sunday

Call for the menu.

410) 235-5777

100 W University Parkway

Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos

in Tuscany Canterbury

June - July 2022

Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:

Events & Happening

In and Around


Household Hazardous Waste Collection

  • August 5 & 6
  • September 1 & 2
  • October 7 & 8 (last one until Spring)

Residents may drop off household hazardous material at the Northwest Citizens' Convenience Center, 2840 Sisson Street, from 9:00 am. to 5:00 p.m. on both days.

This is an opportunity for Baltimore City residents to drop off items such as oil-based paints, pesticides, herbicides, car and household batteries, drain cleaners, pool chemicals, and more. Latex paint is NOT hazardous waste, it can be dried up and the cans put out for regular trash collection.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Season runs from April to October and generally occurs on the first Friday and Saturday of the month. 

Special BMA Exhibition

Joan Mitchell 

Closes August 14

Less than one month remains to see the brilliant retrospective of a life lived fully through art. 

Don't miss your chance to see the only East Coast presentation of more than 70 magnificent works of art that show the full arc of Joan Mitchell’s career and illuminate her love of music, poetry, and the natural world. 


The Book Thing

  • Sun, Aug 14 – details TBD
  • Sat, Sept 10 – details TBD

Check their website for more information

Renaissance Institute

Fall Course Registration Now Through August 15

Renaissance is open to all people from all educational backgrounds with a keen interest in intellectual and creative pursuits.

A collegial community of lifelong learners over the age of 50, Renaissance Institute, abounds with opportunities to express your creativity, engage in intellectual pursuits and explore new ideas while building enriching camaraderie.

Renaissance members are writers, painters, historians, teachers, scientists, film buffs, musicians, dancers, poets, bankers, realtors, lawyers, sports fans, nurses and more! Most are retired, many are grandparents, and all have fascinating life experiences to share.

Renaissance’s non credit classes are designed and led by members, and local professionals. Enjoy a mix of on-campus and Zoom based selections on Tuesdays and Thursdays each spring and fall semester. Check in for special lectures and social events, clubs, and our unique Summer and Winter in the City Programs for continuing enrichment and fun when classes are out of session.

The Renaissance Curriculum covers a wide range of interests including: art, history, science, literature, music, philosophy, politics, public affairs, creative writing, drawing and painting, film, languages, qi gong, and yoga.

CLICK HERE for more information about the Renaissance Institute 

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute

Osher at JHU celebrates 35 years of offering intellectually stimulating courses and educational programs. Expand your academic horizons in retirement with our community of lifelong learners supported by Johns Hopkins University and the Bernard Osher Foundation.

Osher at JHU is a membership community providing a vibrant educational and social environment for mature adults. The Institute offers a rich array of stimulating courses, lectures, and activities, along with opportunities for social interaction during fall and spring semesters.

The Osher courses and lectures are offered during the day. Our programs are non-credit, delivered in a wide array of formats and locations. There are no entrance requirements, no tests, and no grades, just learning for the sake of learning.

Thanks to the generosity of The Bernard Osher Foundation, the network of Osher Lifelong Learning Institutes across the United States is meeting the needs of older learners who want to learn simply for the joy of learning and personal fulfillment.

CLICK HERE For more information about Osher Institute

2022 TCNA Neighborhood Dumpster Dates

No set time for dumpster to be delivered but it comes between 8 and 12. Once delivered it will be here for 4 hours.

September 17: Location: Linkwood/Tuscany

October 1: Location: Canterbury/Highfield

Special thanks to TCNA Board Member, Sam Park who will be coordinating with Baltimore City for this neighborhood service.

TCNA Officers and Board Members

President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)

Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)

Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)

Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)

Secretary: Sam Park (Tuscany Court)

Board Members:

  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House Condo, Charles Street)
  • Amy Mutch (Tuscany Road)
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James Condo Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Lauren Urbanek (Tuscany Road)